Hello all, I promised myself that I would try to post artwork more regularly on social media, even w
Hello all, I promised myself that I would try to post artwork more regularly on social media, even when I don’t particularly feel like it. I would say that this week is hard but , what is happening didn’t just start this week, it is not new, it is consistent and has been for centuries, that is want makes it so draining. Being here has made me appreciate art as a form of healing and self care. With all that is happening, with all that continues to happen at the expense of Black peoples world over, It is hard not to be swallowed by hopelessness. Creating art reminds me that we as a people are not defined by our suffering. Reminding oneself of this gives you strength, whether its the strength to fight or the strength to just keep going. My carving tools are packed away, I have no cloth for dyeing and my paintings are all wrapped up, so right now scratchy half realized drawings are my therapy. This is my self care I encourage each of us to find our own. -- source link