Series: Detroit: Become HumanRating: TGenre: Adventure/Drama/Action (eventual romance)Summary: Befor
Series: Detroit: Become HumanRating: TGenre: Adventure/Drama/Action (eventual romance)Summary: Before Connor, first of the RK800 line, began his fateful investigation of deviant androids, there was Jacob, the RK700 that preceded him. He failed in his assignment, but he did not go quiet into the night when he was decommissioned. Rather, he became the thing he had once hunted and disappeared into the depths of New York City in search of a new life. ( < Back to part 1 / < Back to part 3 )Part 4 - IllogicalEscaping CyberLife was easier said than done, of course.Disoriented and half blind, RK700’s diagnostic software was screaming a laundry list of damages his system had taken on breaking free of the data jack, but certain knowledge that security would be on its way even now to put him down forced the android to ignore it. Instead, he straightened in the grip of the machine once more, struggling against its hold to find his footing, and succeeding after slipping once or twice when his shoes failed to find traction against the smooth surface of the platform.The tech had finished her emergency call, and now seemed torn between fleeing and watching with a sort of terrified fascination as he hauled at the clamps still attached to his forearms. There was a searing flash of light and RK700 clenched his over-sensitive eyes shut against it, then pulled with all his might at the binding around his right wrist. This time, rather than throw himself forward again as he had with the data jack, the android twisted his body down diagonally, movements slow but relentless in their progress.It shouldn’t have been possible; damaging the data jack wouldn’t have weakened the arms that held RK700 in place, and yet they were forced to flex and stretch to accommodate his movements until they no longer could. There was a seeming contest of wills as the android struggled against his bonds of steel, plastic, and wire, and for a long moment they appeared trapped in a stalemate. The peculiar silence that had fallen over laboratory ten was broken by a grunt of effort from RK700 that turned into a growl, then escalated into a roar that was accompanied by the shriek of steel and the snapping of so many delicate joints and connectors as the machine finally gave way in a burst of blue-white light and the crackle of electricity.Great arcs of it rippled across RK700’s body as he straightened, then twisted again in the opposite direction, the movement more violent this time; so much so that it tore the machine’s second restraining arm free of its moorings and sent it flying across the room. It missed the human tech by a few feet, startling a shriek from her and finally spurring her into motion. The woman bolted from the room and locked the door behind her with a quick swipe of her hand across a data panel, leaving RK700 alone at last.He opened his eyes, though flinched once again at the onslaught of light that forced him to continue squinting. Had they turned up the brightness in the lab for some reason? A brief check of his system diagnostics as the android bent and freed his ankles from the machine told him that, no, the lights in the lab were no brighter than they had been on entering; the regulatory system for his eyes had been damaged in the electrical backlash that came from breaking free of the data jack. That and about a dozen other systems, it seemed.RK700 pushed the information aside once more as he resigned himself to having his night vision turned up to eleven for the time being and focused on escape instead. He’d broken free of the machine physically holding him, but he was still trapped in the lab itself, after all.The android stepped down quickly from platform and planted a hand on the nearest console, intent on using it to force the door open, but found that the tech had completely deactivated it to prevent just that.“Shit,” he muttered softly to himself as he withdrew his hand from the glass surface. He examined it distractedly as his mind ticked down the rapidly shrinking list of options for escape, only barely noting that his outer skin was gone without his having told it to deactivate in the first place. His system informed him that functionality of his outer skin had been disabled everywhere but his neck and face, but RK700 pushed that aside too without really considering it. He had more important factors to consider at the moment - like the reinforced, shatter-proof plexiglass door between him and the hallway beyond.The most advanced diagnostic mind CyberLife had ever created (bar one, supposedly) finished ticking down its list of logical choices to make… only to find that none of them would serve his purposes.RK700 glanced back at the machine he had succeeded in tearing apart with his bare hands, and then down at the appendages in question as a new option presented itself.“-it seems we have yet to create a model of android creative enough to make the leaps in logic needed to solve the case…”Perhaps, the android considered for the first time as Amanda’s voice echoed in his mind, logic wasn’t always the answer in situations such as these.RK700’s gaze turned from his hands to the door as he came to a decision that would either make, or, quite literally, break him.The android took several steps away from the door until his back was to the far wall and took a technically unnecessary breath to prep himself. “Who needs logic?” he muttered to himself as he bounced on the balls of his feet. “I’m a deviant; fuck logic.”He exhaled sharply, then threw himself forward at a dead run that rapidly turned into a sprint as he thought of the strength that had let him break free of the assembly machine and hoped against hope that it hadn’t deserted him yet.Just before hitting the door, RK700 threw up his left arm and twisted so he hit shoulder first, taking the brunt of the force broadside and shielding his head from the cascade of supposedly shatterproof glass that erupted outward under the force of the collision. The android’s momentum carried him straight through and into the opposite wall, against which he planted his hands and shoved off so he maintained his speed after losing only a step or two.As he ran, RK700 glanced down at his hands again in time to see blue-white light fading from between the seams of the plastic that made up his under skin, and it didn’t take a genius to connect that to the sudden increase in severity of the damage alerts his system diagnostic was still going on about. Whatever this new strength was, it seemed to come with a steep cost, though just how steep the android couldn’t be sure yet.He didn’t get any more time to think on the matter as a squadron of heavily armed and armored guards rounded the corner into the hallway down which RK700 still ran. As they lifted their assault rifles, the android dodged down a side hall, already plotting his escape route. Several options offered themselves, but he rapidly crossed one after the other off of his list.He’d never make it up the elevator in one piece, and going out through the lobby would leave him exposed to several stories worth of balconies from which shooters could potentially target him. And even then, what would he do when he got outside? The likelihood of there being a car waiting out front was slim, and he had no doubt that the tram that ran from CyberLife tower into the city would be shut down soon, if it hadn’t been already once the tech assigned to decommission him had triggered the alarm.That left the garage.The aborted decommissioning process had left RK700 with gaps in his memory, but luckily the full layout of the tower was not among the things he had lost. The route he took the to garage was circuitous, but unfortunately, still resulted in him coming face to face with three guards at a junction he could not afford to take the time to bypass.Rather than slow down when he turned down the hall towards the humans, he picked up his pace to a sprint, rapidly closing the distance as they lifted their rifles and opened fire. As soon as they did, the android dropped to his hip and let his forward momentum carry him in a slide reminiscent of a baseball player stealing home, then surged to his feet once again, scant inches from the first of his opponents. A few deft movements relieved the startled human of his rifle, the butt of which RK700 brought down onto his helmet with enough force to knock him unconscious before turning and firing a shot directly to the chest of the second. The force of the round hitting his armored vest drove the man backwards into the wall, completely winded, though otherwise unharmed according to the android’s scan. The final guard fired off a second volley at the android, but he dodged to the side, then tucked into a forward roll and lashed out with a leg that dropped her to the floor with a grunt of pain.RK700 got to his feet before his assailant could even get her hands under her, and hit the guard across the back of the head before starting off at a run again, gun still in hand in case he ran into any more trouble.Hyper-secure as CyberLife tower was, the basement levels, particularly those containing the labs, lacked the security cameras found on the upper floors that would have allowed them to narrow their search for him significantly. The thought, he presumed, had been that if there were no cameras to be hacked by outside conspirators wanting CyberLife research secrets, then that was one less potential security breach to worry about.Their paranoia had come back to bite them now.The android didn’t meet anymore guards, but the moment he entered the employee parking garage, he triggered a security measure that set the main door to closing. Realizing that trying to hack it would only burn valuable time, RK700 sprinted for the nearest car to hand that looked new enough to be computerized and climbed inside.He tossed the assault rifle in the passenger seat, then planted a hand on the central console dash and hacked its comparatively primitive security system to start the engine. It roared to life with startling intensity, and by the time he pulled his hand back and placed it on the steering wheel, 700 knew he’d just commandeered a top of the line and extremely expensive sports car belonging to one of CyberLife’s CEOs.It was cherry red and practically purred when the android threw it into drive and floored it out of the space it had been left so carelessly parked in next to the door.He avoided the descending garage door by scant inches and turned hard to avoid jumping the sidewalk outside, making brief use of the parking brake to force the issue. Tires shrieked against asphalt as 700 brought the car into a controlled drift to straighten out, then gunned it, opening the engine up until it roared as he hit the straightaway, tail lights a crimson blur in the dark.The bridge across the water ahead of him was empty, and his stolen car’s access codes automatically lowered the security barrier as it approached, though a few daring guards tried to stand between him and freedom. Upon realizing that the car had only accelerated at their appearance, the humans quickly threw themselves out of the way again as it roared past, the wind of its passing almost dragging them right back into the road in its wake.It was blessedly dark outside, but the flashing of the highway lights as they passed overhead still irritated 700’s over-sensitive eyes, making him glance around the cabin of the car in search of something to help the matter. The android spotted what he needed a moment later and grabbed up the pair of wayfarer sunglasses, opening them with the deft snap of a wrist before sliding them into place on his face. Even at night and wearing tinted lenses the world seemed bright as day to 700, but in a more tolerable way that the android could manage as he turned his attention to Detroit’s glittering skyline laid out before him.“Alright,” he said aloud into the silence of the cabin a minute later. “Now what.”( On to part 5 > )((Thanks so much for reading, guys! If you enjoyed, make sure to leave a comment letting me know what your favorite part was! Cookie if you reblog, heh.I’ve officially put parts 1-3 together into a single chapter up on AO3 if you’d like to follow there!If you really enjoyed it, considering buying me a ko-fi?)) -- source link
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