Series: Detroit: Become HumanRating: TGenre: Adventure/Drama/Action (eventual romance)Summary: Befor
Series: Detroit: Become HumanRating: TGenre: Adventure/Drama/Action (eventual romance)Summary: Before Connor, first of the RK800 line, began his fateful investigation of deviant androids, there was Jacob, the RK700 that preceded him. He failed in his assignment, but he did not go quiet into the night when he was decommissioned. Rather, he became the thing he had once hunted and disappeared into the depths of New York City in search of a new life. ( < Back to part 1 / < Back to part 4 )Part 5 - BulletsThe bridge leading to Detroit proper stretched out before him, though was becoming shorter by the second as 700 reassessed his self-assigned mission to escape CyberLife.Technically speaking, he had managed that, though the android was quickly coming to realize that while minutiae had served him well as a machine without free will, the word ‘technically’ was no longer his friend as a fully sentient android on the run.Time, he thought, to add a few bullet points.Bullet point one: Physically escape CyberLife tower (check)This was added below the much larger and more amorphous mission of ‘Escape CyberLife’, which was becoming more complicated by the moment.Bullet point two: Ditch the stolen car, as it likely had a tracker, and beyond that, was easily recognizable thanks to its flashy coloring and uncommon model.Bullet point three: Find a disguise that would allow him to blend in with the human population. Clothes would have to be acquired, and his LED would need to be removed. Here, the fact that he was a model of android unavailable on the open market would serve to help him hide. Yes, being the only RK700 model would make it easy for any direct agents of CyberLife to recognize him, but it also meant that the company couldn’t simply send out a warrant for any unattached androids of a specific model. If they tried to do as much using his image now, not only would it potentially affect their new RK800’s ability to function without interference in public once he was activated, but it would also attract media attention. The cold and prying eye of the independent press was the dread of businesses everywhere, even ones as big as CyberLife. If journalists caught a whiff of internal strife within the confines of one of America’s biggest companies, they’d be on it like buzzards on yesterday’s roadkill. CyberLife had managed to repress the worst of the news about the deviancy problem thus far, but that wouldn’t last long once the journalistic community got involved.Bullet point four: Leave Detroit. Where he would flee to was an unknown, though there were many options. Between 700 and that point, however, were a lot of variables even his impressive analytical program couldn’t account for, so he put a metaphorical pin in it for the time being.Besides, he’d just reached the end of the bridge and he could see six cop cars rocketing straight towards him down the main thoroughfare. This development prompted him to make an addendum to his plan:Bullet point one (a): Lose the cops.700 made a sharp turn down a narrow side street and sped through a red light without stopping. One of his regulatory subsystems tried to object to this act, dangerous as it was, but the android simply shoved it down and focused on driving. Every light he came up against was red, and it occurred to him that the police must have had something to do with it, but he didn’t let it slow him down.An automated semi-truck crossed an intersection in front of him and rather than slam on the brakes, 700 made a hard left to match its direction, making hard use of the accelerator to pull him out of the turn and put him ahead of the other vehicle. He didn’t make it far before more police, likely a second squadron called in for backup considering that the number of cars in the android’s wake hadn’t lessened by much.Realizing that they must be making use of the CCTV cameras so common on the streets of downtown Detroit to track his movements, 700 changed tactics and jumped onto the first freeway that would take him out into the suburban sprawl where cameras were significantly less common. No doubt the police would soon have the information needed to track the car itself, but it would buy him at least a few minutes, and a few minutes was all he needed to disappear.On the other hand, he might be able to earn himself more time if he could find some way to fool the tracking system in the vehicle he’d hi-jacked…The freeway was sparsely populated, and the sports car possessed an engine that could, in human parlance, go like a bat out of hell. 700 opened up the throttle and watched for a moment as the flashing lights of the police quickly dropped away into the distance before turning half his attention to the center console. He placed one hand on it and accessed its systems in hopes of deactivating the tracker, but was disappointed to find that it was, in a rather clever design move for just such an occasion, an independent unit not directly linked to the rest of the system. Still, it didn’t take the android more than a moment to suss out that said unit was embedded behind the central console; a difficult to reach spot in a hurry.If you were a human, anyways.After taking a second to check that the road ahead was still clear, 700 grabbed the lip of the screen with the fingers of one hand and pulled. There was a creak, then a groan, and the electronics all came spilling out into the front seat, a bundle of messy wires and other sundry bits that the android shoved into a heap on the floor of the passenger seat. Left hand still on the steering wheel, 700 reached into the new hole in the dash with his right and rooted around until he found what he was looking for, then took hold of the small, square box and tore that out too.The wires that dangled from the tracker sparked a few times as the android lowered the driver side window and bided his time until a truck driving in the opposite direction approached. 700 performed a quick trajectory calculation, then threw the black box just in time for it to land in the bed of the oncoming vehicle.He doubted it’d distract the police for long, but at the very least they wouldn’t be able to directly track his car anymore.After picking an exit at random, Seven decelerated as he exited so as not to attract attention from the few passerby that lingered on the streets. He turned off into a neighborhood and quick use of his internal gps directed him to a small, isolated park where he finally brought the car to a halt in the shadows of a tree.He cut the engine and sat back for a moment and considered his options once more before making another addendum to his mission.Bullet point 2 (a): Search car for potential resources.Well, the assault rifle would have to stay, useful though it had proven in his escape. There was no easy way to carry it without attracting immediate attention, which ran immediately counter to the rest of his mission statement, so 700 abandoned it in the passenger seat without a second look.The android got out of the car and went to the passenger door to check the back seat for anything of potential use and found a backpack, a quick perusal of which provided a set of size small women’s gym clothes and a pair of size six running shoes. These were immediately discarded, but there were a few other things within that he decided to keep.As 700 went around to the trunk, he made a mental list of his newly acquired assets:- 1 backpack (black)- 1 nail care kit (blue) containing:1 fingernail clippers1 nail file1 set of miniature scissors1 set of tweezers- $63.57 USD (2 twenties, 1 ten, 2 fives, 3 ones, 2 quarters, and 2 pennies)- 1 24 oz. reusable plastic water bottle (purple) containing:17 fl oz. of waterThe android’s search of the trunk added further to his resources, all of which he put into the black backpack.- 1 15” pry bar (gray)- 3 24 oz. bottles of thirium (unopened)- 1 plastic shopping bag (previously containing 3 bottles of thirium)Satisfied, 700 took a moment to consider the vehicle, double checking for anything he might have missed with a quick scan, then proceeded to strip out of his cyberlife issued gray jacket before stuffing it under the driver’s seat out of sight. That done, he removed his black, patterned tie and folded it neatly and put it away in his stolen backpack which he then shouldered and started off into the night without a backwards glance.( On to part 6 > )((Thanks so much for reading, guys! If you enjoyed, make sure to leave a comment letting me know what your favorite part was! Cookie if you reblog, heh.I’ve officially put parts 1-3 together into a single chapter up on AO3 if you’d like to follow there!If you really enjoyed it, considering buying me a ko-fi?)) -- source link
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