Superbat Big Bang 2021 MasterlistThat’s a wrap!Nineteen teams posted big bangs in this of the
Superbat Big Bang 2021 MasterlistThat’s a wrap!Nineteen teams posted big bangs in this of the Superbat Big Bang. They wrote a total of 379,000 words, and made many, many pieces of beautiful art. Join us in giving everyone a hearty round of congratulations!You can find art and fic created for this year’s bonus challenges (Hatober, and our weekly prompt challenges) at the end of this post. For a static version, click here or go to our sidebar.See you next round!Week OneJuly 11th Contact with the Enemy Gement, SDeeyS, VKBruce Wayne/Clark Kent, Clark Kent/scary aliens, 14k, Explicit (DC Animated Universe) Aliens made them do it. To be fair, they made the aliens make them do it. But it’s not entrapment to suggest the aliens do it to Superman instead of the entire planet. Even if Superman’s really, really into it. In theory, at least. Maybe this was not the best plan.fic on AO3 | art by SDeeyS | art by VK | masterpost—July 13th Rumors AgapantoBlu, lantanielBruce Wayne/Clark Kent, 10k, Teen & Up Audiences (No Specific Continuity) A series of warning bells went off in Bruce’s head. First, Clark had not wished him a good day nor slipped into any of the usual niceties that he swore had been imbued in his bones under Martha Kent’s tender cares. That never happened, not even when an alien invasion was actually happening. Second, Clark was not chuckling or sounding happy at all. Bruce had known the man for fifteen long years and the amount of times he’d allowed his bad moods to slip into one of their conversations without careful prodding could be counted on one hand. Third, he’d not even asked if Bruce was busy or why he’d demanded a distraction. Bad signs all over. Instinctively, Bruce found himself looking out the huge windows in Metropolis’ direction. “What happened?” “Lex is here.”fic on AO3 | art by lantaniel | masterpost—July 15th Wisdom From The Best Mind bubbletea_kai, SDeeySBruce Wayne/Clark Kent, 19k, Mature Audiences (Justice Lords, Injustice: Gods Among Us, Alternate Universe) Sacrificing meant giving up something for the sake of others. That was what Bruce did for Clark’s sake. In between his conscience and emotions, Bruce chose the latter and abandoned the other. He believed in Clark’s decision to create a ‘better world’. However, as time went by, Clark’s definition of a ‘better world’ ruined Bruce’s psyche and made him unable to feel anything, including affection. A malfunctioned time portal sent Bruce to another universe. It is a universe in which Bruce chose his conscience over his emotions, and the World’s Finest no longer exist.fic on AO3 | art by SDeeyS | masterpost—July 17th Flux Point butterflyslinky, comicArtistA, mashimeroBruce Wayne/Clark Kent, 25k, Mature Audiences (No Specific Continuity) Clark Kent returned from The War to an empty farm and too many ghosts. Bruce Wayne is running from Gotham, and his ghosts follow him. But maybe ghosts don’t have to come with sadness. fic on AO3 | art by comicArtistA | art by mashimero on AO3 | art by mashimero on Tumblr | masterpost—Week TwoJuly 19th Another Week at Redfield Ranch dippkip, VK, comicArtistABruce Wayne/Clark Kent, Dinah Lance/Oliver Queen, Arthur Curry/Mera, implied Barry Allen/Hal Jordan, 18k, Teen & Up Audiences (No Specific Continuity, Alternate Universe) Clark is back from a year abroad studying in London with a brand new boyfriend. What better way for his friends to get to know the new man in his life than bringing him to their annual camping trip in the southern California high desert? An event that has the potential to be a week-long shovel talk slowly turns into a series of touching heart-to-hearts, moments of mutual understanding, and savage burns doled out with greatest affection. Bruce will survive this trial, but at what cost? (his dignity, probably) fic on AO3 | art by VK | art by comicArtistA | masterpost—July 20th Lifeline colonel_bastard, nowrunalongBruce Wayne/Clark Kent, 14k, Teen & Up Audiences (DC Extended Universe) It’s not the first time Martha Kent has been woken up by a phone call from her son in the middle of the night. It is, however, the first time that Clark has asked her if she can talk to Bruce instead.fic on AO3 | art by nowrunalong | masterpost—July 21st Lux in Tenebris Percilout, Bonanza_NutsBruce Wayne/Clark Kent, past Clark Kent/Lois Lane, 19k, Teen & Up Audiences (DC Extended Universe) When he starts losing his powers half a year after his return to the world of the living, it is up to Clark to figure out how to live without them. Through Lois, he finds himself doing charity work. Through the charity work, he finds much more than he ever could have hoped for. (Or, Clark Kent’s guide on how to beat depression.) fic on AO3 | art by Bonanza_Nuts | masterpost—July 22nd If Tomorrow Never Comes, Then What Are We? Mechformers, Lord ChirayojuBruce Wayne/Clark Kent, 17k, Explicit (Justice League Dark: Apokolips War (2020 movie)) With Darkseid’s third attempt at conquering Earth, Clark and Bruce must work together to save it and their loved ones. But when everything fails, when Bruce is imprisoned and Clark loses his powers, how far are they willing to go to save each other? Or in other words; Justice League Dark: Apokolips War, but from a Superbat perspective. fic on AO3 | art by Lord Chirayoju | masterpost—July 23rd In for a Penny Orphean, blinkingkillsBruce Wayne/Clark Kent, 11k, Teen & Up Audiences (No Specific Continuity) ‘Bruce is doing something stupid, and we need you to save him.’ ‘Me? Clark Kent?’ If Bruce needed to be saved, Superman was a more logical choice. ‘He’s auctioning off a date with him for charity and we need you to win.’ — Or: Clark finally gets the full Bruce Wayne experience. fic on AO3 | art by blinkingkills | masterpost—July 24th Be My Mirror (My Sword, My Shield) BatsAreFluffy, lovelastartBruce Wayne/Clark Kent, 36k, Explicit (DC Extended Universe) ”“Six days”“ Nightwing shrugged. “We don’t know if each of them lasted the full 6 days, but on the seventh day after the abduction, the body is always found in Crime Alley.” ”“And on the seventh day he rested,“ Alfred murmured, rubbing the bridge of his nose. ”“That does not leave us a great deal of time.” Barry shifted a little, nervous. “So, um, have you guys ever - um, found one alive still?” Clark desperately wanted to hear a yes. Somewhere where his alter-ego had been stopped. He hoped that there had been places where murdering in cold blood, torture and desecration had been stopped.fic on AO3 | art by lovelastart | masterpost—Week TwoJuly 25th Let Your Hopes Shape Your Future OuiBeebles, with-your-poncho-onBruce Wayne/Clark Kent, Clark Kent/Lois Lane, 13k, Teen & Up Audiences (No Specific Continuity) The funeral is a week later. The church is sterile and nearly empty. Bruce sits next to Alfred in the front row. His eyes are fixed on his shoes the whole time. His eyes are dull and unfocused. The speakers, for there are so many, talk and talk and talk until he thinks about screaming for them to shut up. He doesn’t care what they have to say! Alfred always squeezes his hand when he feels that very strong thought and he knows he can’t do that to Alfred because he loved his parents too. The last one to speak is an old priest, his dad’s childhood one, he thinks. He wants to summon enough energy to look up and pay attention but the words about God’s love and kindness curdle the thoughts sour before he even manages it. God is cruel if one or more even exists. He thinks to himself that maybe if he were to meet one what he would do. Maybe he would shout at them until his voice was gone. Maybe he would fight them. He thinks he would make them weak though. That makes the most sense to him. If he were to make a god or more mortal then, they would be subject to the misery they created or, at the least, didn’t stop.fic on AO3 | art by with-your-poncho-on: post 1, post 2 | masterpost—July 26th This is Not My Beautiful Wife Meduseld, sazzysavvy, architeuthisBruce Wayne/Clark Kent, 16k, Explicit (No Specific Continuity) Bruce wakes up in a nice house in the suburbs next to the love of his life. Clearly, something nefarious is going on. fic on AO3 | art by sazzysavvy on AO3 | art by sazzysavvy on Tumblr| art by architeuthis | masterpost—July 28th The Same Sky, Day and Night Atanih88, mashimero, with-your-poncho-onBruce Wayne/Clark Kent, past Clark Kent/Lois Lane, 20k, Explicit (DC Extended Universe) Clark and Lois separate as the sun rises over Metropolis. Clark and Bruce find comfort in each other’s company as night settles over Gotham. A look at the quiet moments that sew together something deeper. fic on AO3 | art by mashimero on AO3 | art by mashimero on Tumblr | art by with-your-poncho-on: post 1, post 2 | masterpost—July 29th Dropping the Facade truc, AriesNoHopeBruce Wayne/Clark Kent, 16k, Teen & Up Audiences (No Specific Continuity) After Bruce’s secret identity public reveal, Clark and Bruce must reevaluate their lives’ direction and relationship status.fic on AO3 | art by AriesNoHope | masterpost—July 30th I Could Love You Mar_69, magpiebeeBruce Wayne/Clark Kent, Clark Kent/Lois Lane, 16k, General Audiences (Alternate Universe) Bruce and Clark had been friends since college, and during all these years they had been pining for the other, no one was bold enough to make a move, until one Dick Grayson arrived at their lives.fic on AO3 | art by magpiebee | masterpost—AmnestyAugust 2nd Wishing on Stars ComposerofDiscord, SDeeyS, nowrunalongHernan Guerra/Kirk Langstrom, 16k, Teen & Up Audiences (Justice League: Gods and Monsters, Alternate Universe) It’s the summer of Keira’s senior year when Keira meets Hermania for the first time. When Hermania can’t afford the fixes Keira made to her car, she finds another way to make up for it and the two find themselves falling into an unlikely friendship and more.fic on AO3 | art by SDeeyS | art by nowrunalong | masterpost—August 9th Yours & Mine susiecarter, sdiosb, Ms. 3Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent, 51k, Explicit (DC Extended Universe) Post-JL 2017, Bruce and Clark are starting to figure each other out. Clark’s also starting to think he wants to get to know Bruce a lot better than either of them expected. And then, to help the dangerously depleted ranks of the Green Lanterns collect evidence against an intergalactic slave trader, they have to go undercover: Clark as the Kryptonian overlord who conquered Earth and has proven able to hold it against even the incursions of the New Gods of Apokolips … and the pride of his personal collection, a human warrior he subdued and trained himself. Which means Clark has to pretend he really is the nightmare Bruce once believed he would be, and he also has to keep it together in the face of leading a collared, naked Bruce around on a chain—when all he’s starting to realize he actually wants is to get on his knees for Bruce instead.fic on AO3 | art by sdiosb | art by Ms. 3 | masterpost—August 13th The Great Boom of ‘98 flirtygaybrit, G.G. Kinko (Cheese-kun)Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent, 32k, Teen & Up Audiences (DC Extended Universe, Alternate Universe) During the height of the Klondike Gold Rush in Yukon, Canada, Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent attempt to unravel the mystery behind a string of disappearances, mine closures, and unfamiliar minerals being unearthed by hopeful prospectors; along the way, they gain a number of unlikely allies, and make a discovery or two that just may change the world.fic on AO3 | art by G.G. Kinko (Cheese-kun) on AO3 | art by G.G. Kinko (Cheese-kun) on Tumblr | masterpost—August 15th Those Secrets AriesNoHope, SDeeySHernan Guerra/Kirk Langstrom, 16k, Explicit (Justice League: Gods and Monsters, Alternate Universe) Hernan is a police officer who meets a resident named Kirk by chance, which makes him start a relationship that makes their days easier. However, Kirk keeps a secret that puts at risk this new relationship as his friends try to protect him and get blood for him.fic on AO3 | art by SDeeyS | masterpost—Hatober & Art Prompt Challenge Fillslovelastart | helmet | bowler & cloche | a rare or unusual word: bento | fireman carrychickyl-rodentart | the woes of designing a super-suitmashimero | the woes of designing a super-suit/inspired by a rare or unusual word: acnestispercilout | Of Hats and Men | I Will Fear No Hat (For Thou Art With Me) | This is Ha(ts)lloweenAnd that’s it for the 2021 Superbat Big Bang! Please be sure to drop our authors and artists kudos, likes, and reblogs and let them know how much you enjoyed their hard work! -- source link
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