Judy panted as she leaned her belly against the alley wall. This was turning out to be harder than s
Judy panted as she leaned her belly against the alley wall. This was turning out to be harder than she had expected! She was in good shape, but her gut was enormous. She was having trouble moving it more than a few steps. Her pregnancy probably wasn’t helping, either. And it certainly didn’t help that her meal was fighting up a storm! She had already clawed halfway up Judy’s throat twice, only to be swallowed back down. Judy wasn’t worried about her escaping, but the constant movement made trying to walk awkward. Even if she were able to move, it was going to be slow, and there was no way she could pretend that this was just a pregnancy belly. She was definitely in trouble. If only she had thought to bring her phone! Wait: there on the ground. Judy could see something glinting in the light from the end of the alley. It was a small plastic rectangle: her prey’s phone! Judy took a deep breath, then grunted as she reached for it. With one hand on her squirming belly, she stretched out her fingers, grasping for her potential salvation. “Gotcha!” Judy snatched up the phone and turned on the screen. Success: it wasn’t locked! She swiped her fingers across the screen and punched in a number she knew by heart. She held the phone up to her large ear as it started to ring. “Hello, Officer Wilde here.” “Nick!” Judy let out a sight of relief. “Nick, I need your help.” “Judy?” Nick’s voice immediately filled with concern. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Do I need to come home?” “I’m not at home, Nick. I ran out to buy some soda. I…” “What!? Judy, we’ve talked about this! In your current condition, you need to be careful! What if…” “Nick, I ate a bunny.” A few tense seconds passed as Nick processed that revelation. “You what?” “I ate a bunny! I didn’t mean to! I ran into that same one on the bus again, and she offered to walk me home. I… I couldn’t help myself. The kits wanted her bad, Nick. I took her into an alley and… just kind of forced her down my throat.” Another few seconds passed. Judy held her breath while she waited for Nick’s response. “… That’s kinda hot, Carrots.” If Nick had been within arm’s reach, Judy would have punched him. “Ha ha, very funny, you dumb fox! Look, I can give you all the gory details once you get me out of here. I’m so big I can barely move!” She hissed the words through clenched teeth. “Okay, okay, sorry. Has anyone else seen you yet?” “I don’t think so, but it’s only a matter of time.” “Okay, here’s what I’m gonna do. I’m going to call Bogo and tell him we’ve had an emergency, and I need the rest of the afternoon off. Then I’m going to go get Finnick and we’ll come with his van. Which alley is it? Is it wide enough to get the van in?” “It’s an alley off Third, halfway between Wildebeest Way and Snake Street. I think it’s wide enough for the van.” “Perfect. Just stay put until I get there.” “Like I have any other choice! Just hurry, okay?” “I will.” The line went dead as Nick hung up. Judy let out a relieved sigh, leaning forward onto her squirming belly again for support. Now that she knew that Nick was on his way, she felt worlds better. In fact, she was feeling pretty good overall. Her stomach still felt stretched taut, but she found, to her own surprise, that she was kind of enjoying the feeling of the bunny moving around in her gut. It was a completely different experience than the fluttering that the mouse had caused. Was this how it had felt for Nick when he had eaten his first bunny? If so, she could understand why it hadn’t been his last. She couldn’t wait until she was back home where she could feel safe, maybe cuddled up next to Nick, and really enjoy it. She just needed to wait it out, keep from being spotted, and her fox would come to her rescue. Judy pressed her paws into her belly, massaging the squirming mass. “Get comfortable in there,” she whispered. “You’re in for a long stay.” And Judy, for her part, couldn’t wait. I’m not entirely sure if what I want to do with this Prednant Judy story I’ve created, whether I want to keep making more or just leave it on the anticlimax from the other week. But regardless, a few people made the comment that it’s a shame that we didn’t get to see Judy’s bun-filled belly, and you know what? Those people were right.Ask me questions on my Curious Cat! Feel free to ask questions to either me or one of my characters.If you’re so inclined, I’d much appreciate it if you’d buy me a coffee! -- source link
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#blockedfork#my art#vore art#clean vore#furry vore#colored#female pred#female prey#post vore#digestion#fatal vore#prednant judy#judy vore#zootopia vore#big belly#bulgy belly#small pred#female#rabbit