gardencalendar:HAMAMELIS (Hamamelidaceae) Witch HazelAll Witch Hazels are hardy and can be generally
gardencalendar:HAMAMELIS (Hamamelidaceae) Witch HazelAll Witch Hazels are hardy and can be generally fl. better and make more compact shrubs in the open. They are usually grafted on stock of the N. American sp. H. virginiana which has small fl. with the l. in autumn. All prefer lime free soils but will tolerate some lime where the soil is not too light. japonica ✿ WinterSmall tree or large bush up to 15-20 ft. Fl. yellow with narrow waving petals about ¾ in. long and red calyx base, borne on bare twigs. L. broad, ovate up to 3 in. long and 2½ in. wide. Japan. RHS The Colour Dictionary of Garden Plants ©1969 -- source link
#witch hazel#february#garden