Gay Liberator, Detroit, November 1970. Page 16, “High School Days”An article on a gay high school st
Gay Liberator, Detroit, November 1970. Page 16, “High School Days”An article on a gay high school students experiences, and the text from a leaflet detailing police behaviour (in LA and elsewhere). “HIGH SCHOOL DAYSHomosexuality in the high schools!!! Yes. Homosexuality is wide open in my high school. It isn’t very understandable I know but lt is here. Most gay students in the high school believe in the statement, “Out of the closets and into the streets.” We aren’t like the gay high school students of the 50’s and early 60’s. We are gay and proud. Most of us dig what Huey Hewton, John Sinclair, etc, are doing. We do make all the undercover trade feel welcome. The hateful trade. We do tell them that we know where our heads are at. The teachers are understanding; some too understanding. Most gay-closet teachers are in the physical education department. We also let the girl cheerleaders know that we too have a social life. On an overall whole we are trying to tear down the walls surrounding the old homosexuality. We smoke dope and have no fears of a raid. We want our freedom. We will get it by any means; for we are going to win, RIGHT OK!!!Yours In Brotherhood - Michael Robinson& more!I originally began to write this article on homosexuality in my high school, but I thought that this incident was worth sharing. Wednesday morning I arrived in class earlier than usual and before most of the other students. I approached my teacher whom I had considered the most intelligent and open minded of any teacher before her. She was the one most qualified to help me with my article. She turned and smiled, my eyes were fixed on her mouth as I asked, “Can I possibly see you after school tomorrow. I have an article to write and I need ideas and criticisms.” “What is the article for?”, she inquired. I gave her a quick smile and said, “ The Gay Liberator”. Her mouth closed for a few seconds. When again it opened, the words slowly came “ Well, O.K. , right after school tomorrow.” I nodded, then turned and walked to my desk. I sat down to read a novel. After a few sentences, I thought, is she the right person? My mind continued to wander as my eyes went through the book. The day passed on as usual, with me half heartedly plowing through it. The following afternoon I entered her room; it was so empty, completely cold, except for a corner covered with posters of current rock groups and singing stars. She sat at her desk. “I’ll be with you in a second,” she said. She continued to shuffle through a pile of papers mumbling something about finding information for the principal. I sat and looked at the posters. What were they here for? Did they induce creative thoughts, or were they a medium to show us she was a “hip” teacher? I was completely indulged in thought when she spoke, “Are you a homosexual?” “Yes,” I replied. “ How do you know you are?” “Because I am attracted to men, in mind body and soul,” I said. I began to explain how my life was before I “came out”, and how it is after. I explained and compared the differences. She listened seemingly interested, her expression motionless. She looked at the wall and then again at me. “Do you think homosexuals, in general, are more creative or sensitive than heterosexual men?” “No,” I said. “Heterosexual men arent as likely to show an abundance of creative ability or sensitivity because of age old ideas of how men should act.” She agreed. We then began talking about my past, present, and future. Soon we were far from the original subject. Suddenly she asked, “You know we have a physcologist here at school, don’t you?” “No, I did not,” I said. By this time I realized what was about to happen. “She is really quite good and you could probably benefit from talking to her.” “I can call her in the morning,” she said.These words seemed to have made the room turn colder. I began to think as I heard these words over and over in my mind. How could I benefit from talking to her? What could she do for me? My thoughts went back to the times before I “came out,” the times of almost constant depression, my disposition with life, and the overall condition of my mind. No thank you, I’m happy being a homosexual, I mean really happy. I dont need someone to convert me to heterosexual, someone to show me the “light.” As far as I am concerned the light is in the people you love, and I’ll find my light in a man.P.S. Thank you teacher, for the article you unknowingly helped me write.MOM, Mothers Opposed To Masturbation — (The following is the text of a leaflet issued by the Women Associates of Christopher Street West, Los Angeles, with the above title.) “A police officer in plain clothes enters the mens’ room. He takes down his pants and sits on the toilet in a booth having no door. He plays with himself so he can be ready to present an erection at any time. He sits, playing with himself amidst the odors of a public place. A boy, he might be your son, enters the room. The officer makes his presence known by shuffling his feet or protruding his head. The young man, aroused by the sight of an erection, responds with an erection. The police officer nods his head as if to say, ‘Come on. I want to make it with you.’ The boy approaches hesitantly. The officer arrests him. This is the fine work of our police officers at May Company.” -- source link
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