Anishinaabemowin LGBTQ Pride Month Vocabulary!inawemaagan - relative (gender neutral)inawem - b
Anishinaabemowin LGBTQ Pride Month Vocabulary!inawemaagan - relative (gender neutral)inawem - be related to someonewiijiiwaagan - partner (gender neutral)niijii(kiwenh) - my male friend (spoken by a man)niijiikwe - my female friend (spoken by a woman)ninjiwaam - my friend (gender neutral)wiidigemaagan - spouse (gender neutral)nindikwem - my woman, my wifeninaabem - my man, my husbandeyekwe - Two-Spirit, a trans womanniizh ojichaagwan - Two-Spiritniizh manidoog - Two-Spiritnaawe-nangweyaabe - Two-Spirit, ‘one who holds the center’ikwekaazo - s/he pretends to be a woman, s/he is like a womanininiikaazo - s/he pretends to be a man, s/he is like a manikwewaadizi - s/he has a woman’s natureininiiwaadizi - s/he has a man’s naturewiijikwewan gaa-misawenimaad ikwe - lesbian, wlwwiijininiiman gaa-misawenimaad inini - gay man, mlmwiijiiw - go with someone, accompany them, “go out with” someonebeshwaji’ - be close with someonezaagi’ - love someonezhawenim - love someone, treasure someonemazhi - have sex with someoneapiitenim - be proud of someone, hold them in high regardishpenim - think highly of someone, respect themzhiingenim - hate someone, disapprove of someoneojiim - kiss someonegiishikijiin / giishkigwen - hug somoeneaabitoojin - embrace someonewiidigem - marry someone, live with someone as a partnerowiijiiwaagani - s/he has a partnermazhiwe - s/he has sexbi-zaaga’am - s/he comes out (slang)zoongide’e - s/he is strong-heartedmashkawizii - s/he has internal strengthishpenimo - s/he is proud of h/ self, s/he has self-respectmiigaadinoke - s/he starts a fightmiigaazo - s/he fightsgotaaji / zegizi - s/he is afraidgaazo - s/he hides h/ selfodikwemi - s/he has a wifeonaabemi - s/he has a husbandjiikakamigiziwin - celebrationbimaawanidim - there is a parade, they march in a paradenagweyaab - rainbowgikiwe’on - flagagwaakwa’igan - a sign posted somewheredibishkoose - it is the anniversaryminikwewigamig / ziiginigewigamig - a barwiidigendiwin - marriage, weddingmikwendaagwad - it is remembered -- source link
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