Riding to a conservation area in the southwest of Antioquia, Colombia, the Mesania-Paramillo reserve
Riding to a conservation area in the southwest of Antioquia, Colombia, the Mesania-Paramillo reserve, an area of astounding biodiversity and of the utmost importance for protection, cared for by The Hummingbird Conservancy (THC). @mateoheme told me of an ex-hunter, named Uriel, who now works as a guardian for the reserve. His experience as a predator in the forest now makes him the most skilled person to spot wildlife in the area, as he knows the intimate details and dynamics of their lives. I want to meet him, to know what it’s like to have your way of life completely changed from one of forest extraction to dedicated conservation— in the forest and landscape he’s spent his entire life in. @bioconservancy Photo by @sebaschamorroph @indianmotorcycle @rolandsandsdesign #wildlifeconservation #biodiversity #mototravel https://www.instagram.com/p/CHXzsVhB79H/?igshid=xvlychjwby9o -- source link