Evening Shade (TV Series) - S4/E16 ’Paint the Town Nude’ (1994)Charles Durning as Dr. Ha

Evening Shade (TV Series) - S4/E16 ’Paint the Town Nude’ (1994)Charles Durning as Dr. Ha
Evening Shade (TV Series) - S4/E16 ’Paint the Town Nude’ (1994)Charles Durning as Dr. Ha
Evening Shade (TV Series) - S4/E16 ’Paint the Town Nude’ (1994)Charles Durning as Dr. Ha
Evening Shade (TV Series) - S4/E16 ’Paint the Town Nude’ (1994)Charles Durning as Dr. Ha
Evening Shade (TV Series) - S4/E16 ’Paint the Town Nude’ (1994)Charles Durning as Dr. Ha
Evening Shade (TV Series) - S4/E16 ’Paint the Town Nude’ (1994)Charles Durning as Dr. Ha
Evening Shade (TV Series) - S4/E16 ’Paint the Town Nude’ (1994)Charles Durning as Dr. Ha