yoggybloggy: yoggybloggy: @ team cherry and fangamer. Where are the thk plushies.[ID: drawings of th
yoggybloggy: yoggybloggy: @ team cherry and fangamer. Where are the thk plushies.[ID: drawings of the hollow knight as a plushie. in the top left they are drawn in their young form, with an engraved nail and an arrow pointing to them saying “embroidered with pure nail engravings”. in the top right they are drawn in their grown up form with their nail at the side, an arrow pointing at them saying “missing an arm”. to their right is a smaller bust of the same drawing but with orange glowing eyes, with an arrow pointing to them saying “LED eyes”. at the bottom is a drawing of plushes of the hollow knight, the knight and hornet sitting together, with text underneath reading “do not separate them” in caps. end ID] addendum: they have a voicebox[ID: drawings of a plush of the hollow knight. in the first drawing, the plush is sitting and a hand is squeezing it, with the word “squeeze” over the hand. in the second drawing, the plush is in the same position but its eyes are orange and orange waves come from it with text that reads “*radiance_scream.mp3*”, implying sound is coming out. the hand has retreated and is sweating. end ID] you know how inside of the Ralsei plushie there’s a page from the manual? inside of THK there’s a little radiance plushie the size of a build-a-bear heart -- source link