It is with great pleasure that I am announcing the amazing list of contributors for the Big Threesom
It is with great pleasure that I am announcing the amazing list of contributors for the Big Threesome Zine!! The final due date for the zine is the 30th of June, so you’ll be seeing more from the contributors fairly soon! About the zine!Links to all contributors are under the cut!Artists: MagicalZombie sixlightyears jenny.p sepharicLimesicleEriochromeMatzby Alina Israfilova KenEnzoukeJiyume-jintinibluMangocatpakuShelbyHaikuhonoo monoQuetoabracariarthurPhailetschaafVorroWayGhost-KaijuKatieolistvrkRoshambauxJane R.tonerukunWriters: amukcurovogelMonte VarrickAikoDeafmicThe zine itself is hosted by me (Knife) and tokio-zines (Ash)! Make sure to go follow and support the artists and writers participating in the zine!! @fandomzines @zine-scene @zineapps @bnha-community-board -- source link
#big threesome#bnha zine#zine contributors#big three#artists#writers#contributors