One of my favorite journeys in Italy this summer was to the Banditaccia Necropolis in Ceveteri, whic
One of my favorite journeys in Italy this summer was to the Banditaccia Necropolis in Ceveteri, which is about an hour or so north west of Rome. Taking the following from my last post, because I’m lazy: It is home to some of the best preserved Etruscan tombs. Dates range from all the way back to the Villanovans (ca 9th c BCE) to about the 3rd c BCE. The majority of tombs are either tumuli or rock cut and similar to tumuli just not in a big ole circle, but lined up like houses on the street. All use the local tufa, which is a type of volcanic rock. Anyways, I wanted to show this picture for scale (there’s me over there, trying not to trip and fall and die). These tumuli were giganto and it’s incredible and you all should go. -- source link
#banditaccia necropolis#ceverteri#etruscan#archaeology#architecture