TEST LAB: we 100% rigorously test all products we make to ensure what we are bringing to you is the
TEST LAB: we 100% rigorously test all products we make to ensure what we are bringing to you is the best performance based sustainable products that we can make. We call this our test lab. It encompasses a review process of design, human factors, engineering, and quality. Part of Designing In Nature includes using products everyday. Living with these new objects we are bringing into the world because we want everything to be Adventure Ready, Used Everyday. #designedinnature #producttesting #adventurereadyusedeveryday #hatdesign #hatdesigner #testlab #productdesign #topographicmap #topo #wilddirt https://www.instagram.com/p/CLAMBcXjLhr/?igshid=19tv103lcbdnl -- source link