this tex mex inspired salad is something.else. the great thing about this meal is it can be adapted
this tex mex inspired salad is something.else. the great thing about this meal is it can be adapted and ‘chopped’ and changed according to your tastes and what you have in the fridge! vegan chop saladserves one:ingredients: veggies:½ chopped red pepper1 chopped spring onion 2 large handfuls rocket chopped cooked corn on the cobhandful sliced cherry tomatoes or orange ones if you can find them!‘coconut bacon bits’:(this makes enough for more than one serving but keeps well in tupperware)70g flaked coconut 1 tsp liquid smoke 1 tsp maple syrup or agave nectar½ tsp smoked paprika 1 tsp tamari or soy sauce ‘chicken and cheese’:i use a quorn five grain fillet as it’s crispy but any chicken alternative will worki use violife mozarella in cubes but again this is a preference thing!‘coleslaw’:1 overflowing cup chopped red cabbage 1 tbsp vegan mayonaise 1 tsp onion powder 1 tsp chopped basil 1 tsp chopped chives 1 tsp chopped dill 1. preheat your oven to 180*. put your flaked coconut in your liquid smoke, maple syrup, paprika and tamari and coat well. on a lined baking tray spread your coconut pieces out. bake them for 15 minutes or until crisp. 2. whilst that’s baking. add your cabbage to a mixing bowl and stir in with the mayonaise, onion powder, basil, chives and dill. 3. add your chicken and cheese.4. assemble however you’d like, the colours are so lovely it’ll look gorgeous however you make it! -- source link
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