又到九月尾聲,又是 Green Day 這首歌再次被廣播的時候。我們想這是一個最合適的時候再次重新整理這個平台。在過去兩個多月,因為小編發生一些意外,需要完全停下來幾個月休養才可重新出發。本來其他成員
又到九月尾聲,又是 Green Day 這首歌再次被廣播的時候。我們想這是一個最合適的時候再次重新整理這個平台。在過去兩個多月,因為小編發生一些意外,需要完全停下來幾個月休養才可重新出發。本來其他成員打算繼續下去,但想想在過去幾年他們也沒有休息過,各人也是義務幫忙的,所以便決定休息一下,讓各人也可專注自己的事業進修家庭上。現在再走在一起,繼續純粹分享各本地專場預告、國際搖滾金屬圈大小事、冒起新樂團等等。(P.S. 希望借此特地感謝過去幾個月各國音樂朋友的問侯,定會盡快回覆你們的電郵 & 私訊!) . . It’s the same time of the year and we are finally back on track! Apologize for not being able to share any updates on our status in the last 2 months. What happened was, our editor was injured in an accident and required immediately treatment. After a lengthy discussion with the team, we decided to take a break from the platform together, as none of us have stopped working on this in the past few years… this seems like a perfect time for each of us to go back to our root and focus on our health, our work, our school and of course, our family. Having said that, we are now back in full force! We’d like to thank our friends from the music community for all the blessings and… we will reply all of your emails and messages asap! . . . #weareback #wakemeupwhenseptemberends #hongkong #hk #hkig #newyorkcity #live #gig #livescene #asia #singapore #greenday #hellooctober #flashback https://www.instagram.com/p/BoWhQyUD41W/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17qdosy4kasg0 -- source link
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