Mark and Annie : An erotic storyNormally a child would learn of their parent’s own sex life, e
Mark and Annie : An erotic storyNormally a child would learn of their parent’s own sex life, either late or (hopefully) never depending on the parents involved. For Mark, his introduction to his parent’s sexual relationship occurred at an early age. Both mother and father had been and still were, quite passionate and quite vocal during the act and despite their best efforts all of their children had at one time or another stumbled into the fact that mom and dad were very, very passionate lovers. So it was that on a special Thursday, as Mark trudged into the house at the tender age of 16 it was his turn to get the surprise of his life. He had just returned home from the baseball field where his game had been unfairly spoiled by the threat of an impending thunderstorm. With it went not only his shot at a pitching a perfect shutout but being able to finally impress Pheta Phoumatang, the hot little Indian exchange student he drooled over. A girl who possessed both the brightest smile and the deepest cleavage hie had ever seen in his young life.To be completely fair he had announced himself, calling out to the house that he was home as he kicked off his muddy shoes in the foyer. Completely disgusted with his ruined life as only a sixteen-year-old can be, he was head deep in the refrigerator searching in vain for the cold cuts he finished off the night before when he heard it. The soft thumping sound from up the stairs. The hot, throaty curses. For the rest of his life he would remember that moment. He would remember closing the door on the fridge, the cold passing by his hairless cheek as he followed those lusty sounds up to the second floor of the house. His stockinged feet creaking up the staircase. The timid few steps that led to the door of his parent’s bedroom. Of knowing full well what was going on behind that door as flesh slapped into flesh in rhythm with breathless and angry grunts and groans. The door was closed, he remembered that as well. Close but not locked. Every instinct he had told him to head on back down the stairs and out into the pouring rain until… well, until. But there was another part of him, another instinct, that drew his trembling hand to the doorknob.Mark remembered gazing wide-eyed through the tiniest crack in that doorframe. Watching his sweet, beautiful loving mother bent over the bed with a tear along her black lace stockings, face down in the sheets, her hands reaching back to spread her ass cheeks wide. Watching his strong, staid and totally naked father spanking her ass red as he slammed his cock into her from behind with his red face twisted in anger. For the rest of his life he would remember his mother’s curses, demanding that his father break her open with his hard, fucking cock. His father just as loud and just as mean, threatening to fuck yet another baby into her hot cunt to add to the brood they already had running around the house. It was the hottest scene mark hade ever seen or imagined. All the porn collected on his PC paling in comparison to his own parents as they fucked and kissed like lovers through a dozen positions and multiple orgasms; alternating between the gentlest loving and most aggressive power-fucking he had ever envisioned.By the time they had finished, collapsed back into the sheets, Mark’s cock was alive in his hand dripping warm precum along his knuckles. His mind was in a haze and only the laughing words of his parents shook him out of his stupor as they chased each other into the shower warning each other that the kids, that he, might be home any time now. They had been so deeply into their love-making that neither had noticed the rainstorm outside. Mark headed back to his room and quickly jacked off into a pair of dirty socks he had tossed by the door. The sounds and sights of his parents fucking filled his mind, the way his father had crushed her bouncing tits in his hands, the way his mother had shivered and shaken apart as she wailed out orgasm after orgasm as she rose his thrusting shaft. Mark grit his teeth, pumping every last drop of cum from his straining meat until he sat back exhausted on his bed, his socks soaked through with cum.Later, his parents were surprised to discover him at the kitchen table finishing off a quart of milk along with three slices of leftover pizza he had found at the back of the fridge. Both were freshly showered and dresses, his father heading straight over to the Nespresso machine for a double shot of Khazar. Mark noticed as they cast each other nervous glances wondering exactly when he had returned home. Both seemed relieved when he said it was just a few minutes ago, his mother still squirming in her seat as her ass stung with her husband’s punishing hands. Their thoughts at ease they asked him about how his game went, then decided to order takeout once their other kids got home. Mark would always remember smiling out of the corner of his mouth as he suggested ordering from Bangkok.A few months later, Mark was headed over to his aunt Annie’s place for the weekend. She and husband were going through some hard times lately and he had moved out of the house. Whatever love they had for each other had drifted away. Although they had both been faithful to one another during their years of marriage, they were also both ready to move on. Sometimes these things just happened, he heard his mother say. Never in her own marriage but in others. His mom had seen it coming from a mile off but their separation came as a surprise to more than a few people, mostly the people in their church group, but they lived out in the boonies. Aunt Annie’s nearest neighbors were a bit more than shouting distance away down that country road and she had never lived on her own before. The list of things that frightened her about her situation went down your arm; between wolves, bears, gas leaks, weird noises, gangs of rapists, and hordes of brain eating zombies. The place needed to be fixed up anyhow if she were to sell it and it was decided that Mark move into the house to keep her company as his parents figured out how to turn their spare room into an extra bedroom.Although his mom offered to drive mark over to his aunt’s, he decided to take his own car. At least this way, he wouldn’t be left at the mercy of his aunt when he wanted to head off to the store or just go to town to meet with friends. His aunt opened the door barely a few seconds after Mark had knocked. Her eyes lit up when she saw him and her mouth turned to a sweet, understanding smile.“Hey there, sweetheart,” she said sympathetically, acknowledging the fact that she was eating up an entire week and more of his youthful summer. She opened her arms and brought Mark into a tight hug, which he gladly accepted. He immediately noticed that she was not dressed as modestly as when she came to visit their house. When she visited his family at their house, she didn’t show so much skin; the tight, low cut tank top and short khaki shorts leaving little for the imagination. Not that he was complaining. This was the first time that Mark realized that his aunt was a pretty hot looking woman. Of course, he had noticed her pretty face before. But her t-shirt was showing off one hell of a cleavage and her tanned legs were firm and slim straight down to her bare feet. Mark wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in close and feeling those soft globes of hers pressing into his chest.“Thanks for volunteering to stay here for a couple weeks. I feel like such an idiot doing this to you.” she said, holding his shoulders at arm length and looking him up and down, admiring how much he had filled out over the last year. "It will be nice to have a man around the house again for a little while, though.”"No problem. You know I’m happy to stay here as long as you like,” he replied, heaving his luggage through the screen door.Mark smiled. He had just turned seventeen. About to enter his senior year of high school and with a brand-new driver’s license in his hand, he had envisioned this summer being very different than it was turning out. But it wasn’t all bad, he decided as he dropped his bag on the floor of his aunt’s foyer. He really enjoyed being around his aunt. She was cool and didn’t act like an authority figure like his parents did. After all, she wasn’t all that much older than him. Aunt Annie had been born a good deal later than his mom, first child to his granddad’s third marriage. Although not a teenager herself, she was young enough to still be fun hanging out with.Mark awoke early in the morning after spending the night binge-watching TV shows with his aunt. It was much earlier than he usually woke but he wanted to get started on the work he planned to get done so that he could have his evening free. He climbed out of bed, wearing only his briefs, and stretched into the sunlight streaming through his window. He decided to head to the bathroom to take a shower before grabbing a quick breakfast from the fridge. He headed down the hall and turned into the bathroom, still rubbing the sleep from his bleary eyes. He was so out of it that he walked straight into his naked aunt, brushing her hair after her shower. As they both crashed into the sink, she looked up at him in shocked surprise.“Oh shit!” Mark blurted out as he shot back the few feet to the wall opposite the sink. His aunt stood there completely naked and more than a little embarrassed but did not make any effort to hide herself or grab for a towel. Mark stood still and terrified, not having any idea what to do. "Shit, I’m really sorry, Aunt Annie. I didn’t know you were in here.”"No, no. It’s my fault, Mark. You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m so used to being… I didn’t even think twice about putting on a robe or of closing the door. You didn’t do anything wrong at all.”Mark lifted his head and was careful to make only eye contact with his aunt, fighting his desire to look her up and down. his aunt had an amazing body, slim with curvy hips and mouth-watering breasts that barely showed the slightest sag. She was unshaven too, which he had taken from the quickest of glances from his curious eyes. Despite his obvious embarrassment, he fought to keep his voice under control, “I guess we’ll both have to make some adjustments, won’t we?”His aunt let out a laugh as she crossed her arms casually across her nipples, then let her eyes drift down to her nephew’s chest. “Wow, Mark. You sure have turned into quite the young man in the last few years. You take after your dad. In more ways than one.”Mark laughed, unsure of what to say as he turned his head shyly from her wicked little smile."No, I mean it. You look really good. I’m sure you have a harem of girls following you around at school all dreamy-eyed,” she teased, leaning her arm across her forehead in a mock swoon.“Well thanks, but there aren’t many girls that look as good as you, though,” he replied, wondering why he hadn’t just kept his mouth shut and retreated back to his room after her compliment.“Really, Mark? What do you mean? There must be a dozen hot cheerleaders you have your eye on.” she joked.Mark was suddenly getting even more shy. His aunt was still standing there completely nude and hadn’t even reached for the bathrobe which was barely an arm’s reach away, ”Well, umm… I mean… You just look really good. I guess I’d never thought of my aunt having such an incredible body. Like you do.”Mark and his aunt were less than a couple of feet apart. She reached out with her left hand and let it stroke his bicep. “You really think so, do you? Do you really like my body, Mark?”Mark’s blood began to race at his aunt’s touch, and he could feel himself reacting to her closeness. “Yeah, I do,” he let out. He felt his body heating up too as she stretched out her right hand to rest on the side of his abs. He gasped, pressing himself back into the wall as his naked aunt took a small step toward him and lifted up onto her toes to press her lips to his. They shared a somewhat tame kiss at first. Then Mark let his hand fall to her hip, his cock bulging rudely in the thin covering of his briefs. Once Annie knew her nephew was ready, she slipped her warm tongue into his mouth.They both closed their eyes and shared a passionate kiss Annie’s hand cradled Mark’s head as her tongue forcefully explored the depths of her young nephew’s mouth. The two stood in the bathroom for several moments, sharing their first true kiss. After a moment, Annie’s hands guided Mark’s head downward toward one of her budding nipples. By this point, Mark had given up all his doubts and was joyed to have his aunt’s warm, soft tits in his face. He took her nipple into his mouth and sucked on it softly, leaving it glistening with his spit as his tongue slid across it in lazy circles. His aunt moaned as the heat of his mouth enveloped her and stroked his hair. Then, without a word, she took his hand and guided him to her bedroom. She sat on the edge of the bed, followed by her now confident nephew. Their arms and legs entwined as they writhed on the bed, continuing to explore and make out. Each moaning and gasping into each other’s kiss. As mark’s hands squeezed on fondled her breasts and ass, his aunt’s hand made its way to his tented boxers, grabbing his cock through the fabric.“Mmmm,” she moaned into his mouth, then slowly releasing him from the kiss. “I was right… You certainly have become a man. Damn, but this cock of yours is so big.”Empowered by her approval, mark renewed his assault on her mouth, his eager hands exploring her body intently. He was no longer her little nephew now and his cock pressed along her naked pussy lips as he ground himself between her thighs. Groaning out her need, Annie took control as she flipped him onto his back and straddled him between her thighs. She dug her fingers into the waistband of his briefs, dragging them down his legs until the point where he kicked them off. Mark lay back on the bed, looking up at his aunt and admiring her perfect breasts and her sex-hazed eyes, wondering how far this would go. He did not have to wait long to find out. She took his solid shaft in her hands and guided it to the entrance of her already soaked pussy as she lowered herself onto him. Mark barely had time to think before his hard cock was engulfed in the warmth of his aunt’s hot pussy-walls.“Oh, God,” he instinctively groaned.Annie’s face showed that she was struggling with her body as well. She rested there a moment, with her nephew’s cock buried to the hilt within her, and her hands pressed down on his hard, hairy chest for support. Her mouth was open, her eyes closed tight, as she trembled; adjusting to the first man she had felt inside her too fucking long.After she caught her breath, she opened her eyes and laughed. She cupped Mark’s face in her hands, leaning in to kiss him passionately. Then she raised her ass up until only the tip of Mark’s cock pierced her pussy lips, then let it drop as his thick cock buried itself once again inside her. Mark’s hands made their way to her waist as she began to fuck him. Mark gripped her tight, guiding her up and down as he thrust up into her, meeting her stroke for stroke. His aunt was moaning hard, rocking her hips in a quick rhythm, allowing Mark’s cock to drive in and out of her as she fucked herself to orgasm on his thrusting cock.Mark groaned through his teeth. The feelings of his aunt’ pussy along his shaft were incredible. It gripped him tight as she rose onto her knees until the point that only his tip was inside her, then her pussy sucked him back into her depths as she lowered herself back to his thighs. He let his hands grope her legs and breasts as she rode him using his hardness for her pleasure. Although he didn’t realize it, his aunt was on her second orgasm. Her nephew’s cock was working her in a most wonderful way, naturally hitting her perfectly with every single thrust as he fucked her brains out the top of her skull. Her pussy clinched and released it rhythmically as she came. Mark didn’t realize that she was cumming as she continued to keep up the pace as she rode him, and her guttural moans and orgasmic wails were a constant presence. Although she loved Mark and thoroughly enjoyed the look of pleasure on his face, she was focused on her own enjoyment now. She had not been with a man for years now, even as she and her husband had let their marriage – and their – sex life decline into nothingness.As his aunt finished her second orgasm, Mark’s moment was quickly approaching. In all honesty, he was surprised and somewhat proud that he had lasted this long. He had never been with a woman like his aunt before and it was better than his wildest fantasies. And Lord knows he had had some wild fantasies. Until now his only sex partners had been shy and inexperienced, local girls and high school sluts. By the way she was working his aching cock, his aunt was definitely not inexperienced and despite having more than a few years on them she was just as tight and way hotter than any pussy he had ever fucked. He had held his balls steady until he thought they were going to explode, but as he felt her shaking and grinding down on him in a breathless, screaming orgasm, Mark began to feel that familiar and unstoppable surging in his balls.From the way his fingers dug into her hips, Annie knew that her nephew was mere moments away from firing his load and she was more determined to make this the most incredible orgasm of his young life. Her eyes went white as she gripped his shaft deep within her with everything she had left. Even as she was starting to slow down, exhausted after how many head-spinning orgasms Mark was speeding up, thrusting his hips off the bed in a furious attempt to drive his strong young cock straight through her guts. Mark’s eyes rolled back and his head fell to the bed as an eruption of warm cock-seed blasted up into her womb followed quickly by another… and another… and, fuck it all to hell, another!As his cock was spurting inside of her, she crushed down milking out every drop of hot, thick and super-potent cum that his balls had to offer. She was still in the aftershocks of yet another powerful orgasm as Mark’s cock continued to jet cum deep inside her quivering pussy. Mark let out his held in breath as a powerful grunt as he held her tight, buried to the hilt as he came and came, adjusting her hip’s rhythm to the convulsions of his orgasm. When he had finally finished, she collapsed on top of her nephew, all energy drained from her even though she continued shivering in his arms. She let her head rest on his chest as she regained her panting breath. His gradually softening cock was still buried deep inside of her and she lay there, breathing heavily, enjoying the feeling of his warmth filling her. Mark lay on the bed in a trance, not moving or saying a word, his cock throbbing softly in her wetness.After a short rest, his aunt pushed off his muscled chest to raise herself back onto her haunches, resting on Mark’s thighs. His cock wasn’t rock hard anymore but still stuffed her pussy quite nicely. A small river of his semen had escaped her flooded womb and lay warm and sticky along her thighs. Her hair was a wet, ropey mess and sweat glistened from her body as she studied the lovely, erotic bruises her handsome nephew given her in the throes of their sex. Gazing down at him, she knew that she was one lucky woman. Mark still lay in a trance as she pulled the covers over them both, reveling in the feel of her body lying on top of his own, the way her wet hair cascaded over his shoulder. They fell asleep wrapped around each other, her warm breath breezing peacefully through his chest hair as he held her close.Mark woke up three hours later, fully rested. By this time, the warm sun was shining brightly through the window. He squinted, then yawned as he stretched his arms over his head. When he finally fully opened his eyes, he suddenly remembered the early morning’s events. Were they a dream? His aunt was still sleeping gently in his arms, though, and a small smile was on her lips.Dear God, he had really fucked his aunt! Shouldn’t he feel regret? Shock? Even a little bit of guilt? Maybe he pushed her into something she didn’t want to do, or maybe she’ll regret it later? But his aunt had made it pretty clear what she wanted, and hell if she hadn’t gotten it. Mark lay back feeling more lucky than guilty. Instead of being worried that they had done it in the first place, he found himself more worried that she wouldn’t want to do it again. Then he started worrying about what would happen if his mom ever found out that he had fucked her own sister!About that time, he felt his aunt stirring along his body. It was the first time he had ever actually ‘slept’ with a woman and the feelings going through him as he watched her slowly stir to wakefulness were incredible. Her eyes opened, bright and breath-taking, as her smile grew with the sight of him laying beside her. The woman actually purred as she cozied herself into him, murmuring soft incoherent words that sounded like music of angels to him. On instinct, he pressed his lips to her forehead and told her that he loved her. Which was the absolute truth. She seemed to like that, sliding her leg across his hips and mumbling the same words back. After a while of lying there she asked him what her man wanted for breakfast.Well, Mark thought, I guess that answers that question. He answered by rolling gently on top of her planting soft kisses along her face as she embraced him, smiling wide, feeling his manly hardness gently finding its way. She had him alone for at least a week, Annie thought. Maybe more if she played her cards right. There were no prying neighbors around after all. Then she started worrying about what would happen if her sister ever found out that he had fucked her own nephew! But that was a problem for another day. Right now, as Mark began sliding his naked cock back into her unprotected and very horny little pussy… those thoughts were the farthest thing on her mind. Letting out a slight gasp as he invaded her body once more, she wrapped herself around his strong body, and welcomed him home -- source link
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