humans-of-seoul:“When I first became a mother, I didn’t so much feel like I was a moth
humans-of-seoul: “When I first became a mother, I didn’t so much feel like I was a mother. I just thought that my child is beautiful but that raising him is difficult.”“What do you think now?”“Truthfully, I still think it’s difficult, but each and every day he changes more beautifully. It is fun to raise a child like that. I think that’s also how my parents raised me. Now I understand my parents a bit more than before, although I still only know a little.” “처음에 엄마가 됐을 때, 내가 엄마가 됐다는 생각 조차도 잘 안 들더라구요. 아이는 예쁘지만 그냥 힘들다는 생각만 들었어요.”“지금은 어때요?” "사실 지금도 힘들지만, 하루하루 아이가 예쁘게 달라져서, 그런 재미에 아이를 키워요. 이렇게 부모님이 날 키우셨구나 생각도 들면서 부모님을 좀 이해할 수 있게 됐어요. 아직은 조금밖에 모르지만요.” -- source link
#south korea#parents