“Amavi” and “Ipsum” “I loved” and “Itself” Thanks to
“Amavi” and “Ipsum” “I loved” and “Itself” Thanks to my fellow Sangro Valley Project team member, and a student and teacher of Latin, Ploy Keener, for doing the heavy lifting to share these Latin-labeled wines. The Ipsum struck me as a stand in for “ipsum vinum” and a quick search on the interwebs led me to the Questio de usura, (ca. 1330) by Gerard of Siena. Here’s an intriguing, and in my opinion sensible passage from the Questio, (lines 317-325), excerpted from L. Armstrong (2016) The Idea of a Moral Economy: Gerard of Siena on Usury, Restitution, and Prescription: “So, for example, the proper and primary use of wine is drinking, which belongs to it by nature. But it may also be exchanged for something more necessary to, the possessor of, the wine than the wine itself, either to relieve his needs or to preserve his circumstances. Therefore, if anyone uses wine for some other purpose because of avarice or malice, he misdirects and abuses it and consequently acts wickedly.” “…ut, verbi gratia, vinum ordinatur tanquam in proprium et principalem usum in ipsum potum, quia talis usus debetur ei secundum suam naturam. Potest insuper ordinari in commutacionem alterius rei que est magis necessaria ei est ipsum vinum vel propter sublevandam eius necessitatem, vel propter conservandam eius honestatem. Si quis ergo ordinat vinum in aliquem alium usum propter suam cupiditatem vel maliciam, ipse quidem vinum distrahit et eo abutitur, et per consequens agit viciose.” -- source link
#found latin#branding