Repercussions : Part Four (A continuation of ‘The Bet’)The line to the club still stretc
Repercussions : Part Four (A continuation of ‘The Bet’)The line to the club still stretched far along the gleaming wet streets as Franco stepped out of the Audi. By some miracle he had actually found a parking space nearby barely large enough for the small auto and he cheerfully ignored the half dozen car horns blaring angrily behind him as he slid gently into the tiny space. The weather had turned on the way back from Pamela’s apartment. A fine mist of rain now covered the slick roads. It was that light, refreshing rain that Franco always loved. It carried with it the scents of the sea and was just cold enough to invigorate his spirits without soaking his clothes or prevent him from lighting yet another precious American cigarette taken from the little silver case in his jacket. The walk and the rain also gave him a few minutes to himself. Enough time to think and to try to sort out the dozens of emotions that were tearing at his soul; like a dozen savage, shrieking demon fighting to see which of them would bring him weeping to his knees first.Franco cursed himself for his problems. No one else. He would not stoop so low as to say this was anyone’s fault than his own. He was raised better than that. It was not Simone’s fault. Although Franco still wanted to throw the little fuck out of his apartment window, an apartment he was staying in free of rent due to their ill-fated and hell-spawned bet. He could not blame Johnny for being so young and strong, nor for using his sexual power to dominate and to seed any woman of his choosing. Johnny was a young bull and that’s what all young bulls did. It was his very nature. Just as one could not blame the sun from setting or the winds from blowing. He could and would never blame his beloved Eleonora. She was who she was, wanted what she wanted, and for the longest time he had both known it and stupidly enough forced himself to ignore the truth and believe otherwise. To believe she could put aside all she craved and desired for his sake. Franco took a long drag on his cigarette, cursing himself again for a fool.It was his own fault. He had accepted that long ago. His own weakness. His own blindness. His own dream of having something that fate would forever deny him. The only problem was what to do now. A lifetime spent as he had spent the past few months was unthinkable. It would break him in the end. He knew that. He would end up in the madhouse or prison or both. Alone in any case. Yet a life without his Eleonora would prove far colder and far more miserable. A life lived with his head bent low in the cold rain, hiding his tears in the torrent. He was doomed in either case. Lost and alone in his thoughts forever at the mercy of those cruel demons that resided in his broken heart. Franco walked past the line of people waiting to get into the club. Most were either eager to get in out of the chill or nervously discussing the possibility that the bouncers would never let them in. Just as all the better dance clubs worked you had to be on the ‘cool’ list, a hot and barely legal female, or ready to pay the bouncers the appropriate amount of euro to get through the door. Otherwise you would face a few hours of standing outside in the freezing rain biting back the anguish in your 5” stilettos and sluttiest mini-dress. Franco did not bother with the line. For good or ill, he and his wife were favorites here and for reasons known and obvious to all.Every club wants the young men to come in. Young men spent money. And the only reason for a young man to frequent a club was the thought of easy pussy. As he passed through the doors, Franco could not help but to notice the stares. Jealous looks from those who would be stuck waiting on the line, none cool or sexy enough to enter. And those looks from the bouncers at the door. Looks accompanied by knowing smirks of derision, followed by not-so quiet whispers shared of the pathetic cuck whose wife had banged every cock in this hole and twice as he paid the check. Franco hung his head, his ears burning red as he passed through those doors, eager to lose himself in the teeming crowd and the pounding base rising from the club’s speakers. He crushed what was left of his cigarette in his hand and tossed it on the floor in disgust, a tiny act of defiance and revenge. His table was still empty. His forgotten drink still there and covered by a fresh coaster. The waitress must have known he would be back eventually and took the care to make sure no one else took his spot. He was quite frankly amazed. The thought of that doughy faced and seemingly calloused girl even noticing that he had left surprised the hell out of him. He slipped the coaster from the top of the glass and knocked back the bourbon in one gulp. The ice had already melted but it still ran cold and the sensation as the alcohol hit his system was utterly priceless. Along with the effects of the tobacco; calming and focusing while sharpening his senses at the same time. He cast searching eyes across the dance floor, across the long and crowded bar, looking for his wife. Searching for the small knot of young bulls that would be gathered around her. Searching for the waitress as his glass lay once again empty in his hand. He squinted his eyes, scanning the club again and again, his worry growing as the sight of his wife continued to elude him. She must be here he thought. Maybe she had gone to the women’s lounge? Or maybe he just hadn’t yet looked hard enough into the thrashing, bobbing mass of people overcrowding the shadowed dance floor.“She left about a half an hour ago.”Franco nearly jumped out of his skin as the waitress suddenly appeared behind him. He turned to look straight into her tired brown eyes. She was pushed close to him by the movement of the passing crowds, her soft breasts pressing along his shoulder, her pale face bare inches away from his own. For once noticing the small metallic stud that pierced her small pink lips and the way her white skin practically shone in the dark shadows of her surroundings. For just a fleeting moment he found himself wondering what her lips might feel like or how it might be if her young, soft body were pressed even closer. But then the weight of her words shocked him back to reality.“Wait. Wait!”, Franco said fighting down the frightened wonder evident in his voice, “What do you mean she left? She left the club? Without… ? I mean…”For a moment, Franco could swear that he saw life spark in the girl’s eternally dead eyes. Life and a sense of humanity, although to his utter shame it revealed itself more akin to pity. The girl’s own voice was barely heard over the noise that surrounded them but each one stabbed deep into Franco’s heart. “Yeah. She left with this guy. He’s new here. Never seen him before. Big black fella with a thick Caribbean accent. I think he just joined to soccer club since he hangs out with that crowd. She kinda looked for you for a minute but he led her out. They were practically… well… it looked like they were heading somewhere.”The demons playing in Franco’s chest let out a long wail of laughter that brought a roaring burst of pain crashing through his mind. Frantically he checked his cell phone for messages. Nothing. She had never… she had… Eleonora had never left like this! Not without telling him. Having him with her. That she had simply left without even knowing where he had gone, or if he would be back? She had left with some new bull. Some big black bull who would most likely be with her right now… on top of her… inside of her. Having her. Fucking her. Without him there. Not waiting. Not calling him. Not caring.“Are you gonna be alright?”, Franco felt the waitress’ gentle fingers brushing his shoulder. Her eyes softened, showing not just the expected pity that he not only feared but expected, but actual concern. A concern that showed not only in the way she looked at him but in the way her fingers lay softly upon his arm, and in the gentle tenor of her voice. The club was loud and confused and her pink lips had to move very near to his in order to be heard. “You look… you look really worried. Would you like another drink? My shift is nearly over; would you like a drink someplace else, maybe?”Franco felt confused even more by her question. His head was already spinning with his wife’s actions and his eyebrows grew close as he tried to adjust to this new wonder. “You want to have a drink with me? Someplace else?”, he marveled, “Why?”The waitress, whose name turned out to be Dora, bit her lip, casting her eyes across the room in an effort to hide whatever was in her eyes. “Look. I see you here, okay? You don’t want to be here. You’re miserable here. And your wife… well, she’s busy having the time of her fucking life not seeing what a blind bitch could see a mile away. The place is filled with whores just waiting to be picked up and you haven’t even looked at any of them. You’ve just stayed here at this table night after night looking miserable. I’m an actress, you know? I can sense these things. I watch people. I know they have stories and… and I’m interested in yours. I know it’s purely selfish on my part but maybe we can share some stories together. Maybe even make some stories.”Franco’s breath caught in his throat as he felt her fingertips slide down his shirt, brushing along his tie, to rest along his crotch. Dora smirked triumphantly as she felt the stirring of his cock under her feather touch, confirming how right she was about him. She had indeed watched him for months now. Watched as the man practically died each night, his wife acting like a whore on the dance floor while he tried to hide his own need. She had watched him on those nights, his cock growing hard along his thigh, his eyes growing hot, coming so very close to shattering his glass in a shaking hand. She smiled, her teeth white along her lips, biting the tip of her tongue sensually between them, loving the sensuous feel of their sharpness against her own tender flesh. She had him, she thought, all his stories and delicious desires so very close to be added to her inventory of people and experiences. Any one of which might earn her acclaim on stage one day. An actress is nothing without her experiences after all. Seeing Franco’s eyes opened wide with surprise, seemingly helpless before her, she ran her fingertips down to the tip of his expanding cock. Not the biggest she’d have, Dora thought with a smile. Yet with the right motivation, the right blend of anger and righteous rage, here was a man who needed to fuck some willing and lucky cunt straight into the fucking wall. But to her surprise, Franco simply stood up, this body tense as he moved away from her. He still had that look of frightened confusion in his eyes, though. In the most gentlemanly of fashions he took her hand, the one that was until a moment ago was so happily stroking his growing cock and kissed her fingers sweetly. It was a gesture that sent an instant rush of warmth down between her legs, as it would for any woman, if men were ever smart enough to realize it. Dora actually felt a pang of disappointment as he stepped away, thanking her again and again for - well, for everything – and headed to the door like a bullet. She noticed, although maybe he didn’t, the eyes that followed him, and the cruel laughter, as the rest of the young men (assholes every one of them) watched him bolt for the club’s entrance. Dora sighed. There was one more story she might never know heading out into the night and she was a feeling it might have been a good one. With a casual resignation she cleaned off the table and headed back into the crowd to hawk for the night’s tips.…………………………………………………………………………………………..Eleonora lay across the motel bed, her body gloriously naked after treating Wil to her best strip tease, deliberately taking her time to expose one inch of horny female flesh to him after another as he sat in the chair smiling like a devil. She had treated that monster growing between his thighs to every touch of her warm breasts and ass, licking its length sensuously through his straining trousers and stroking it off rhythmically to the music coming from the tiny motel radio. The bastard remained unaffected, smiling that delightfully terrifying smile as his cock grew and grew down his pant-leg like it would never ever stop. She lay there trying to control her nervous breathing, her legs opened invitingly, watching as he peeled off his shirt. Dear fucking shit, the man was ripped. Not in that steroid body builder sort of way but that strong tapered male body with obviously well exercised muscles. The man was completely devoid of any fat. His sleek, dark body shining with health. As he dropped his pants, the sight was even more impressive. Eleonora was not sure what they were called, but there was one of those pronounced muscular creases that ran in a ‘V’ down his stomach to disappear down into the waistband of his overstretched boxer-briefs. She could not resist peeking down at that massive bulge hidden between his legs. And fuck if there wasn’t a lot to want to peek down at. The briefs were so tight that they looked as if they were spray painted on; really low waisted and really tight fitting which showed, let’s say, a lot of detail. And it was an enormous bulge; much bigger than anything Eleonora had ever seen before now, starting just under the tightly stretched waistband and finishing with the deep hang of his ball sack which seemed to challenge the elastic of the seams to keep it contained. He stood there smiling proudly, his hands on his hips, just looking so damned sexy and so powerfully masculine. Then in the deepest, sexist and most pussy-churning voice he ordered Eleonora to face the headboard, her ass high in the air, legs wide to present him with what was now his. Biting her lip, shivering with need, Eleonora had no choice but to obey. She buried her head in the pillows, reaching back to spread herself wide, putting herself in the position that all of her young bulls preferred. Fuck, she could already feel her pussy throbbing, dripping wetly as she heard him approach the bed, one heavy step at a time. Eleonora’s brain blew up. She writhed on the bed, unable to believe that such incredible pleasure was possible. William’s cock had stuffed her to the breaking point, splitting her open, tearing her in half with each driving thrust as he tired to get every last inch of his monstrous cock buried deep inside of her. She found herself screaming through hot tears, beating at the pillows wildly to the sound of his laughter. Despite all the young men she had known, all the hot rock-solid cocks she had felt spreading her pussy-walls to their limits, she had never felt anything that came close to the complete sexual agony he was inflicting on her struggling cunt. Each brutal stroke tore past her cervix, invading her womb. The pain was so sharp and deep she barely felt the hard slaps of his hands as he proceeded to turn her thick white ass a dozen colors of crimson. Laughing, all the while laughing, he continued to murder her pussy one stabbing thrust at a time without the slightest thought for her agonized screams. In a flash of pure terror, Eleonora realized that the brute was not even wearing a condom. The very thought of his beastly load finally bursting within her cunt was absolutely terrifying and sent her spiraling helplessly into a blinding orgasm as William proceeded to fuck her eyes into the back of her head. Her hands flailed back, slapping at his legs and hips as she struggled to find a spare breath to beg for mercy between grief-stricken wails. William laughed all the harder, grabbing both of her wrists in one meaty hand and pinning them behind her back. She felt his heavy, cum-filled balls slapping against her pussy lips, beating them raw with each heartless assault. She prayed that he would finish. That that savage beast of a cock would finally release its load and that he would leave her broken and trembling on that bed to seek fresher prey. Eleonora got her wish, an eternity of pain later, as she felt his cock finally still within her, his muscled body shaking in that wonderful sexy way just before a man gave up his load. Just as she feared, the bull had no intention of pulling out. Instead she found herself screaming, cumming again in mind-twisting ecstasy as William flooded her body to overflowing with a gallon of his pudding-thick sperm. She felt his beast throbbing within her as heavy flows of spunk dripped along her sex-beaten clit. Somehow, she was laying on her back, long streams of his cum blasting across her body, her face, her breasts. Her rolling eyes offered her slim glances up at this laughing godling. His smile shone wide as he continued to stroke thick ropes of his thick cum across her trembling body in a never ending cumshot, slathering her in hot spunk as he joyfully emptied his balls across his latest conquest.As she came down from her orgasm, a lifetime later, Eleonora simply lay there waiting for her trembling to subside and thanking heaven that her ordeal was done. No more, she promised, no more, no more, no more… But William had other ideas. In a shock, she found herself on her face again, her ass pulled high into the air, her wrists pinned once again behind her back. She felt him, his cock sliding still iron-hard between her ass-cheeks. “No….no more…please no more.” she begged piteously, her voice quivering through her tears. Another fuck would finish her. Franco would find her spread across this bed, her trembling body cold, dead, and plastered in cum, “My pussy can’t take it. Please. Oh holy fuck, pleeeease…!”The godling laughed deeply, his skin shining with sweat, each muscle defined in its glory as he set his feet wide and prepared for his new assault. William took a deep breath, steadying Eleonora on the very edge of the bed. When he spoke, his voice was deep and strong, thick with his Island accent, amused more than aroused. It’s power Impossible to refuse or to ignore. Eleonora found herself on the cusp of another orgasm just hearing his words, feeling the tip of his massive cock sliding down along her asshole.“No. No my little bitch. Not your pussy. Wil has had that.” He said, his voice punctuated by a low chuckle, “Ruined that but good. Buried his babies deep in that place so you will grow fat for him. Now Wil wants something else indeed. Something tighter to please him.”Eleonora wailed screaming to shake the very walls as she felt the head of his massive cock pierce her asshole. He was tearing her apart, grunting heavily to drive in one more inch. He was going in raw and dry, more than simply enjoying the hellish pain that he was inflicting upon her thrashing body. William’s strong fingers sank deep into her thighs, pinning her in place as he drove white-hot lances of agony straight up her spine.“Nooooo! Please! Fuucckkkkkkk!” Eleonora screamed at the top of her strained lungs, her fingers clawing savage rents in the bedding as William forced himself deeper and deeper into her burning ass. “I… I can’t take it! STOP! Its too much! It hurts! Oh, fuck it hurts! I can’t take it there! I can’t take it!”“You will take everything Wil chooses to give you, bitch! Your ass will be mine same as your cunt! Scream all you want but you will be taking my cock and my load deep in your ass by the time we are done. I… will… not… be…DENIED!”William grunted hard through clenched teeth as he fought to jam more of his thick cock-meat up her pain-stricken asshole. The woman was impossibly tight, screaming and clawing the bedsheets as inch after inch of his massive shaft was jammed in deep. He could feel a trickle of sweat slipping down along his temple as he buried his fingers into the slut’s lush hips, straining as hard as he ever did to conquer this whore’s ass as he had done so many others before her. No slut young or old had ever refused him his desires, and none ever would. Ignoring her pleas and cries for mercy, William instead slammed her down into the bed and went to work, pounding in ever harder to the sound of her breathless wails.………………………………………………………………………………………..Just outside the door of the motel room, Franco sat on the floor, his back to the opposite wall. He held his face in his hands, gnashing his teeth around a quiet scream as he listened to his wife’s wails of agony just beyond the motel door. Part of him wanted to burst in, to find some kind of weapon to beat the man off. To save his wife from the terrible agony she was suffering as he forced his cock deeper and deeper into her ass. He could hear her begging pleas through the door. Hell, so could everyone in the damned motel. None of them would come out to investigate, he knew. Each one of them was here in this sleazy fucking motel for the same reasons after all. Some to cheat on their spouses, to get away from prying eyes, to give in to their most carnal sins hidden from the view of God and man. Instead he sat there, pounding his shaking fists frantically into his forehead, ignoring the pain as he shook in impotent anger. This is what she had wanted after all. A big, Alpha-cocked bull to fuck her without mercy. To ruin her with each savage thrust of his hips. Isn’t that what Eleonora always said? Dreamed about? Panted between sensual moans each time he tried and failed to give her the fucking she wanted with his own less-then-impressive cock?He heard Eleonora scream again, responding helplessly as he dragged his nails across his scalp in heart-rent anguish. His own pain matched her own, exceeded it even, as the demons in his chest laughed and played, tearing bloody slices out of his soul. Throughout it all, through each scream-filled moment of his wife’s destruction, he realized he could do nothing to stop it. Nothing but wait and pick up the pieces afterwards. As he had done time after time before. But he could not help but feel that things were somewhat different this time. Gone was any feeling of arousal on his own part, any sense of wonder. Now there was only the heart-breaking pain that sliced through him with each throaty grunt of the young stranger’s mad thrusts and each wail of agony from his wife’s torn throat. As he ground the balls of his palms into his tearing eyes, Franco knew that this strange madness had to end. It had to. One way or the other. -- source link
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