lemonandlimefic: “For the crime of shooting the king’s deer, he will lose his hand.&rdqu
lemonandlimefic: “For the crime of shooting the king’s deer, he will lose his hand.” “Criminal,” Hannah muttered next to her. Marian glanced at her sideways before looking back at the scaffold. The tanner was barely more than a boy. His face was spotted, his hair was greasy, and his eyes were bloodshot as though he’d been crying. He was thin as the saplings she’d seen when they’d first arrived in Nottingham. “Please,” she heard a woman cry—the boy’s mother if she had to guess. “Oh, please for pity’s sake. We were starving. Have mercy!” “Silence,” commanded the sheriff, a wide man with blond hair and watery blue eyes. He looked quite the way a king’s deputy should look, except that his hair was perhaps a little greasier than the solemnity of his office called for. “He broke the king’s law and will know the king’s justice.” Marian watched as the boy’s arm was extended over a block and the executioner took out an axe. She did not watch as his hand was cleaved from his body but she did hear the cry of pain that ripped out of his throat and the mutterings of the crowd. When she could bring herself to look again, the block was a bit wetter, a bit redder, and the boy was being dragged away, leaving a ribbon of blood trailing on the ground behind him. He had clearly fainted. — Today’s Story Spotlight by Lemon & Lime Creator Celia. Subscribe today to keep reading → https://www.patreon.com/lemonlimefic -- source link
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