aprilrhodesrps: Happy Holiday Follow forever. Since its the holidays, I figure I make one of t
aprilrhodesrps: Happy Holiday Follow forever. Since its the holidays, I figure I make one of these. I just reached 850 on this blog. I had this blog for almost over a year now and have made some great people. grassiwrites Nicole Darling, you and I known each other through a different direction rp, a rp I do miss dearly. But you dear have stuck with me as a constant friend through almost three years and back now. I am so grateful for your friendship. fionaroleplays: What can I say, your always there for me when I need to vent or talk. I am so happy your in my life, even if we have not in person. But it would be cool if we did someday. And I’m so grateful that we admin a rp together. More so I’m just thankful for your friendship more than ever. rp-puckerman: Kelly you are just amazing, and I also want to thank you for that little chat you had with me on my personal one day. You helped me feel better about my writing, but what I admire is your friendship and your puck. Your puck makes me laugh so much daisysrps: I don’t really know what to say, but ever since we started talking and stuff. You been such a geniune friend to me, and I would probably consider you one of my tumblr besties on here. Just thank you for talking and listening to me when you can. berriesrps: I just wanted to thank you so much for also being my friend and confident, I am so glad and thankful we talk when we get a chance. You brighten my day, when I see you on my dash princessellieloverps: Can I say you love Disney as much as I do , and that makes it even brighter. But what I love seeing is my tag and you call me amanda sunshine, its just a bright light when I see that nickname from you and just talking to you is a joy. christmaskillianwrites: Missy, you to are one of my other friends I would consider my tumblr bestie. I just am so glad we talk, and you are there to listen. I just want to thank you for so many things and just love you and your blog dear karofskyrps; Katie, I believe we have maybe known each other over a year now, and I just love our 1x1 as Burt and Liz, I can’t wait for the rp to evolve even more. But you are my friend and it makes me smile to, and I hope you have a lovely holiday kaitierps: You are such a sweetie, and I just am so happy that we gotten to know each other through the short time to know each other this years. And hope to be friends for as many years to come. crisscolfersrps : Sami, every time we talk it makes me feel good to know I have a great friend in you, And you always listen to me when I need to vent. annaofarendellerps: Erika I remember we first met I think in chatting gleeks, but I was playing Tina the first time around. You were helpful and understood why I couldn’t be on so often. You have been such a wonderful friend since we met. naels-fabgays1x1search : You are such a great friend, your my turtle dove friend. I love our little chats when we can talk and laugh about things. Just love you darling christmetaphoroleplays: Jenn you are such a joy to talk to, I mean yes I followed you awhile ago. But since I hop in that inbox and said hi to you, I just smile as we became friends for so long now carriebradshawspeaks: We only known each other a short time now, but literally you have become one of my good friends on here, and I’m so glad we can talk to each other. You are such a lovely person. thelunaticgrinchrpss: Nyssa you have been my friend for quite some time to, but I love how kind and sweet you are, and how you have stuck up for me in the past. Thank you for being my friend mashtonwrites : Lillian, you are such a sweetie, and I miss our interaction together, I just want to say you are such a lovely friend and dear heart. Other lovely people you should get to know # 1x1bbys 1x1ofrp 2spooky4rph A abbyofrps abirps adelaidekanerps adelaideofrph aduetisablanket agentskyex agron-helps agronsrp airanasgrande alexvauserps alfredthesidekickalicathasmoved alli-ann-seville allmymuses allydiaservices allypetrovarpsallypuffrps alyssaroleplays amandaroorps americachavezrps amestrian-rpcamierps amylikestorp andreaxofrph andrewgarfield-rps andromedahelpsangeerps anna1x1s annarpsandstuff anon-applesauce anselelgortrpsanselofrph antidivarps antiherowrites aphroditehelps areshelpsarianagranderps arrowrps artiesticresources artistreetrps asgardian-absintheashley-ofrps ashleybrps ashlynsrp ashstymestrps ashtonirwinrps astridrpsaudraroleplays audreyofrpg auntieemhoneycutt autumnsrpsarchiveawreathoffranklins aye1x1s B babysrps bambihelps bandrak bansheeroleplays bansheerps barryallenrpsbassrps bastiansmytherps batmantalksrp beaverofrp beccasrps beinadadbellamyblakeroleplays belleblakehelps benzofrps berryroserpsbethgreeneroleplays beysusrps biebshelps bigdreamerdani billieofrps birdrpsbitchetterps blackbirdrph blaincheltanarps blaineandersonhelpsblaineinwonderlandrps blainesrps blaineydaysrps blaineyrps blamebluerpsblamtinaroleplays blandersongs blaritrps blazingintothedark blevondersonrpsblondieofrp booklover1993 bossassbitchrps bowtieblainerps bowtiesrpsbpkurtwrites bpositiverp braelynstone bramrps breeerps breeroleplaysbriemoderps brinnyrps briston-lynn britt-brittrps brittanypiercethefiercerpsbrittanyunicornrph brittisms brittpiercerps broadwaybaby-rps brookeofrpsbrooklynofrph buteraofrph C c-t-l-rp caithelps calliejwrites calumroleplays calvincandierps candyrphcarolinefabrayrps carsonroleplays carterofrph cascadiahelps catsandklaineceejayrph chairhelps chanelroleplays changtasticrps charliefabrayrpscharlielubeckrps charlotteofrps charmedofrps charstineerph cheerioquinnrpscheeriotanalopez chelseaofrps chelsofrps chercolferrps cherryhelpsrphcheyenne-helps christianrps christimasgrey christmasswan christmasroleplayschromaggias cillianhelps clairesrps clairetalks clairewords clary1x1clausedmonet cleopatrarps cloeberps cnnorwalsh coffeeandbowtiesrps colfercatrps colferbuttrps conarofrps cordliascott cornelia1x1 corydiawritescosmologicalastrophysicist cra-rps creepyassists crissexrps crissvatowritescrissyclaus criticofrps curtismithrps curtmegarps cusihelps cuteofrp cxgars D damonsalvatoresrps dani-ellesrp daniharperrps danquinntanarpsdapperassistant darlingwendyrps daydreamrps ddlovatosrps deardakotawritesdearlydepartea deaspei delaniewilde dellyrps demidactyl destinyhelps devilrphdevintalksrp devonsht diannasroleplays diawrites diedragunnoe5d6bdinahspeaks dnnyphantom dobrien1x1s doctordonnarps doctorgreyrphdracosfatherwilllhearaboutthis dragonfabray drrncrss drunksantawritesdsalvatorerps duinn-rph dumbassroleplayer dysquithrps dylanstilinskirp E eastwoodrps eddieofrph edwardswrites eggnialledrice elenasrp elisabeth1x1selisarps ellenofrph ellie1x1 elsaannahelps emiassists emileerps emiliaofrpsemmapillsburyhelps emmieofrp enearps eriofrp evandersonrps everrps F fabitchrps fabraywrites fabulousfabrayrps faceclaimhelps facehelperfalloutboyrps fannyfangirl fantasyhelpers fassheardrph felicitysmoakwritesfheerierps fight-for-faronrp finalgirlrps finerthingsrps finessemas finnhudsonrpsfinnrp fitzroleplays flameofrps floralrph foxrps friarhartrps frittyrps G gabeofrp gagaxedge gageofrph gaspardroleplays gayberryrps gaysmasgenrps georginahelps gigihelps gillyhelps ginarph girllostintheforest glam-godgleeksonbroadway gleeksrphelp gleekywolfrp gleerpreviews glitzyrpsgmtplusrph goldstarrph goldstarrps gonzo1x1 greenarrowrps greethamrpsgrinchwrites groovy-mutationx gryffinclawwrites gryffinndorkrps gtfotalksgustinsrp gutterboy1x1 H hannahsrp hanniballs harmonyroleplays haroldassists harry-p0tter-alwaysharryofrph harryshumrps harto-helps harveykinklerps hashtagjanarpshaughtywriter hazelgracesrp hazzakenya heardsrpt heathermvrris hellrpshelpfulbenzo hermajestyhelps hermionehelpsrph heroofrp hilaryduffrpshime1x1 hippieofrps hobbitwrites hogwartswrites hollndposey holly—hollidayhopkinsofrp horrishelps hotrps howelltalks hudberrysrps hudrosewriteshudsonrps hudsonsrp huntchelhelps hunterclaringtonrps hxppynessrps I idiotarps idoloveml ijwlucretialr im2white4this immyrps imnanamused ingenue-berry-rps isaaclaheyrps issaofrp issy1x1s itsgracehelps J jackhelps-rph jaclynrps jadesleighs jadeyrph jadieofrp jakeprpsjakepuckermansrps jarleyhelpsrph jarleyrp jarodrps jaureguiwritesjaynecobbrps jemmarps jennieroleplays jenniferlawrenceofrps jennnnroleplaysjenzrps jessihelps jhutchrps jinglebitchrps jinglejennarps jinglekellsjinkxroleplays joeerps jq-rps judetenenbaum juliasrph jensenassists K kandbhelps karouwrites kate1x1s kateroleplays katgrahamrph katieclauskatieroleplays katierpc katiestevensrps katirps kawaiispeaks keeksrpskeepitsweet-roleplays keirarps kelseyquinnrps kelsrps ketchumrpskhaleesiroleplays killinemkilam kimmwrites kingkurthummelrps kiraxyukimurakitsrps kittanaroleplays kittanasrp kittycanhelp-rph kittykatstarkid13 klainesrphkoalahudsonrps koalofrp koldovstoretzwrites kurt-helps kurtanarpskurtbastianrps kurthummelpennstate kurtsiexhummel kurttanacedes L ladyfabrayrps lambhelps larryofrpg laurelcastillosrps laurps leahofrphleasarfatirps leiarph letsprincess-rph liam-rps lianaliberatorps lianawriteslilianrph lilylovelessrp lilylunawrites lilyofrph lisbugrph literatirps literatirps-isasideblog littlejennierps littleookrps littleredbloodhood liv-1x1s liv-parker-rpslivelifeasyouknowit-me lmjrps lock-1x1s lokirph loldarrenevcriss lorddisicksrpslordtubbingtonrph lottiehelps loveliesrp lucyquinnfabraypremades luna-ofrpslunasrps M mackofrp macsnowflakerph magicalrph malydiawrites mangaofrpmanuofchristmas mapleofrph markyrph marlenarps marleyrosesrp marleyrrpsmarleysryderrps martinarps martinberryrps maryhelps marzofrps matthias1x1maureenofrp max1x1s mayrps mccallrps mcgregorhelps megansrpmeggozofrps megs1x1 melinahunts melissaofrparchive melroseofrpsmerryariana merryderps merrykaymas merrymofrp michael-cliffocondamikasarps mikeyhelps mikeyofrps minahofrps minecraftofrp minniesrpsmissleynavaldez mistletoetalks mistletroyes mitchietorresrps mitchrpsmjroserps mollyhooperrph momsenrph monavanderwaalrps monchelesrpmonirps morellorps morkierps morristreetrps msbrittanymorris museofrp N narryrants nat-rps natasharomanoffrps natasharomanoffrpsisasideblogneeofrp neptuneroleplays newromanticsofrp nextgenofgleerp niall1x1snicolesrandomblog nicotortorella-rpc nightbirdwrites nogitsunestilesrps noland-nestle noodlesrps norminahrps notacleverbeing notarat-rps notaspergersrph O obriens1x1 offthepagerp ohallowsevans ohdearanne ohmygrandegraphicsohmyklarolines onyxemerald oswaldofrp otpofrps ourlostqueenrps P pamelalansburyrph pan-trapped-in-neverland pandora1x1 paper-divapattoncandice paygofrp pearagraphs penguinofrps penrps pepperspraywritesperkyrph perrierps persephonerps persephonesrps peterickofrps peterston-high-rpg petrovarps pewdsmanips pezberryrps phelantupik phoelleyrpsphoenixhelps piercemanrp pinertycl plushrps pocketlesbianrps porcelainkhposeytalks prattrps princesscass-writes princessesrp psychictwinsrphpuckbadassrps puckerbrosrps puckermanrps puckerstudrps puckfasarpspuckleberry-rper puckleberryhelper puckleberryrps puckypuckrps punkrph Q qfabrayroleplays qfabrayrps queenfabrayrps queenfabraysrps queenteerpsquelcon quinnbabyfabgay quinnfbrayrps quinnfckbray quinnierps quittywrites R r0sierps rachbabsrps rachelberryassists rachelberryhelpsrachelberrypremades rachelbrodyrps rachels-rp rachelxberryrps rachiebrpsrainofrps rannellswrites rantingofrp rascal1x1 ravnnreyes raxleywrites rayarpsrberryroleplays rberryrps reblogsofrp rhiatalks richterrps rileyzard rita-orarpsriver-writes roleplay-stuff-and-things roleplayer-helps romaniosi roseberry-rpsrosesmarleyrp rosierph rossrps rossumwrites rp-fabray rp-love rpassist rphclprpiing rpreferencethings 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uranusroleplays urban-1x1s V valkyrierps valofrps vampirebarbieofrp vampireprincessrph victoriaofrpsvlogbrothershelp volkrps W wall-streets-finest warblerclaus warberwesrp warblernickrps warblersrphwashingtonofrp watchingartincedesrps watchingbrittanasrpwatchingfinnroleplays watchingklaineroleplays watchingquinnroleplayswatchingquinnsrps weasleyschristmasjumper weasleytwinsrph werecoyoterpswerecoyotewrites whatwouldmymammado-rp whitechocolaterp whoselinehelpswhthuntqueen wickedofrp wildcatcutie wildeberryatyourservice wildelynnrpswilderoleplays wintersblast-rp winterscube2 wintersoldierrph witchrphwonderlandcharlierps woodley1x1 wowirwinx wrasslinofrps wreckedandjealous writing-foryourps X xmasofrp xtinahelpsyou Y yesmrgunnar yodafinnrps youdonottalkaboutthisrp youmeandcharlierps Z zarahelps ziegsrph zlfie zoeofrphs zoesuggrps zoeyrph @zueswrites -- source link
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