Detective (2005) - Charles Durning as Councilman Max Ernst I just love that stern look on his face.

Detective (2005) - Charles Durning as Councilman Max Ernst I just love that stern look on his face.
Detective (2005) - Charles Durning as Councilman Max Ernst I just love that stern look on his face.
Detective (2005) - Charles Durning as Councilman Max Ernst I just love that stern look on his face.
Detective (2005) - Charles Durning as Councilman Max Ernst I just love that stern look on his face.
Detective (2005) - Charles Durning as Councilman Max Ernst I just love that stern look on his face.
Detective (2005) - Charles Durning as Councilman Max Ernst I just love that stern look on his face.
Detective (2005) - Charles Durning as Councilman Max Ernst I just love that stern look on his face.