kanasplayhouse: “He gazed at her intently, and it made her shiver, and she knew there wa
kanasplayhouse: “He gazed at her intently, and it made her shiver, and she knew there wassomething inherently sinister about the man, something evil, and she wasfascinated at what might lurk behind his probing gaze. She knew this was theOne, the One she had searched for, and she was drawn to him like a moth to the flame. She had done this before, met strange men in this very same coffee shop in the middle of the city, and she had let the conversations take their course as she searched for the One. The men she met were responding to an ad she had placed in various places on the internet. ‘White woman, 28, wishes to be degraded and de-humanized by extreme sadist.’And she gave her e-mail address. She was swamped with responses. Most of them were in the ‘I’ll whip you till you bleed, bitch’ category, and those sheimmediately deleted. A few caught her eye though, and she met them here to see what they had to say. Most of them were too nice, or seemed to be intimidated by her looks. Gail was a striking woman, 5’4”, 100 pounds, with short-cropped black hair and huge green eyes that gave her a waif-like look. She had a good figure, with firm, full breasts and great legs. It only took her a few minutes of conversation to decide that these men were not the One she sought. Gail was normal in all other respects, but deep inside she had thisoverwhelming urge to surrender herself to the One she sought. She wasn’t even sure why. She had never engaged in bdsm, had never even been spanked, but the thought of a wicked sadist hurting her, using her like a piece of meat, degrading her to the lowest form of humanity, stirred her so strongly that she was compelled to seek out the One. His e-mail had been polite and precise, and he told her that he knew exactlywhat she needed, and that he could satisfy the urges that he knew burned inside her. He told her things about herself that were very true, and she wondered how he knew. Perhaps he was the One. And now as daytime traffic whizzed by in the street, and busy waitressesbustled past their table, he held her hypnotized by his stare, while he told herin a low voice the things he would do to her. Her heart began to beat hard inher chest as he described the whippings, the ropes and clamps, the needles and skewers that he would use on her. Her crotch began to moisten as he told her that she was a series of holes to be used, and a body on which to inflict themost hideous tortures. He smiled at her. He was about fifty, maybe fifty five,about 5”8” and 200 pounds. He had grey hair and a full grey beard, and he looked like an older biker. “And you want these things, don’t you?” he asked softly. “You need them,don’t you?” She found herself slowly nodding, “Yes,” she said, her voice a weak whisper. She knew she had found him, shehad found the One. “Go to the bathroom and remove all your underwear and bring them to me.” She continued to stare into his eyes. “Do it now,” he said. She forced herself to slide out of the booth, and her legs were trembling sohard she wasn’t sure she could walk, but she managed to make it to the bathroom.She locked the door with a shaking hand and stood, facing the mirror. It was asif she were watching somebody else’s hands pull the straps of her dress off hershoulders. The hands pulled the front of her dress down, reached around andundid her bra and removed it. She stared at her full, perfect breasts for a fewlong moments, knowing this would probably be the last time she would see them unmarked. Her breasts were swollen with her need, and her nipples hardened at the thought of the tortures to come. Her breasts were hot, and very sensitive as she pulled the front of her dress back up. Then her hands went under her dress and hooked the waistband of her panties, and she pulled them down. Her crotch was hairless, and her panties were sopping wet. She gathered her things in one hand and self-consciously exited the bathroom. She knew people were staring as she sat back down and handed the man her bra and panties. He stuffed them in his coat pocket and smiled at her. “Do you have anyone waiting for you at home?” he asked “No, sir,” she said quietly. “Do you work?” he asked. “No, sir.” “Why not?” he asked. Gail explained that she had gotten an inheritance anddidn’t have to work. “So, there’s no need for you to return home,” he said, more of a statementthan a question. “Well, my rent, my bills, my clothes…” she started to say. He stopped her. “In a few days, we will return to your house. You will have your mailforwarded to me, and you will give me your checkbook to pay your bills. You willonly need clothes if you’re out in public, which, I must say, will be seldom, ifever. You will not want to be seen in public,” he leered at her. She felt dizzy,and a flood of moisture seeped from her pussy, soaking through the back of her dress. She let out a deep breath. Her life was uncomplicated and in order, and she had always kept it that way, in anticipation of this day. He jotted downsomething on a napkin and handed it to her. “Be there in one hour,” he said, “not before.” He stood up and dropped a fewdollars on the table, turned and left without another word. She stared at thenapkin, ‘1204 Second St.’ was all it said. She continued to sit in the booth for a few long minutes. She wondered if ithad really happened, it all seemed so surreal. She watched the daytime trafficwhizz by, and she remembered his low voice, speaking to her across the table,telling her of the tortures that awaited her. She felt her breasts throbbingwith need, and the hot moisture between her naked thighs. Then she looked at the napkin on the table; ‘1204 Second St.’ No, it was not a dream, it was all verymuch real. She had to get out of the cafe, she was almost hyperventilating, so she gotin her car and began to drive towards Second Street, circling the blocks, alwaysjust a few minutes from her destination. She knew she could just drive home, and forget the whole thing, but she also knew that she could not. The need wasgreat, so great that she trembled at the thought of surrendering her flawlessbody to the man, and, she knew that he was the One. He would not be interested in her thoughts, or her feelings, but would just take her, and use her brutally, oblivious to her screams and her begging for mercy. The One would take her far, far beyond that, and that is what compelled her to drive ever closer to his house. She was so distracted, she was afraid she would get in wreck, so she drovedown Second Street and searched out the address. It was an old, two story brick house, set back from the street, and she parked just a few spaces down from it. A set of concrete steps led up to the front door, and heavy curtains were drawn in all the windows. She could feel the evil emanating from the place, and she felt it envelope her like a cloak. She waited in the car, trying to control her breathing, until the hour was up. Her legs were quivering as she made her way up the steps, and she knockedquickly on the door. There was no response, so she pushed the doorbell. A buzz came from somewhere within, and she pushed gently on the door and it swung open. She stepped into a dimly-lit hallway and the door swung closed behind her, and she heard a metallic click as it locked. There were closed doors off the main hallway, and she guessed that it had been an apartment house at one time. At the far end of the hallway, a door stood open, and she walked towards it, and she could now see a glow of light through the open door, and she stepped across the threshold. The room was full of overstuffed furniture, and the floor was covered in athick layer of dark carpeting. Tall, antique, wooden cabinets lined the room,and old pictures occupied every vacant spot on the walls. A fire burned in thefireplace, and it was not at all what she expected. “Hello?” she called softly. A high-backed, overstuffed chair spun around andhe was sitting there, just a few feet away. He smiled at her and stood up. “Strip,” he said, and he watched her as she slipped off her dress and steppedout of her shoes, standing naked in the room. She felt her nipples harden; shewas in the presence of the One. He took her hand and led her to one of the tall,wooden cabinets against the wall. Her eyes widened when he opened it.Assortments of cuffs and chains, collars and gags, hung from pegs inside thecabinet. Without a word he strapped a ball gag into her mouth and buckled athick leather collar around her neck. She stood trembling as he buckled leathercuffs on her wrists and ankles, and. he snapped a leash on the collar. “Hands and knees,” he said, and she went down on the thick carpet. “Any place you go in this house, you will crawl,” he said. “You are a worthless piece of shit, and you will not stand unless I tell you to. Is that clear?” She nodded her head and he led her, crawling, out of the room and into thekitchen. There were dog bowls on the floor. He kicked them with his foot. “This is where you will eat, for as long as I keep you on solid food,” hesaid. He opened a door that led outside to a grassy, fenced yard. “And this iswhere you’ll shit and piss, for a short time.” He led her back into the livingroom, and he opened another door and pulled her into the room. “And this iswhere you’ll be spending most of your time,” he said. She raised her head and saw a room totally outfitted for torture. He pulledher to her knees and cuffed her wrists together in front of her. She was next toa wooden A frame that rose from the floor, a little more than waist high. Thetop was the thickness of a two-by-four, and very smooth. “Stand up and get on top,” he said. She put her cuffed hands on top of theframe, raising a leg and lifting herself over the top. The hard wooden beam wasdirectly centered on her slit. The bottom of the frame was lined with eye bolts,and he pulled her legs down and secured her ankles to the eye bolts with rope.Then he pulled her cunt lips apart with his hands, allowing the beam to fullylay in the length of her slit, her full weight pressing down on it. He uncuffedher hands and pushed her forward on the beam, a breast laying on the wood on each side of the frame. Her arms were drawn down and her wrist cuffs tied to eye bolts. She could feel her cunt throbbing already. He turned off the lights and left the room. She laid there in the dark, the pain increasing in her cunt and breastbone.She had only very limited movement, but moving only seemed to make it worse, so she tried to lie still, but the throbbing in her cunt was becoming unbearable.When she thought she couldn’t take anymore, she anticipated his return, but he did not come. She began to feel panic, and she had to fight to remain calm. She could only breathe through her nose, and she knew if she started crying shewould be in trouble, so she continued to endure as the hours ticked slowly away. When the lights came on, she was shaking with unbelievable pain, and longlines of drool were hanging from the edges of the ball gag. But he did notrelease her. “Have you ever been fucked in the ass?” he asked calmly. She could hear hisvoice, but in her pain-shrouded fog, he sounded far away. She shook her head. “I didn’t think so,” he said. She felt a cold lubricant being applied to herasshole, and then the tip of a flared rubber plug began to spread her. She waspowerless to stop it, and her body screamed in pain as the rubber monster slowly opened her until the entire girth was swallowed up by her clenching ass muscles. She was crying behind the gag now, and snot was hanging from her nose in long strands. He ignored her, and clamped some toothed, steel clamps to her nipples, and attached weights to them, her breasts stretched painfully downwards. He started with a long leather strap, whipping her over, and over, and overagain. Her cunt juices flowed from her, joining the stains on the wood from thewomen that had been there before her. When she could take no more, she thought she orgasmed, and her mind floated off to a place that she would become quit familiar with, and the beating continued unabated. She felt the gag being removed from her mouth. She hadn’t even been aware that the beating had stopped, but now her ass and back started to scream with pain. He stood in front of her face and lifted her head up by the chin, his erect cock at her mouth. “Suck,” he said. She took a big, ragged breath and closed her mouth on thehead of his penis, sucking. It was the first cock she had ever had in her mouth,and he held her head in his hands and began to slowly fuck her mouth. “This is what you’re for,” he told her, “and this what you’ll get.” She kepta steady sucking on his cock as it pistoned in her mouth, and as herpain-wracked body sought relief, she moved on the beam. Her over-heated body responded to the pressure on her clit, and she started to grunt, sucking hiscock while she rocked her cunt on the wooden beam, and as his sperm erupted in her mouth, she had a nerve-shattering orgasm, and as she swallowed the hot cum, she had another. When he took her down from the frame, she couldn’t have stood up if she hadto. Her cunt was terribly sore and swollen, and she collapsed on her side. “You came, slut,” he said, “while I was beating you.” She knew she did; shewas in the presence of the One. He fed her from the dog bowel that evening, and led her naked outside to pisson the lawn. He led her back to the torture room, and she noticed the heater had been turned on, and it was very warm in the room. He tied her, laying on her back, with her head propped up. He produced a long tube with a funnel attached to one end. “Open your mouth,” he said. When she opened her mouth he stuck the end of the large tube into her mouth. “Relax, ” he said, “this will go much easier if yourelax.” When she felt the tube touch the back of her throat she tensed, and shecouldn’t believe it when she felt it pass down her throat as he fed it into her.She gagged, and her throat tightened on the tube. “Let it go in.” he said. She tried to relax, and the feeding tube was fedinto her stomach, but the gag reflex was strong, and she unconsciously fought it all the way. He fed the tube into her until the funnel was up against her lips.He suspended it from some string that hung from somewhere above her. She was terrified at the alien feeling of the tube in her throat. “You’ll get used to it,” he said. She felt his hands at her wide-spread cunt,and she could see and feel him inserting a long catheter tube into her urethra,feeding it all the way into her bladder. The loose end of the tube went into thefunnel that hung in front of her mouth. He held his cock over the funnel andreleased a torrent of hot piss, the dark yellow liquid swirling down the funnel,and she could feel it filling her stomach. Again, he turned off the lights andleft her alone in the dark. He came back in later and pissed in the funnelagain, and much to her surprise, another man came into the room and added his piss to the contents of her piss-swollen stomach. She could feel the heat of the piss as it slowly drained into her, and her nose was assailed with the acridfumes. They left her alone in the dark. It wasn’t long before she felt the urgentneed to pee, but she couldn’t….the valve on her catheter was closed. Timepassed and she thought she’d die from the need to piss. Finally he returned, and he opened the valve on the catheter, and she melted with the feeling of themassive amount of piss that flowed from her. She was helpless to stop it, andshe saw the tube in front of her filling with her own piss, and she felt herstomach filling again as her bladder slowly drained. He left the valve open. “Goodnight,” he said, and he turned off the lights. All night long the cycle was repeated. She was powerless to hold her piss,and her bladder almost constantly drained into the tube that fed back into herstomach.”excerpt from House on Second Street by J. Devotional Training. -- source link
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