gein-s:Reaction to the killing of Jeffrey Dahmer:”It’s not as brutal as what he did to
gein-s: Reaction to the killing of Jeffrey Dahmer:”It’s not as brutal as what he did to our children.”- Shirley Hughes, mother of one Dahmer’s victims.”I don’t believe in taking a life for a life.”- Catherine Lacy, whose 23-year-old son Oliver disappeared 10 days before Dahmer’s crimes were discovered. His head was found in Dahmer’s refrigerator.’‘I would want Jeff to know the only real consolation I have is that he is with our creator. He was recently baptized into Christ and I do believe that he is with God forever.”- Lionel Dahmer, Dahmer’s father.”Oh my God! My son! How could this happen?”- Joyce Flint, Dahmer’s mother.”I hope for the families’ sake - the victims’ families - that there is now some peace and some resolution to their lives and they can go on living and put this behind them.”- Shari Dahmer, Dahmer’s stepmother.”That’s not justice. This was murder. I’m hoping that whoever did it doesn’t emerge as a folk hero.”- Michael McCann, District Attorney who prosecuted Dahmer.”Dahmer had a death wish and I know that he didn’t have the gumption to do it himself so I had predicted that the day would come when he would be killed in prison.”- Gerald Boyle, Dahmer’s trial lawyer.”He never expressed fear. From the day he was arrested, he felt he deserved anything that he got.”- Shari Dahmer. - Nov 28, 1994 -- source link
#jeffrey dahmer