rubber-drone:The Abduction (By Hypnocigarboy)Just as planned, the alien ship landed far behind the s
rubber-drone:The Abduction (By Hypnocigarboy)Just as planned, the alien ship landed far behind the school deep within the forest. The area had been marked many weeks before for the perfect spot to “collect”.A race of alien lifeforms, named Synpax, had been running low on foot soldiers. After investigating the many lives of other beings, their mating habits, and skillsets, they finally found the perfect match for their species, humans.While they were quite able to produce their own race of soldiers, using human sperm, they could clone and breed immense supersoldiers for galactic conquest, as well as control and manipulate humans into fighting for them, symbiotically taking them over and turning them into Synpax themselves, once their usefulness ran dry.While many ships had been sent out, this one was meant to collect a special group of young men, a group of high school football players, all ripe in adulthood and perfect to collect, breed, and convert.The Synpax themselves were not that different from humans, aside from their glossy black suits, and pale grey skin. Their hair turned pitch black once it had grown, and their bodies were tall, buff, and an impressive sight.Gifted with mind control powers, their mission was easy to accomplish. Put the boys under, as well as their coach, and lead them back to the ship to place them in Sacs.Sacs would act as a vacuum packed womb to hold these boys, as they were drained dry of their semen, as well as constantly lubricated and invaded, their minds were lost to the alien control. Small tentacles within would massage, as well as secrete a special serum to inhibit a constant state of sexual arousal, as well as manipulate their minds to become drones, brainwashing them to the Synpax’s side.Their mission began, as three foot soldiers stepped into the darkness of the field. They watched as 15 young men sat at the sidelines, tackled and ran, or laughed and joked with their teammates. An older coach stood watching, blowing his whistle.He was decently sized, having been a football player himself apparently. Sandy blonde hair, a small beard, and buff, hairy arms, showing off his abs excellently. His voice was gruff, as he ordered the boys to make plays, practice their moves, and catch up on the game plan, but soon enough, that would be far in the backs of their minds.Sitting on the sidelines, three friends chatted away. They were newcomers to football, having been asked to join by the coach personally, for their athletic skills, and so they decided to lend a hand, any way they could.Liam was fresh faced, from an irish family, with shaggy red hair, freckles, and beautiful green eyes. He was a sight to behold by many girls, and even some of the guys. His smirk made everyone swoon.Eddie was a bit taller than Liam, with brown hair, a slimmer build, but was fast and agile. He’d been on the track and field team before, and was a star player. He had a small soul patch, and bright blue eyes, though nowhere near as bright as Liams.Marcus was the tallest, with curly brown hair, caramel skin, and a charismatic attitude. He’d been a baseball star beforehand, and his strong grip was all the football team needed to score a touchdown.Soon, the team heard the coaches whistle yet again, as he turned to look in the dark, seeing the three blobs shifting towards them. In an instant, the whistle was dropped mid screech, as the coaches mouth went slack.The boys stood still, as the three forms stepped into the light. They were magnificent, as well as terrifying. Had they not looked so strange, Eddie might have even offered them to come watch. Soon enough, the men stood side by side, ushering the boys forward.Crowding in a circle, the coach stood center, as the boys mouths seemed to struggle to make noise, whether it be a scream or a moan. Finally, the center Synpax spoke. “Greetings.”He walked around the boys, observing their bodies and looking them up and down. Liam felt his hand graze over his open skin on his arm, biting his lip. It felt electric.“You humans certainly are something else. Peak members of your race.” He spoke again, moving back to the front. “We’ve been observing you all for quite some time. Would you care to come along with us, and let us show you the wonders that lie beyond this planet?” He offered.Many of the boys eyes widened. A trip into space? It sounded amazing, though a trip into space with completely strange beings who could murder them or do who knows what with them? Not so much. Though, who were they to argue, lost in the control the aliens provided.The lights shut off, as the field went dark, and slowly, against their will, they all began a steady march out of the small field, onto the pathway, and into the forest. There, a large ship was hidden, cloaked with an alien technology thousands of years ahead of humanity. With the press of a button, the hatch lowered, and greeted them all.The main Synpax stepped forward again, “Welcome to our ship, please, come inside and make yourselves…comfortable.” He drew out the last line, addressing the ship. Liam could only quiver as his feet led him up the metal stairs inside. Marcus and Eddie matched his fear, but Marcus was caught at the sheen of their clothing. Truth be told, this was one of his biggest fantasies.Within the ship, they met in a circular room, as many more Synpax joined them. The leader approached again, closing the ship. “Now, gentlemen, let me introduce our guests. A young team of sports stars from the local high school, all eager to make voyage with us. This man, here, is their leader.” He brought the coach forward.Trembling, he waved a hand at the creatures, broken from the mind control. They could tell he was terrified. “Let us show you how we greet our guests.” They brought him forward, as the boys stood on the sidelines watching. Carefully, they unbuttoned the coach’s shirt, pants, shoes, and underwear, and leaving him nude.The leader stepped forward, pressing his chest to the man. He tried to move away, stopped by the wall of men behind him. Carefully, they wrapped their arms around his own, his legs, rubbing their rubbered bodies against him. The sounds were like rubbing a hundred balloons together, as the coach finally gave in.Carefully, the leader took his manhood, and grasped it against his own, rubbing them together, as he pressed harder against him, the whole group quivering. He pumped his manhood hard, as he groaned, his muscular husky arms feeling their tight rubber grips.He shook as they did, the sound driving him insane with lust, as they stroked his muscles, making him beg and plead for relief. Slamming his head against them, he finally went stiff, as his cock went rigid with the alien, spurting his hot thick cum onto the alien rubber.Soon, the aliens followed, as more and more of them went stiff, and their massive cocks pointed upwards, and fired off glob after glob of thick black alien cum, covering the coach as they rubbed against him, cocooning him in the liquid, as he could only moan.They squeaked against him for a short while longer, before the leader pressed a button, as the wall moved aside, revealing a tube. Carefully, he was moved into it, as he stood, watching, with a large grin, covered head to toe in the aliens semen.As the tube closed, a thick liquid poured into the bottom, and rose, as a single layer covered their coach. Then another, and another, as his body was cocooned again in this thick rubbery liquid. Soon, he was only a quivering sac, as the rubber liquid pooled out a drain.Two Synpax opened the tube, lifting him up, as he shook within. They carried him as the boys followed, terrified of their own fate. Soon, they came to a large room, the walls covered in this spider web like vines, as their coach was placed onto one.The sac still quivered, shaking as the man within tried to fight, to escape, to no avail. A single tentacle came down, landing on his cock within the sac, and bonding with it. Suddenly, he stopped quivering, as a small translucent trail of white could be seen flowing through the vine, out of the room.“Don’t worry boys, your teacher will serve us well. Just as you soon will too.” He stepped forward, leading them down out of the room, and into a long hallway, each with separate rooms. A single Synpax stood beside each door, as each boy walked down beside one, and entered their room.Liam stood beside the leader, who gripped him tightly around the shoulder. “You are certainly a handsome human. I’ll have fun showing you just what our people are capable of.”Marcus and Eddie were both led away as well, brought into equally dark rooms, as their captors had their ways with them.———— Marcus was drug onto the bed, and made to lay down. The Synpax stood in front of him, beaming down at his body, reading his thoughts, his kinks, and his desires. Thankfully, he already filled one of the requirements.Pulling the boys clothing off effortlessly, he climbed onto the bed, and positioned himself low. Opening his mouth, he took Marcus’s manhood into his mouth. The warm, wet, sticky feeling nearly drove poor Marcus insane, who began to moan, gripping the bed, as he felt the alien wrap its arms around him tightly.Marcus’s eyes rolled back in his head, as he tried to resist the warm tongue coiling up and down his cock, tried to fight it and move away, but it was far too much to handle.With just a few more sucks, and a deep thrust down the alien’s throat, Marcus moaned, shooting his hot load into the alien, who swallowed it effortlessly. Marcus could only lay down, begging for his freedom, his safety, but no, the Synpax wanted more.Flipping the boy over, it’s rubbered cock slid effortlessly along his back, finding just the right angle, and sat the boy forward, driving his rock hard rubber cock into him, filling his ass.Clearly Marcus had had some deals with anal sex before, but this was beyond amazing. He groaned, leaning himself back against the alien, who wrapped his arms around him tightly. All the rubbing made the latex squeak with each deep thrust, each eager pump. Soon, Marcus would be ready for transport.Thrusting in faster, deeper, and wilder, the Synpax gripped him, and shot deeply inside him, pulling his cock out, as more and more inky black cum poured out, covering Marcus’s cock, his legs, arms, chest, as the alien spread it, covering him in the ooze, as Marcus shot what would be his last load freely, he was cradled in the alien’s arms, still dripping from the slime.An opening appeared on the wall, as he stood Marcus up, and let the slime cover him, layer after layer, until the handsome young man was nothing more than a moaning, undefined face within the sac. Thankfully, he was able to get oxygen.The alien picked him up, holding him, and let out a deep, satisfied laugh, carrying the sac out of the room.—————Eddie was no better off, as the Alien licked his lips, tossing him onto the bed and climbing up. Eddie was quick to try and avoid him, dashing away, but he stopped, forced to return by mind control, as the alien gripped him roughly, hissing out obscenities.Laying on the bed, the alien had quite a better idea than just giving it to him normally, he’d make him take it slow, and give in himself. Spreading his legs wide, the Synpax cock stood tall and proud, as Eddie walked carefully over.He climbed onto the bed, looking at the cock, as he leaned in, watching as his mouth, against his will, wrapped around the tip of the aliens cock. The alien smirked, as Eddie sucked the tip harder, wanting so much to break free and run.He licked down the thick rubber member, the taste was sweet, and salty, as he felt a primal desire growling, something in him wanted more, even if he fought it.Standing, he slowly walked over the cock, kneeling, as he pressed it into him. It was painful, but he took it nonetheless, as he slid down it, finally at the base, and leaned forward. With one good tug, the alien pulled him into a rough kiss, sliding the boy up and down, bouncing him on his cock.Eddie moaned, as his own cock got hard. Against his own will again, the alien made him grip his own cock, stroking it, as he through his head back, groaning.It was more than he could handle, with each bounce, every touch of the rubber suit and cock, he hardly could contain himself. He didn’t want to cum, to give in, but it was so hard. He only wanted some relief.And that’s exactly what he got. With a final stroke into him, Eddie’s cock exploded, sending his cum shooting wildly all over, as he nearly screamed in ecstasy. The alien gritted his teeth and came as well, pulling the boy against him, as cum rained down onto him.Eddie could only smile, as the alien covered him up, making sure he was fully covered in the thick black loads, as the tube opened for him as well, placing the boy inside. Eddie soon was wrapped tightly in a sac, wriggling as his captor patted it, letting out a dark laugh, and carried it to be placed.—————Marcus, Eddie, and the rest of the team soon joined their coach, as their sacs were placed against slime covered walls, hung from vines, any place that’d fit. They were then connected to the system, and soon, all of their jock sperm was sent directly to their collector, ready to breed clones and fellow Synpax hybrids.Liam was forced to watch as his closest friends and teammates were trapped by the aliens, forced into this sexual servitude, made to provide endless amounts of their potent teenage seed.The commander soon dragged him away to his own room, a larger lavish room, but Liam knew exactly what would happen. “Please, don’t make me like them, just take me back. I promise, i won’t tell a soul what happened!”“Ah ah ah, we can’t have you go back now, you’re my special guest! At least let me show you a good time first, introduce you to some fun toys i’ve got. If it’s the sac that you don’t want, i can gladly grant you that wish.” He pressed a button, as four long metal tentacles gripped his arms and legs, and bound him onto the bed.“Wha-!” He could only speak, as a monitor appeared before him. “What are you trying to do!” He watched as a picture formed, a spinning spiral.“I’m going to grant some mercy, and make you more than what you’re friends were. You’ll be my own personal servant. How’s that? Now, i know you’re scared…” he dragged his rubbered hands over the boy’s chest, gripping his chin, “But just watch the spiral, and you’ll see it my way.”Liam tried to resist, turning his face away, but it was too much, as he was forced to watch. “See…it…your way…” he soon spoke, as his eyes softened and glazed over, soon spiraling just as the picture was.“That’s right. You want to join us, don’t you? You want to be a part of our galactic conquest. I’ll even do you one better.” He gripped Liam’s cock tightly, “When we’re victorious with Earth, i’ll let you become one of us…” he offered, massaging the cock.“One of…you…” Liam repeated flatly, as his body was slack. “Yes…yes…” he repeated, as his cock was captured, held captive in a rubber prison.The Commander took his time, sliding his hand up and down Liam’s shaft, as the boy continuously was fed the hypnotic signal. He couldn’t resist at all, giving himself up to the Commander’s control.Soon, his body was pulled downwards, as his cock was pressed against the Commanders, who stroked them both. Liam smiled wide, and began to moan loudly, as the Commander sped it up.He was going to make this human his, dominate the boy, and put him into absolute submission. Letting his cock go, he held the boy up effortlessly, and positioned him, sliding Liam onto his cock.Liam moaned again, laying against the Commander, who pounded into him, filling his ass, and even more, with his rubbered cock, as Liam licked his rubber suit, desiring to touch every inch of him.Both of their cocks grew rock hard, so close to release. Liam easily held himself until his Commander would cum, and so he did.Pulling the boy off of him, he covered his chest and body with cum, leaving his head clear, as Liam’s cum soon leaked down, mixing with the Commanders.Opening the tube, the Commander changed the settings, and moved Liam inside. He watched eagerly as the rubber pooled at the boy’s feet.Soon, it rose slowly, covering his legs, his thighs, cock, abs, chest, biceps and arms in thick rubber, all the way up to his neck. It layered up and down a few times, until Liam was clad in his own rubber suit, just as his commander.Liam stood lazily, as he was ushered out, and the hatch disappeared. “Now, we cant have a lazy servant for a commander like me, can we?” Liam looked up to him, “I think we need some more Hypnotherapy.”—————-Sitting down in the Captain’s chair, the Commander surveyed the forest a final time, bidding his fellow Synpax to go and get to their stations, and prepare to leave.“Liam, come.” He ushered, waving the boy over. Walking over much like a marine grunt, he stood at attention, his face serious, though his irises were nothing but spirals now.“Yes sir!”“How are the Sacs producing?”“Excellent sir! They have filled half our tanks!”“Excellent, and our next target?”“ College baseball team sir! They’re in their prime and can produce excellently sir!”“Good, have them set a course.”Liam raised his hand up, saluting his commander, as his suit squeaked, the rubber shining in the light of the room. Soon enough, the squeaks as he moved quieted, and he was gone.The Commander made sure to give him a special dose of segmented Synpax DNA, giving him heightened strength, speed, intelligence, and a stopped aging cycle. Liam would remain just as handsome and submissive until the day he’d join his leader, and become a Synpax himself.Though, this was the fate for not just him, but every male on Earth, soon enough, to join in their fold, and become the perfect soldiers and tools for galactic domination. -- source link
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