generaljesse:Yep, California college dude, it’s back to school in just a week’s time and
generaljesse:Yep, California college dude, it’s back to school in just a week’s time and this semester you are in a real quandary. No wonder the perplexed look on your face… Before next week you liked to haughtily patrol the halls of your dormitory stripped down to your boxers acting like the tough-guy Alpha that you fancy yourself to be. And any dormmate (especially underclassmen who were not jocks like you) who happened to be seen by you wearing briefs were the recipients of your merciless, relentless taunting, as in, “Hey, tighty whities boy, get rid of those sissy young-boy underwear and dress like a man!” or “Yo, tighty whities bitch, get your mommy to buy you boxers; this is college, not junior high!” Well, your new stepfather went shopping last night and just completed your underwear reload for the upcoming semester. You were not home to ask him to get you boxers, and he bought you briefs instead. And now you’re stuck with them; you may consider yourself a tough guy, but stepdad’s a 42-year-old retired Marine, and if you argue with him like you made the mistake of doing one afternoon last week, he will no doubt reprise the ass-kicking he put on you then for “opening your big mouth and giving your opinions when I didn’t ask for them.” Yep, you are stuck with your new briefs, all right… Hence the quandary you find yourself in, dude. The first guy to see you in your new underpants will no doubt be your roommate, who just happens to be one of the brief-wearers in the dorm that was a victim of your bullying. Once he tells the other guys you tormented who wear briefs that you now wear them yourself (as you absolutely know he will), you are in for some serious paybacks. And deservedly so, tough guy. Deservedly so!!! Guess you learned that lesson your stepdad taught you last week about you havin’ a big mouth came a little late to save you from a rough and awkward time this semester. Alas, paybacks can be…such a bitch!!! (Reblogged from justyfronts) -- source link