operafantomet: Peter Jöback as the Phantom in POTO Stockholm. Many Phantoms has starred in prod
operafantomet: Peter Jöback as the Phantom in POTO Stockholm. Many Phantoms has starred in productions in two different countries. Not many has starred in three or more - but now Peter Jöback has played the role both in West End, on Broadway and now in Stockholm. Other examples include Ian Jon Bourg (US Tour/Las Vegas, Hamburg/Stuttgart/Essen, and the World Tour), Peter Karrie (UK Tour/West End, Toronto, and Singapore/Hong Kong in the Canadian Far-East Tour), Ethan Freeman (Vienna, West End, Toronto and Essen), David Gaschen (USA, Hamburg and Basel), and of course Brad Little (US Tour/Broadway, and the World Tour including Shanghai, Taipei, Seoul, Daegu, Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok, Istanbul, Guangzhou and Beijing). -- source link
#peter joback#emmi christensson