[ID: an image of a mountain peak against a sky streaked pink, white, and blue. The foreground is a t
[ID: an image of a mountain peak against a sky streaked pink, white, and blue. The foreground is a thick pine forest, and there is a patch of clearing at the front left showing a blurry green-grey shape that looks like the stone door to Sylvain. Across the image in a curling font are the words “Remember when our mountain” and underneath that is another line in a larger, squared-off font are the words “HAD A TOP”. At the bottom of the image there is a grey line of text that reads “The sky is TRANS” Photography by Duck Newton. The image has a white border and the proportions of a postcard. END ID]A gift for @one-true-houselight, created by @shethecat! Happy holidays @one-true-houselight ! I hope you enjoy this and have a fantastic holiday season! (as soon as I saw trans duck in your requests I knew I wanted to do that, and I’ve taken a similar picture to this while shouting the title haha. I nearly did a pokemon thing just because I have a sylveon called Duck Newton because of that good good color scheme (and unexpected badassery yanno). <3 <3 <3 The Sky is TRANS (and so am I) “I didn’t know you did photography, Duck?” Aubrey lifted an eyebrow at her friend, before breaking out in a grin and studying the shiny postcard more closely, “What’s the bit down- is that-?” “Yeah, I guess I dabble,” Duck rubbed the back of his head, “An’ it beats me how, but it sure does look like it.” Ned draped his arms over them as he peered down at the image and snorted, “Sure, and they blame me for-” Two meaningful looks -and a cleared throat from Barclay, who was examining a tray of rings -looking for a suitably durable black one- turned the end of his sentence into his patented I-am-appalled-and-insulted grumbling. The new Kepler gift shop had been primarily a draw for tourists- but in the way of small towns, it had already been a topic of conversation for several weeks even before it opened. Juno had told Duck about some interesting pendants and laughed about terrible pun-based tee-shirt, which Aubrey -mid-hunt for a gift for Dani- had overheard because someone butt-dials an atrocious amount when in the ranger station, and Ned had then declared that he needed to check out the competition. (Barclay just wanted to check out the rings- options were limited in Kepler, and he was particular about the things he wore- mail-order was risky.) (Duck had not told anyone about taking photographs, let alone selling them, let alone postcards in the gift shop bearing them. Duck had not told anyone about a lot of things.) Aubrey frowned and squinted at the glossy card, with its clean colours and the single line of tiny script denoting the photographer and title of the image. It definitely appeared to show a fuzzy, indistinct stone gate. There was even a disconcerting glimmer of light within the gate, although at best it was sunset in the image and therefore shouldn’t have the moonlight to awaken the pathway. (Not that Aubrey needed moonlight either, but Aubrey was one of the few who had permission to see the dang thing.) Ned had pulled a pair of spectacles from somewhere and was studying it as well, although he lifted his head to give Duck a disconcerting grin and spread his arms wide, “Duckminster! This is art! Y’know, we do sell artistic postcards in the Cryptonomica-“ “Yeah, yeah, Ned, I seen ‘em-“ “-be great to branch out into photography, and that blurry bit has such panache-“ “-bad edits of mothman and blurry Bigfoot, sounds great, Ned-“ Still discussing (arguing without teeth), the whole group of them stumbled out into the street with several copies of the postcard (one to show Mama), an ace ring, something soft and hand-knitted in pure wool tucked under Aubrey’s arm for Dani, four fridge magnets (one a Bigfoot), a snow-globe, a cleverly carved wooden chopping board, and a felted beanie in a dark forest green. They paused upon seeing Hollis in the parking lot about to leave. Tension vibrated for a moment between them and Aubrey, before they shifted their gaze to Duck. They flicked a look down at the postcards in his hand, and then the briefest smile flickered over their face. Hollis tapped two fingers to their shoulder and saluted Duck, who returned the gesture. They then spun to show off the hornet embroidered on the back on their jacket- custom-done in black, purple, white and yellow-, snapped the stand of their bike back, and popped a wheelie as they peeled out of the gift shop’s parking lot. “Stop lookin’ at me, Ned. I might not agree with all of their shenanigans, but I’m not an asshole. It’s solidarity, c'mon.” “Naw,” Ned said gruffly, scratching his beard, “’s just nice to see.” *** “Ned would love it.” “We’re gonna add a ‘limited edition’ sticker to them, seems his kinda thing.” Duck and Aubrey stared down at the pile of glossy postcards, while Kirby gave them a smile still broken at the edges and pointed out the new display stand just for them, the old image of the mountain with its new, bold sentiment. REMEMBER WHEN OUR MOUNTAIN STILL HAD A TOP -- source link
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