The War Department had rejected Capt. Joshua Phipps’ first claim for bounty land. His second a
The War Department had rejected Capt. Joshua Phipps’ first claim for bounty land. His second application included muster rolls, his officer’s commission, and Regimental, Brigade, and General Orders, including this one issued 4/25/1812.Series: Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, ca. 1800 - ca. 1900Record Group 15: Records of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 1773 - 2007Transcription: [along right side] Capt Joshua B. Phipps No 1Commonwealth of Massachusetts.General Orders. Head Quarters, Cambridge, 25th April, 1812.The President of the United States, pursuant to an act of Congress of the 10th instant, having required of the Commander in Chief to take effectual measures for having ten thousand of the militia of Massachusetts (being her quota) detached and duly organized in companies, battalions, regiments, brigades and divisions, within the shortest period that circumstances will permit, and as nearly as possible in the following proportions, viz. one twentieth part of artillery, one twentieth part of cavalry, and the residue of infantry, and for having each corps properly armed and equipped for actual service; and it being also required, that when the detachment and organization shall have been effected, the respective corps shall be exercised by the officers set over them, but will not remain embodied, or be considered as in actual service, until by subsequent orders they shall be directed to take the field.The Commander in Chief therefore calls upon the Major Generals of the several divisions of the Militia of this Commonwealth to use the most speedy and effectual means according to law to carry into effect this Order, and to complete the detachments within their divisions in the most expeditious manner possible. The men will be drafted before the 1st day of June next. Lists will be made out by each Captain, of the names of men by him drafted, and on the same day, specifying also the places of their residence respectively; these lists will be collected by the Adjutants of the several regiments and battalions and transmitted in an orderly manner to the Brigadier Generals who will form the men into companies in the vicinity of each other as much as possible, and complete their organization; as soon as this shall be done duplicate muster rolls will be immediately made out of each company, one of which will be retained for the Captain of the detached company, and the other will be forthwith sent to the Adjutant General. Rosters of the officers detailed for the several regiments, battalions, and corps of infantry, cavalry, and artillery, which may be formed of the detachments, will be made out and forwarded to the Adjutant General without delay. The commanding officers of the detached regiments and battalions, will also be furnished with rosters of the officers under their commands. To carry this order into effect, suitable blank forms will be furnished. The Major Generals of the local divisions will superintend the operations, and will cause to be organized the detachments from the artillery and assign the field pieces to the detached companies or parts of companies, in proportion to their numbers. One field piece only will be assigned from any one local company, and it will be observed as a rule to assign the pieces of those companies, from which the senior artillery officers are detached. The detachments of cavalry and artillery which do not form entire companies, will not be organized into companies, until they shall be called upon to march, but they will have an organization as a minor corps, and do duty in that manner, until they shall be so called on.The officers, non-commissioned officers and privates, detached by virtue of this order, and of the Law of the United States, will be assembled and exercised by themselves under the detached officers set over them, and they will not be called upon for any militia duty in their local companies until discharged from the detachment by the orders of the Commander in Chief. They will not, however, continue embodied until they are ordered to march, but will hold themselves constantly in readiness to assemble and march at a moment’s warning. Particular attention will[page 2] 4There will be detached from the Thirteenth Division, 315 men, officers included, to form one battalion of infantry, and part of a company of cavalry.Infantry, from the First Brigade, 188do. Second Brigade, 102— 290Cavalry, 25— 315There will be detached from the Fourteenth Division, 591 men, officers included, to form one regiment of two battalions of infantry, part of a company of cavalry, and part of a company of artillery.Infantry, from the First Brigade, 301do. Second Brigade, 250— 551Cavalry, 15Artillery, 25— 591There will be detached from the Fifteenth Division, 445 men, officers included, to form one battalion of infantry, part of a company of cavalry, and part of a company of Artillery.Infantry, from the First Brigade, 186do. Second Brigade, 196— 382Cavalry, 30Artillery, 33— 445There will be detached from the Sixteenth Division, 614 men, officers included, to form one regiment of two battalions of infantry, one company of cavalry, and part of a company of artillery.Infantry, from the First Brigade, 264do. Second Brigade, 300— 564Cavalry, 35Artillery, 15— 614There will be detached from the Seventeenth Division, 491 men, officers included, to form one regiment of two battalions of infantry, part of a company of cavalry, and part of a company of artillery.Infantry, from the First Brigade, 278do. Second Brigade, 172— 450Cavalry, 21Artillery, 20— 491The whole Detachment will be formed into three divisions and six brigades, as follows, viz:SOUTHERN DIVISION, under Major General Nathan Willis, to consist of 3326 men, officers included, to form two brigades, viz:First Brigade, under Brigadier General Ebenezer Lathrop, to be formed of the detachments from the Second Division, and Fourteenth Division, being 1496 men.Second Brigade, under Brigadier General Arnold Welles, to be formed of the detachments from the First Division, Fifth Division, and Sixteenth Division, being 1830 men.WESTERN DIVISION, under Major General Joseph B. Varnum, to consist of 3145 men, officers included, to form two brigades, viz:First Brigade, under Brigadier General William Hildrith, to be formed of the detachments from the Third Division, and Seventh Division, being 1673 men.Second Brigade, under Brigadier General Jacob Bliss, to be formed of the detachments from the Fourth Division, Ninth Division, and Fifteenth Division, being 1472 men.EASTERN DIVISION, under Major General George Ulmer, to consist of 3520 men, officers included, to form two Brigades, viz:First Brigade, under Brigadier General James Irish, jun. to be formed of the detachments from the Sixth Division, Twelfth Division, Thirteenth Division, and Seventeenth Division, being 1988 men.Second Brigade, under Brigadier General John Brewer, to be formed of the detachments from the Eighth Division, Tenth Division, and Eleventh Division, being 1532 men.By Order of the Commander in Chief,WILLIAM DONNISON, Adjutant General. -- source link
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