mostlyvoid-partiallysonder: psshaw: I was looking for something else, but this seems relevant to Gho
mostlyvoid-partiallysonder: psshaw: I was looking for something else, but this seems relevant to Ghost-Oakes’s latest suicide threats. He’s always been like this. It’s winter 2014. We’d been in conflict a lot, I mentioned to Locky that my friend had questioned his cancer story, and she told Tucker (now Ghost) and they both gave me a serious tongue-lashing for even communicating my friend’s thoughts. I’m serious. Lots of it was via text, but as I remember it I made no accusation myself. Those two still went into disciplinarian mode and I felt as if I was being spanked by my parents for a thought crime. (At this point, I was trying his patience. We were past the honeymoon stage, things weren’t easy and perfect anymore, and I was asking too many questions about the inconsistencies in how he treated me versus how he said he treated me, and in his stories. These conversations always ended with me becoming the bad guy, and I really started to believe it. I was in conflict with my reality, which said that I have a right to point out mistreatment, and his reality, where everything he says is true whether his actions show it or not. I am a happy and stable person by nature. But I was miserable every day. I frequently cried while talking to him. I started having panic attacks because the world felt unpredictable and I didn’t feel safe or sane. Instead of giving satisfactory answers and being glad we could talk out our concerns, I was told I was being selfish and evil for doubting him. I’d thought I was a very perceptive person up until this point, so even though I tried to trust him, the truest part of me just couldn’t stop trusting my gut.) As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, he used to cut himself as a wooing technique. He would generally prick the existing scabs on his legs and send pictures of the blood. The context here was… much different, clearly. I tried to stay attentive but supportive because again, questioning him was a risky game. I didn’t understand why he was narrating this to me at the time, but it did its job and made me worry. Especially because he would go ten or more minutes without answering. And eventually, he got what he wanted. At the end there, there’s a taste of how he uses other people as villains in his stories. I’m still happily friends with the person whose name is blacked out. I’d much rather have that “exaggerating lying secret-spilling” person in my life than whatever this is. The “latest” suicide threats/self-harm mentions by Ghost Oakes. (this post also references it, plus as of 4-30-2019, he has *AT LEAST* 75 backlogged commissions on FurAffinity [date format in the screenshot above is day/month/year, so May 9th 2018]…and he posted them just one day after he made an incredibly nonsensical, rambling Kickstarter update, which was preceded by 5 months of complete silence while he deleted all “clown daki”/“Pennywise” content, jumped fandoms, and had rapidly been producing Bloodborne art for months… This post references it, but I’ve provided screenshots below so you can see just how manipulative, covertly intimidating, and scapegoating it is. In the same breath he tells us he’s given the money to vendors for the dakis, he also claims to still be working on drawing and/or resizing the designs?? That- quite literally- is impossible. Printing companies/services **need** the dimensions of your designs first in order to give you a quote… And a quick google search can tell you the recommended dimensions for that sort of thing… AND he’s designed dakis before, yep, offered them as ychs in FurAffinity earlier in 2017… So he should know. No excuse.He then says he hasn’t found [a vendor/printing company] for the shirts, nor has he completed the other three (of five) sticker designs in the five months that he left his backers in total radio silence… BUT. He’s gotten his art printed on shirts before, ALSO earlier in 2017… So he should know. No. Fucking. Excuse.He then wants to claim he made 4– ONLY FOUR, NO MORE NO LESS— posts about the dakis on Tumblr, and blames us for not having seen it by trying dismiss our rightful anger with falsely projected absentmindedness/inattention. But how could we be expected to see those posts when you literally admitted that through your “blog clean out,” what little information there was about the dakis got deleted?? There was- very briefly- a shred of truth to that claim, but of course that’s exactly how scam artists are able to successfully con people. I found 1– ONLY ONE— daki update on his blog and took a screenshot of it before everything was deleted; it was a fully-painted gory Genny (one of Ghost’s ocs/versions of Pennywise, and a stretch goal along with the gore option that was unlocked after the original funding goal for the two canon clowns was met…which we had only seen messy sketches of for 3 MONTHS at the time.) The problem: he posted it on Tumblr. NOT Kickstarter. And no. We NEVER saw ANY sketches of “Grandad” (also one of his ocs/ versions of Pennywise and a stretch goal.) It’s been over 17 months since that stretch goal was reached. AND HE **STILL** HAS NOTHING NEW TO SHOW. AFTER ALL THIS TIME. The only “art” we’ve seen is a messy sketch dump page, an insulting half-assed platitude to try repairing his damaged reputation. Ridiculous. Utterly unprofessional. Also, the refund link is no longer available because his website is no longer available. The domain expired and he failed to renew it in time, so now no one else can file for a refund. He’s just not being integrious about this at all, nor is he genuinely trying to notify all of his backers so he can actually make things right. He’s doing the bare fucking minimum and hoping people will forget about it so he doesn’t have to face consequences or admit fault of any kind for his actions (or rather inaction.)We STILL haven’t received ANY of the stickers yet— even though he posted (on Tumblr only, yet again) about having physicals just one week after the two originally uploaded on Kickstarter 16 months ago…and also has the same designs listed on his RedBubble— TO. THIS. DAY. Last- but certainly not least- of all, is that final tidbit: how he loves to play the victim and use the same tired excuses reworded over and over again… “Sending me nasty messages and slandering my name does not make me want to work any faster or harder on this. I am only one person doing all of this work…”Honestly who the fuck cares what you want? Especially at this point?You accepted $6135 from 75 people across 4 different countries to create clown body pillows, shirts and stickers; that is a business transaction. You are legally bound by law to fulfill that obligation and deliver those products to them, and if you don’t…that is civil fraud. Draw the shit you said you would, refund the people that have asked for their money back already, and give your backers your email address so they can request one if they couldn’t before you let your website get deleted. Be a fucking adult for once in your life. Do better. Or.Get.Sued. -- source link
Tumblr Blog :
#tucker#ghost-oakes#twistedteeth#scam warning#scam artist#scam alert#kickstarter scam#manipulator#gaslighting#guilt tripping#scapegoating#intimidation#punishment#pennywise#clown dakimakuras#clown dakis#clown fandom#it fandom#dont forget#artists beware#commissioners beware#furry fandom#fur affinity#bloodborne community#slasher fandom