breeeliss: onecatshort: eclecticstudentwriter: succubus-is-smol: black-hippie-moonchild: 17mul: phoe
breeeliss:onecatshort:eclecticstudentwriter:succubus-is-smol:black-hippie-moonchild:17mul:phoenixwolf876:lovelynemesis:This has happened to me before when I was in college at a frat party. This girl comes squeezing herself in between me and my friend and throws her arms around me. “Amanda, I am so glad you decided to come!” I was so confused and just figured she was drunk and mistaked me for someone else, until I saw the panic on her face. She leaned close and whispered that a guy was following her, was certain that he had put something in her drink and if I would please play along. I looked behind her and sure enough, some creep was watching her like a hawk. We invited her to hang out with us the rest of the night and even waited until her ride showed up just to make sure she was safe. Always look out for each other! If you ever feel scared like this just come up to me like we have been friends since kindergarten, call me any name u can come up with ill play along.Stay together, stay safePerfect advice.I’m reblogging this as a guy, because first of all, if you”re a guy : DON’T DO THAT. Don’t be that creep.And if you’re a guy and you notice some creep is following or stalking a girl, and that she’s obviously uncomfortable or panicked, go ahead and say hi, long time no see, pretend to be her cousin, and tell her discretly you noticed there was a shady guy. Ask her if something’s wrong, if she feels unsafe, if she wants your help (very important - she may not trust you enough, no one could blame her, don’t take it personally). (and don’t you dare take advantage of the help you offered for a flirt opportunity, that would make you no better than the creep)We can all stop “witnessing and do nothing”, and set an example.Reblog every time because there are new stories every time.Listen there was one time I was on the subway at like 1am and this dude was staring hardcore at this girl who was standing by the doors. And after every stop when the train emptied a bit, he’d move seats across the car that much closer to her, all while keeping eye contact. It was obvious he was trying to jump out the train at whatever stop this girl got off at, and the train stations in my neighborhood are dark and isolated as fuck. Girls get assaulted and abducted all the time. So I got up from my seat went next to her and was like “hey do you know how to get to Rockaway?” And she told me that I’d have to get off this train and wait for another one to come by to get there (which I knew). So I said “Ugh that sucks. This might be weird but can you wait with me? I wanna make sure I get on the right train.” And she looked like she was gonna say no but I whispered “That dude looks like he’s gonna follow you home just get off when I do.” So when we got to my stop and the doors opened, I waited until the conductor was about to close them before grabbing her hand and hauling ass out the car. We turned back and saw that dude smacking and punching on the glass of the closed train door looking furious, cursing the both of us, saying that he was gonna kill us and beat the shit out of us. This poor girl was definitely younger than me and she was near tears so I was like “calm down, I’ll buy you a sandwich from the bodega and I’ll buy you an Uber home.” I didn’t let this girl out of my sight until she got into the Uber, and I made her text me when she got home. Not to be dramatic, but I might’ve saved that girl’s life for all I know. Please be alert. Look out for other women, especially late at night. Be smart. Keep each other safe. -- source link
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