journey-to-balance:There is always a spiritual reason why we draw certain people into our lives who
journey-to-balance:There is always a spiritual reason why we draw certain people into our lives who push our buttons. Oftentimes, these people create very challenging situations for us ~ that are not challenging to others. Our soul has incarnated into this world so it would have a playing field on which to elevate and transform distorted soul traits within our being. The people who trigger us are part of the “universal mirror” mirroring back to us something within our being that needs to be healed. Keep in mind that no one is an EXACT mirror of the other person. The best way to discover what is being reflected back to you is to tap into your feeling nature. How does this person make you FEEL? This is what is being reflected back to you….perhaps it is an old childhood wound, a distorted belief, a boundary that needs to be set or a behavioral pattern that needs to be corrected. Universal Mirrors require inner excavation and self honesty ~ they are also reflecting something back to all people involved. Don’t be concerned with what they need to SEE….keep your focus on what it is that you need to SEE so you can evolve your soul into greater states of awareness. It is about Raising Vibrations … Peace & Blessings, jtb -- source link