Yesterday was such a FULL day before the full moon night☀️ most of my days in Fogo have been. You wo
Yesterday was such a FULL day before the full moon night☀️ most of my days in Fogo have been. You wouldn’t imagine how slow “time” moves here and how much happens in one day. It’s was day 1 of the #KhepeRaChallenge which is all about Sacred Space. Eye literally spent the day establishing my most sacred space here on the land of my ancestors • ☀️Started the day watching the sun rise over the mountain and then walking back to find the beautiful feathers, entire wings actually, of the wild Guinean fowl. Watered the Baobab tree we transplanted the day before. Eye also transplanted at its feet, two squash plants that eye had planted on February’s Nu Moon. ⚒Worked with the stone workers that eye hired to finish building our home here. Eye went to the ocean, Salina which is at the edge of this volcanic mountain island. It’s one of the few places in Fogo where the water is safe enough to swim. Eye gave my offering of fruits to the ocean and declared my 52 affirmations. Watched the sunset as eye did an energy reading for myself. Built a fire pit at the Banyan tree behind our house, which eye now see is my shrine on this land. Eye gathered wood and then RAturned to have my fire ritual as the full moon rose over the mountain. • Eye did so much more like grabbing my clothes off the line but all in all eye was able to do all of this because eye didn’t have to worry about spending all day in the kitchen… eye had coconut, papaya, mango, collard green juiced with agave nectar throughout the day eye was more connected as so many of my cells were allowed to rest instead of digesting heavy meals✨ . . . #HightopsandHeels #HTxH #CoinsandCowries #healinghealers #cardreading #journaling #Maat #introspection #salina #CaboVerde #CapeVerde #Fogo #sacredspace #construction #building #feathers #guineafowl #WestAfrica #waterritual #fireritual -- source link
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