An Attempt Has Been Made | 01: OK Tuko/OK Gecko Raspberry Pi AssistantMaterials: upcycled plastics,
An Attempt Has Been Made | 01: OK Tuko/OK Gecko Raspberry Pi AssistantMaterials: upcycled plastics, acrylic, aluminum tubing, Sinatra board and loose electronicsThe OK Tuko was made by hand during the lengthy lockdown of 2020. The Raspberry Pi (Zero W) powered Tuko, when illuminated, runs Google Assistant and Raspotify. With its insufficient battery supply, it operates whenever it feels like it. Thus making it a glorified auxiliary speaker and Pi computer - which is perfect for Retropie gaming! If I can figure out how to power it properly (coding it to turn on the Google Assistant upon booting and get the mic and speakers can work simultaneously), the Tuko can truly be my OK-faced, everyday assistantPost project notes: If this can be re-house inside an Amazon Echo, this would be called the Echo Gecko -- source link
#raspberrypi#upcycled#personal projects