bonsaiiiiiii: uniwolfcorn: shirubie: soniabigcheese:godsliltippy:tsarinatorment: janetm74:alexthefly
bonsaiiiiiii: uniwolfcorn: shirubie: soniabigcheese:godsliltippy:tsarinatorment: janetm74:alexthefly: gumnut-logic: gumnut-logic: Daily Dose of ThunderbirdsA question…At what point did Thunderbirds click for you? When did you suddenly need to grab every single scrap of this show and absorb it all?When did your character preference solidify?For me it was over lunch and a television that randomly landed on ABC3 and Ring of Fire Pt 1. I missed the first few minutes with the balloon, but I couldn’t have asked for a better chance encounter. By the end of the day I had stripsearched every avenue of obtaining the rest of the series and had most of it on Google Play. I was doomed from that point on.I have to admit that I had poked my nose into the fandom very briefly years ago, because I loved TOS as a kid, but ::hangs head in shame:: I couldn’t interface easily with the marionettes.TAG gave me enough to fully realise what I could do with it. I love a good hearted hero and this show is full of them :DAs for my favourite character, when I was a kid it was Scott, a stereotypical choice on my part, Jim Kirk, Jack O’Neill, always the guy in charge. Plus he flew a real rocket. TB2 was just a green plane :DWith TAG it was different. Initially it was John, yes, believe it or not, my writing characters nemesis, but then Virgil stepped up to the plate - a character completely outside of my usual type :D And we all know how much I adore him. I can’t seem to shut up about it :D But then all the Tracy boys are pretty adorable :DBut anyway, I do recall the above part of Two’s launch sequence as a determination :D It is such a wonderful piece of animation. Virg moves as if he was flesh and blood. Bloody brilliant.But anyway…what were your moments?Nutty(who literally turned around to her husband and said, ‘I got it bad, real bad’ :D ) Read all the amazing notes My dad, sister and I used to watch TOS when we were kids in the 90s (both mum and dad were fans in the 60s). I enjoyed them a lot but stopped short of full fanhood. Scott was my favourite back then (leaders in blue were kinda my thank back then - TMNT fan and all) and my sister chose Virgil because she said he had a nice voice.I avoided the film in 2004 on the basis of bad reviews, and have actually never seen it. (I’m working up the courage to give it a go - a new year’s resolution perhaps?)So one day in 2014/15 I was on Facebook and saw that they were re-making Thunderbirds. I took one look at the photo provided and declared it a travesty. “They changed Virgil’s hair! Why is John ginger? Why does Alan look weird? It’s wroooooooong!!!!”(The Facebook post I made to this effect comes round every year on my memory feed; a regular reminder of why I shouldn’t make snap judgements…)About a year later I caught most of Crosscut on telly and decided that it wasn’t too bad after all. The characterisation and voices were good, and I freakin’ loved that they involved John in the rescues. I declared it “decent” and went about my day.Cut to this summer: I went down a google black hole after trying to remember which TOS episode had TB2 crashing, and ended up on browsing fic. I came across a fabulous fic that filled in the gaps around SOS Part 2 (which I now cannot find… typical!), totally spoilerised myself, and decided to give TAG another go because drama. By the end of Ring of Fire Part 1, I was all in on both TAG and Virgil. (Turns out my sister was right all along - it’s all about the voice! )So in conclusion, I did the whole thing backwards - accidentally stumbling onto the fandom is what brought me properly to TAG. So thankyou ThunderFam; you have legit changed my life! As a child I watched both Thunderbirds (TOS) and Captain Scarlet and while I didn’t mind TB, I much preferred CS. Then some time in Season 1 I stumbled onto TAG. I was having issues at work, well on my way to a breakdown even if at that time I didn’t know it, and one of my students recommended reading Fan Fiction. I’d never heard of that before, and I picked Thunderbirds for no reason I know now. It didn’t take. Not for another year where two of my absolutely favourite programs finished permanently and I’d begun to get help. I devoured’s TB works. I spoke to authors (mainly @gumnut-logic and @misstb2) and that, as they say, was that. Scott was always my favourite, I couldn’t tell you why, but in part that is most definitely @loopstagirl fault with her Never Too trilogy. It was Nutty who persuaded me onto Tumblr, and I’m eternally grateful she did, and along with @tsarinatorment and @soniabigcheese and @the-original-sineater they keep me sane!A special mention to @willow-salix who was instrumental in me writing and publishing my first ever fic! And to the thunderfam as a whole - love you guys!Thunderbirds definitely rescued me. I adored TOS as a kid, so I don’t have a defining moment for that. I know why I faded away from TOS and went on more or less a 20-year hiatus, though: once I hit junior school (that’s age 7, for people who didn’t go through the same schooling system as me), my friends and I - who I’d played Thunderbirds in the playground with for the past year - looked at each other and decided our game was too ‘childish’ to play in the big kids’ playground. So it kinda faded away, although I have always had a soft spot for it and remembered that it existed from time to time.Fast-forward… several years. Either I missed the movie entirely or I just blanked that whole thing from my memory because I don’t remember it being released now, even though I do remember Busted being The Most Popular Band (and the quarrels over whether Busted or McFly were better… I hated both and was one of the delighted kids saying “Busted are busted!” when they split up). Around 2014/5-ish I, like a lot of people, saw the announcement for TAG.I was horrified. They’re not puppets! I think I was interested for about two seconds until I saw the GCI and went hell no that’s awful. Said I’d never watch that thing, and off we went for another few years.August 2019. My boyfriend comes up with this random thing about “first and last fictional crushes”. We had a lot of fun trying to figure out who my current one was - I believe we settled on Law (One Piece), but there were a few contenders - but the moment I cast my mind back to try and figure out my first one… Sasuke (13)? Wait, no, there was Artix (12) before that… oh, and Arthur (11) before that…Then I remembered. Scott Tracy, aged 6. Obviously not a crush, but definitely my first fictional obsession (and just about predating Faramir and Legolas from LotR, which was when I was 7 - I will always be mad at the movie version of Faramir but I digress…) First character I ever remember composing whump stories for, even if they were all in my head.And that got me on a Thunderbirds kick again. I poked at fanfiction, I dug out my old TOS DVDs and VHSes, watched those… then decided to upgrade my Thunderbirds Are Go: The Movie VHS to a DVD so went online to buy one… of course, what came up when I searched for Thunderbirds Are Go?I was deep enough in my kick to grab any content. So I bought TAG Season 1 and 2, and preordered 3.1 (as well as getting the movie I was after - and Thunderbird Six, and also eventually the 2004 movie as well) and when they arrived, gave them a go.Mum and I binge-watched the entire thing in about three days. And I’ve been here ever since.And unlike a couple of Virgil-traitors above (:P), Scott’s been my favourite from start ‘til now. Never changed. Imma keep this real simple :3Thunderbirds clicked midway through season 2 (season 3 for us Amazon prome viewers :P) Really, it was Up from the depths that did it XDAfter that, I found out id missed an entire half of season 1 (season 2 on Amazon), went back and watched all of that and then I fell into all the fanfiction :3Gordon became my favorite character the moment that ball of sunshine smacked his head on tb4’s console and was unconscious for “a minute” :D Mine is short and sweet.I loved the theme music but wasn’t all that engaged with the original marionettes. I watched the movie but was livid when they used a Ford car instead of the iconic pink Rolls Royce but understood the whys afterwards.Anyways I’d seen the hype, was a bit iffy about it but decided, hey, there’s nothing else on TV why not give it a go?And when TB2 emerged from the clouds in that opening scene … IWasSmittenI didn’t have a favourite but I gradually moved to appreciate both Gordon and John. I SQUEEED when Gordon finally got his own launch scene, because I couldn’t believe that it was very very similar to my own idea of a launch. Except that he was in civvies in my pic, whereas … on screen he was in uniform I wish I could tag those folks who kept me going with their encouragements etc. But there are too many. And some have moved on.So thanks to those still here In the 90s, the original series aired but I wasn’t really interested in it, I preferred newer, more colorful cartoons. TOS had kind of bad reputation over here, ever since a popular stand-up comedian mocked it on one of his shows, making fun of the puppets’ stiff movements and the bad french dub. So TOS flew under my radar.I think I first heard of TAG on an animation forum or somewhere online, but again, I wasn’t interested. A while later I was at a comic or anime convention browsing the Artist Alley when I saw a piece of TAG fan art on one of the booths. The character designs and colors looked vaguely familiar so I asked the girl manning the booth: “Hey, is that the new Thunderbirds show?”The girl said yes and with a big smile said that I was the first person to recognise it (the show had not aired yet outside of the UK). We chatted a bit and I left to continue my browsing (I now regret not buying that fan art from her). So step number one: I knew the show existed.Step number two: I actually watched the show when it aired dubbed in french and…it didn’t grab me. I don’t know why, maybe because I didn’t really have any knowledge of the Thunderbirds lore. Maybe the CGI faces creeped me out a little. I remember being really confused by the sets, I didn’t know that the show was using models and thought everything was CGI, and my little animation obsessed brain kept going “You CAN’T have such realistic water and trees and everything on a TV BUDGET?! How is this show doing that?!?”For some reason I continued watching the show but it took me a while to get really into it. It only clicked when I started looking for some fanfiction and discovered the Tracys’ backstories and the extended universe and fandom. I just couldn’t get enough of these heroic boys. After season 2 started I was hooked. I even hosted a panel on the Thunderbirds franchise at my local Comic-Con in 2019. I spent three months doing research for it and was very proud of it.Scott and Gordon became my favorite characters. I wasn’t sure about Kayo at first, I was afraid the writers would make the mistake of making one of the only female characters hyper competant to the point of making everyone else look like an idiot compared to her, but I think Kayo has a good balance of competance and flaws and completes the team well without overshadowing the others. So, that’s my story. Believe it or not, it was because of the horrendous PS2 game XDSo backstory: I think it was maybe 2015 or so ago when I was watching a YouTuber (Tennings to be exact) and his “Worst Games You’ve Never Played Part 2” video. The Thunderbirds game happened to come up. Now, I’ve watched the video a couple times way before then; but it was on one particular day in November (I think) that I got curious of this Thunderbirds show. So I did a Google search and the first result was TAG. This was way before I knew that TAG and TOS were related. So I watched one random episode of TAG (Growing Pains) and I wad intrigued, but it didn’t stick and left it at that as I’m pretty sure I was in a different hyperfixation (don’t ask me of what. I’ve completely forgot XD). So fast forward to close the end (I think) of November 2020. I was rewatching Tennings and saw Thunderbirds pop up again. So once again, I got curious and searched it up again. This time, seeing and hearing of TOS for the first time.And that’s how Uni fell down the old Thunderhole XDSo yeah, it was because of a terrible budget title that got me here…That probably sums up my cursed cringe chaos in a nutshell(Also, I got into the series fully because of Thunderfam. Believe it or not, it was up until this year I’ve actually watched Thunderbirds. Of course, I started with TOS and watched all the episodes, but good lord those definitely not sexy voices did not make it easy at first XD I still have yet to finish all of TAG as well. But so far it’s been absolutely amazing. And I would like to thank all of Thunderfam for helping me get this far this brilliant rabbit hole❤) my brother was being an ass and forced me to watch it, couldn’t have made a better decision (btw i’m still bitter about the fact that they completely deleted from Earth’s surface the Italian version of TAG because ITALIAN SCOTT JUST SLAPS DIFFERENT AND I DON’T HAVE ANY PROOF TO SHOW YOU)now we’re watching TOS, but i think i’ll leave it because i can’t understand what they say that well and it doesn’t seem to be any subtitled episodes for us to watch, even tho i used to watch it when i was little because they would air that one too on tv but in Italian. but i’m rather interested in the Thunderbirds movie thoi watched TAG in 2019 because that’s the time they dubbed and made it to the tv (to then completely delete it ), and i think the first episode ever was Ring Of Fire pt.2. it got me completely hooked also because i’ve made a dream like a week prior and dreamt about having an inground pool that moves and leads to a secret room and that was A WEEK BEFORE watching it Thank you so much @janetm74 can’t believe I inspired someone, that’s such an honour and you’re welcome xxThat opening shot in Ring of Fire got me hooked and in love with Virgil immediately. His looks were just spot on despite knowing that most fans loved his brunette locks instead of black, but he was such a lovely surprise in TAG. He was still an artist and musician so ticks across the board. Thunderbird 2 has had some bad makeovers (2004 film) but she emerged from those clouds like a goddess and now she’s my green jelly bean.Thanks Thunderfam, it’s so great to be a part of an actual supportive fandom and to be welcomed by it too. I have a Facebook page for all things Thunderbirds too but this fandom on tumblr is very different and more fun now that the show is over. Keep it up!!!! -- source link
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