i finally finished writing it! Squeeze With Both Hands/両手でキュン (AO3 link): [explicit, 18+]
i finally finished writing it! Squeeze With Both Hands/両手でキュン (AO3 link): [explicit, 18+] 10,018 words of the softest, tenderest, most loving POV reader insert taking of karamatsu’s virginity ever. female reader insert. very excited to announce that this fic will be the basis of my first doujinshi that this summer that i hope to release in both english and japanese! (pics related- one of my favorite moments from the fic- will be the cover page hehe). full fic will also be right here on tumblr under the break!Summary: After a nice dinner out you decide to progress your relationship with Karamatsu to the next level. That’s right; it’s sexy time. He’s very gentlemanly, so you really have to pull all the stops trying to make a move on him. It finally gets somewhere when you kiss him properly for the first time and he gets a boner (cute!). You take Karamatsu’s virginity. It’s nice. You have a little heart to heart after. The distant hum of electricity from the power lines and the occasional flicker of the lonely streetlamps casting their conical beams of light intermittently on your walk home barely registered in your mind. Any night similar to this before tonight, you would have been eagle-eyed, as a vulnerable, somewhat tipsy young woman walking home alone, ever on your guard. But tonight was different. You could let your guard down tonight. Crickets hiding in the sand of the deserted playground you gingerly stepped past seemed to chirp confidently in agreement, almost as if they were trying to convince you so. And yet… your heart just wouldn’t quit. Your eyes darted in any number of directions, your breaths came out as halting, quick puffs of vapor evaporating in the crispy late night winter air exhaled through your nose, and your hands… Well, one was balled tightly into a fist held to your chest, and the other? Your eyes darted down, daringly, to your other hand. Fingers interlocked with another- Karamatsu’s. Your gaze followed its natural course, tracing a path from his fingers nestled between yours up his bare forearm (in this temperature!), to his confident shoulders, to his face, currently looking ahead, alert. Ever the gentleman, Karamatsu walked with you taking care to walk on the side nearest to the road to protect you, and even now he was scanning the neighborhood for potential danger. You were impressed, but unsurprised- this was the man who had reduced you, someone who considered herself reasonably experienced with relationships, into a giddy virgin as if you were still in high school, after all. When you looked at him- and you did exactly that, admiring how the moonlight lit his features with a soft glow- it was like your years of experience melted away and all you could hear was the rush of blood and your pulse in your ears. For a moment, you were lost in your adoration, drinking in the sight.You shook your head quickly a couple times, and brought your hands to your face to give your cheeks a couple of light slaps. Snap out of it already, [Name] . You screwed your eyes shut as you huffed and gave your little mental pep talk. Tonight’s the night. You didn’t know if it was the alcohol in your system talking, but you had resolved at some point during your romantic dinner date evening with Karamatsu to make tonight the night you were going to advance your relationship with him. You opened your eyes again, your eyebrows furrowed with your newly rekindled determination to do it , only to be met eye to eye with his, staring intently at you with equally determined furrowed eyebrows. “Honey?” You were frozen in place, forgetting to breathe, with his face only a few inches away from your own. He was so close, you could feel his breaths leaving your skin just a tiny bit damp. Then you blinked, and felt time resume as your determination returned. “Karamatsu,” you said matter-of-factly as you took his hand once more. “There’s a love hotel a few blocks away from here.” Despite your apparent confidence in what you just said, you felt a fiery red blaze across your cheeks. You hoped it was just the alcohol. He looked at your interlocked hands, aghast, then at you. “C- Come again?” “Love hotel. Nearby.” His expression remained unchanged for a few seconds, and then quickly melted into a familiar (though this time somewhat unsure, almost wobbly) smirk, eyes closed. “A- ah. Wow, honey- you know the landmarks in the area so well! Color me impressed, I-”“Well, yeah. I live around here.” You tilted your head forward expectantly, eyebrows raised. He cracked one eye open to look at you. “So anyway. We should go!” You smiled at him. For a virgin, you thought he would be leaping at the opportunity, no questions asked. Perhaps the smile would lock him in.“Honey-” and you saw him swallow, quickly. He was looking to the side at nothing in particular. “I think you might have had a little too much to drink, don’t you think? That’s a pretty wild joke to make! You can’t play with my heart like that, you know?” He cleared his throat, then turned to look at you again. There was a strange hint of what almost registered as sadness in his eyes, but between his smile and his gaze, it was wrapped up in blankets of warm, genuine care and affection. “Let’s get you home safe, darling.”Mentally, you slapped your thigh in frustration. How could he have shot down your extremely direct and obvious invitation to bone?! The man was just too gentlemanly for his own good. Let a girl fuck! You simmered in silence on the remainder of the walk left to your apartment. That remainder flew by quickly, much more quickly than you had anticipated. You were hoping to come up with a new plan with a better success rate, but before you knew it, he was already leading you by the hand up the stairs to your humble little 1K apartment and saying something or other about how glad he was to have had the honor to walk you all the way home for the first time. You said nothing, struggling to fumble your keys out of your pocket with one hand so that you wouldn’t have to let go of his. He looked at you meekly, like he wanted to help, but didn’t know how, until you finally fished them out and hastily shoved your key into the lock, opening the door. You stepped inside the genkan, kicked your shoes off, and flicked the switch, the lights flickering to life first in the corridor and then in your room inside. Briefly, you looked over your shoulder at Karamatsu, who was still standing outside with his hands shoved deep into his jean pockets. He averted his gaze when you made eye contact- it seemed that he was curious about the interior of your place while your back was turned. “Karamatsu?” you ventured, turning to face him. “Mm?” He snapped back to looking at you as you spoke. “Oh, I guess it’s about time that I leave you be and let you get some rest, huh. I’m sorry if I overstayed my welcome.” He grinned, sheepishly, and turned to leave. “Goodnight, my K-”With no time to think, you finally bit the bullet and grabbed his hand, pulling him towards you inside the genkan. He blinked, eyes wide, and a warm red glow began to bloom on his cheeks. “H- heh. Still tipsy, honey?” He seemed to almost be squirming uncomfortably with how close you were standing to each other. “The walk sobered me up.” You took his other hand so that both of yours were holding both of his, and you looked up into his eyes, only a couple of inches away. “Thank you for today, Kara.”The tension was palpable, and you could feel his hands trembling in yours, but you surged on, closed your eyes, and gently leaned forward to close the gap in a soft kiss on his lips. It wasn’t like you had never kissed each other before- you were going out, after all. At least, that was what Karamatsu told himself, as his heart threatened to punch its way out of his ribcage. Not dissimilarly to how he imagined how someone’s life would flash before their eyes on the brink of death, he felt memories of the countless times he had knelt, taken your hand, and kissed it without even the slightest drop of shame flood his mind’s eye. It had seemed so natural, so easy, and so right, that he had always done it without a second thought. He recalled, nervously, the couple of times you had taken the initiative to give him a soft peck on the cheek at the end of a date or a day out and the inconsolable hot mess he had instantly become once he was out of your sight. So this- this was surely the natural conclusion of your relationship progressing, he reconciled. Natural. No big deal. This was-You interrupted the monologue of his mental theater with a daring, but nonetheless cautiously slow parting of your lips, only to kiss a little harder, a little longer. You could feel his hands freeze their shaking for a moment, then tighten their grip around yours. You took this as your cue to push a little farther, and this time you dared to briefly slide your tongue in and over his bottom lip, eliciting a deliciously audible sharp inhale through his nose. You pressed closer against him, both with the kiss and your entire body, and you felt yourself sigh through the kiss happily, exalted to finally be as close with Karamatsu as you had spent many a late night dreaming about. Karamatsu, to his credit, still seemed to be tensed up, but you could feel his thumb stroking your hand over its grip with increasing passion, proportional to the intensity of your kiss. As insignificant as those thumb strokes might have seemed, you really liked them. It felt like he was comforting you, trying to tell you how much he cared for you, but besides his lips, which were currently occupied, his hands holding yours were the only way he could currently communicate that. You wondered if he could feel your smile through the kiss. It was like you were welling up with a bubbly, warm happiness and it was threatening to spill out of you. Kissing tenderly like this in your genkan, bathed in the glow of your harsh corridor light, holding hands- you had never felt more love inside you in your life. It felt only right for you to finally pull your hands away- and you felt Karamatsu notice immediately, his shoulders stiffening- to slide them over his sides and wrap them around his back, pulling him even closer into an embrace. You felt him respond in kind, his strong hands sliding down the small of your back and settling at your waist. Fantastically, it seemed the little thumb strokes had become converted into his whole hand repeating that same stroking motion across your hips, only his hands were also radiant sources of warmth. It felt so good to feel him touch you so lovingly. You couldn’t help but moan softly into the kiss, and you felt him squirm but moan back in response. He was shifting his legs, rubbing his thighs together. Then you felt it poking you in your thigh. And then he leaned in, mid-kiss, rubbing that bulge upwards, and let out a quiet moan of his own. He froze instantly. A wolfish grin etched itself onto your face in tandem with his nervous gulp. You tore away from your kiss to lean into the crook of Kara’s neck.“… Is that what I think it is…?” you breathed into his ear, your words leaving a cool, ticklish light breeze that made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. “H- honey…” You drew back briefly hoping to savor his expression, but his eyes were screwed shut. You could see a bead of sweat beginning to form and roll down his very nervous, glowing red face. “It’s- I’m not– I’m so, so sorry, I-… I didn’t mean to ruin our first real kiss like this, I just- it’s not what it looks like, I promise…” You raised an eyebrow at this, still smirking. You slid one hand up his side to tilt his face so it was angled to face yours again, while your other hand slid down to gently stroke the bulge straining at the crotch of his jeans poking into your leg, which elicited a fantastic hitch in his voice with a sharp inhale. “This… isn’t what it looks like?” He cracked one eye open to stare at you in bewilderment. “You’re not… disgusted?” Seeing your warm, if slightly mischievous smile seemed to comfort him enough to open both eyes to look directly at you again. “You’re not angry…? Even though my body has the audacity to react to fulfilling the wonderful dream that is getting to kiss your soft lips in such a… sinful manner?”“On the contrary, I think it’s too damn cute…” “C- Cute?!” The facade of coolness he always tried to put on shattered in an instant when he stuttered that out as his voice half cracked. If Karamatsu could blush any harder than he was right now, he would probably faint, both from the embarrassment and the amount of blood leaving the rest of his body to rush into his cheeks. Luckily for him, though, you were holding onto him again, your hand pressed on his back to push him closer towards you for another kiss. He seemed to melt into your embrace (though your hand on his bulge never ceased its tender, slow strokes) and offered no resistance to returning to your long, slow kissing, closing his eyes again. “Darling…” he breathed out in between kisses. “There’s… ah … nothing ‘cute’ about this… hunger for you called lust, growing inside me… If you keep touching me like that, I’ll…”“You’ll what, Kara?” You punctuated your question with a particularly firm squeeze with your whole hand around his bulge, scoring an excellent, drawn out moan into your ear which dissolved into ragged breaths. “I’ll-” he panted out, his eyes opening half lidded, deliriously clouded with lust. “… lose control…”“Good.” You continued to kiss him while groping at his bulge a little longer, the two of you still standing awkwardly in the genkan with the door still open. With shaky hands, Karamatsu began to move one of his hands up your midriff, eventually lightly resting it on one of your breasts. You could hear his breaths remaining uneven, but he didn’t proceed any further, not even to grope your chest back. “Is this… really okay?” He gently pushed you back enough to separate your kiss, brushing away the thin string of saliva connecting your lips, and looked serious, though pleadingly, into your eyes. “Do you… really want to do this… with me ?” “Are you, the Karamatsu Matsuno, truly so surprised one of your Karamatsu girls is attracted to you?” You tilted your head questioningly, then took one of his hands in both of yours and squeezed. “I do. I really do. I don’t think I’ve ever been so sure of something in my life.” Karamatsu’s vision went out of focus for a moment. It wasn’t until you reached up to gently wipe a tear from his eye with a finger that he realized he was crying. He sniffled. “Ahh, this is so embarrassing… I’m sorry, honey, I keep ruining the moment, I’m just…” He sniffled again, and smiled, kissing you again with a newfound vigor. “I’m just so happy I’m the one who gets to have the honor of being the man you chose.”At long last, it was your turn to blush and avoid eye contact. “Well… I mean… w- we’re dating, and all that, so it’s… you know, it was a matter of time…” Seeing your flustered reaction, Karamatsu chuckled. “You’re so adorable. Being so confident all evening, and now you choose to get embarrassed?” He sighed lovingly, shaking his head. Before he could get another word out, you straightened up and stepped around him to close the door. “Sheesh! It’s so cold out, I can’t believe we were kissing that whole time with the door wide open.” You peeked over your shoulder at him sheepishly. “You can take your shoes off now, you know…”“… O- oh.” He stared at you unmoving for a bit, wide-eyed. “So we’re… we’re really going to… do it ?”“Well… yeah.” You took your coat off and hung it up, then gingerly held one of his hands, looking expectantly at him. “I just consented and it made you cry, right?”For a second, he continued to stare, like the cogs were turning in his head. Then it seemed to finally click when he wordlessly pumped his fist in the air. Mom, you don’t have to worry anymore. Your boy finally made it . You giggled under your breath as you watched him bend over to take his shoes off, taking care to line them up and place them neatly at the foot of the step of your genkan. He seemed to be shivering a little as he turned away from you to shrug his coat off and hang it up on the peg next to yours, so you reached out to put a hand on his shoulder, which caused him to jump as if he had been electrocuted. “Are you cold?” He turned to face you almost mechanically, that was how jittery he seemed to be. “Mm… y-yeah. I’m just a little cold, I guess. That’s all, heh. Nothing to worry about. So… shall we?” You took that as your cue to take him by the hand again, which made him gasp a little (how cute, you thought), and gently tugged him further into your home. Karamatsu stood and watched you in stolen glances while he pretended he was looking elsewhere, fidgeting with his hands as you rolled out your futon onto the humble 6-tatami floor of your room. You then promptly sat down cross legged next to your pillow with a puff on your futon and patted the free space of your bed, indicating the space was for him. Wordlessly, he took his cue and sat down cross legged opposite you, his arms crossed as well. “Kara… Are you sure you’re okay? If you’re not ready for this yet, we really don’t have to-”His eyes widened at this. “No! No, it’s not that I’m not ready for this… I want it too! I want it so bad, honey, and I’ve wanted it for so long…” His voice trailed off into an almost needy whine. “… It’s just…” He took a deep breath and looked directly into your eyes, his brows furrowed. “You… you know that this is m-… my first time, right?”You were dumbfounded, shocked speechless for a moment, and the expression on your face seemed to terrify him for the entire half second it was on your face, but it quickly faded into a knowing smirk. You scooted closer to him, so your knees were touching, and your faces just inches away from each other. You watched him swallow nervously again. “ That’s what you’ve been so nervous about since you came in? You realize that that makes it even more fun for me, right?” Without breaking eye contact, you took both his hands in yours and stroked them gently with your thumbs, just as he had done not so long ago in the entrance of your apartment. “You’re in good hands, you know…” you murmured as you leaned in and you both closed your eyes as you began to gently kiss him again. The air was still, silent at this time of night save for the occasional chirping of crickets and the sound of your lips on his… and his heartbeat was so fierce, you could just about make out the sound, even from this distance. So you continued stroking his hands and squeezing them with your own as you kissed him, sighing and leaning in closer, reveling in the sounds he made in response, until his heartbeat finally calmed down and slowed to a reasonable pace. “You’ll be alright, Kara…” You smiled through your kiss, and moved to gently push him backwards until his back was lying on the futon, head on your pillow, all without breaking the kiss, which he responded to with a soft moan. He gasped for air as you pulled away, now looming on top of him on your hands and knees. “You’re so forward, darling…” He panted out between breaths. “Do you… not like it?”“Ah, au contraire , my love… It makes you even sexier, and it drives me mad…” With that, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you towards him. This time, he was the one taking the initiative to kiss you with tongue. His tongue was halting, nervous, unsure, at first, as it slipped between your lips, and you made sure to make it feel welcome before responding in kind. It did not take long for the intensity to begin to ramp up, and so too did the heavy breathing and moans from you both. You felt one of his hands slide up your back to your head, fingers buried in a handful of your hair, while the other glided down the small of your back to grab a handful of your ass. The sudden stimulation might have caused a slight spike in your breathy moans, but it quickly gave way to a grin Karamatsu could feel through the kiss, and he chuckled in that delicious baritone of his. It sent shivers down your spine… and caused you to twitch in your nether regions, too. You began to move your hips, and at last the fabric of your panties made contact with the ever-straining bulge in his jeans for the first time. This time, it was his turn to gasp into your kiss and your turn to chuckle as you ground your pelvis against his, kneading his bulge with your nethers under your dress. At this point, he was actively groping your ass, trying to pull your panties down through the fabric of your dress and groaning in pleasure, need, lust. He bit on your lower lip, causing you to yelp, but you took that as your cue to pull away from him. His light moans trailed away questioningly, and he cracked his eyes half open to look at you. “H-… honey…?” There was a hint of fear in his eyes, like he was scared he might have hurt you, but you quickly shushed him with a finger to his lips and a small smile. You took a quick second to ponder whether you should stop wasting time or if you should draw it out and savor things and ultimately opted for the latter option. You started by pulling Karamatsu’s shirt up untucked from his pants to expose his belly and just enough to expose the lower half of his chest. The cold air hitting his nipples caused him to make a cute sound- a tiny yelp- and look away in embarrassment, and you watched them perk in response to the stimulation. You made a mental note to give them the attention they deserved soon, then started working your way down his torso peppering kisses as you went. You gingerly traced the line of his pelvic bone downwards with your index finger, until you finally reached your prize- the bulge that had been putting up a fantastic fight thus far not to just break through the denim. At this point, you could already make out a small wet stain at the tip, and you licked your lips in anticipation- he must have been really excited if his precum was so plentiful it was getting through layers of underwear and denim. You gave it a squeeze with your hand for good luck and an experimental lick for taste- a little salty, which was to be expected- which caused Kara, barely able to keep his eyes on you, to moan louder than he had the entire night so far. “P- please…” he croaked out. You didn’t need him to specify nor ask you twice. You quickly undid his belt, admiring the skull buckle as you pulled the leather out of the loops and finally unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. The outline of his bulge in his underwear seemed to suggest that at some point when he had gotten hard it had moved to the side, so you could see the length and shape of his cock in full. “Huh,” you remarked while pulling his jeans off. “I’m surprised to see you in boxer briefs, considering I noticed you were always wearing normal briefs in the show.” “You noticed that ?!” Karamatsu covered his face with his hands, a furious blush staining his cheeks even more than they already were. “We literally got an eyeful of a closeup of your ass in briefs in the movie, remember?” “Ugh…” He sighed a muffled sigh into his hands. “… I always wear boxer briefs when I’m out with you… you know, just in case… because girls seem to prefer those…” His voice was small, like he was embarrassed. Personally, you found it endearing. “Where’d you hear that?” you asked, genuinely curious, as you tossed his pants aside and started pulling your dress up over your head. You noticed in the corner of your vision that he was peeking at you through a crack between his fingers, so you winked at him. “… Totty…” he mumbled. He was still watching you. “… My brothers wouldn’t let me leave the house until they approved of every piece of clothing I was wearing.” “That’s sweet of them. He’s right, by the way- briefs are fine, but boxer briefs are even better.”Mentally, you made a note to thank Todomatsu the next time you saw him for the sweet gift from God that was Kara in black boxer briefs. You finally descended on his bulge once more and proceeded suck on the tip of his cock through the fabric, thanks to the darker spot of precum. His whole body stiffened at the sensation, and you saw his hands grip your futon, fingers digging into the mattress. The taste testing was nice, but it was time for the real deal. “Eat-a-dicky-masu,” you said unceremoniously, as you pulled the band of his boxer briefs down and finally let his hard cock bounce free. You heard him groan in response, but you weren’t sure whether it was because of your terrible joke ruining the mood given the circumstances or the relief of no longer having his erection forcefully contained in his pants. You hoped it was the latter. You took a moment to drink in the sight of Karamatsu’s erect dick for the first time. To an outsider’s eye, it might not have seemed particularly noteworthy, but to you, it was perfect- because it was his. You savored the way his foreskin still covered a little bit of the underside of the head, the visible vein on the shaft, the clear precum oozing from the tip, the slight curve. You wrapped your hand gently around it and slid it down, pulling the foreskin down to reveal the head of his cock in full, which you stared at in enraptured wonder. Kara, to his credit, seemed to be containing his sounds to a modest level of choked out breaths, at least for the time being. At last, you gave in to your basest desires and leaned over to take him in your mouth. The warm wetness of your lips wrapped around the head of his cock seemed to finally break him, and like a dam breaking, his soft moans cascaded out and didn’t stop this time. You suckled on the head for a moment, drawing your tongue over the top and lapping up his precum as it seeped out, enjoying the sounds he was making. Then you pushed down further, trying (and succeeding) in taking his whole length in your mouth and down your throat. You heard him gasp, and suddenly you felt his hands on your head with his fingers entangled in your hair again. He didn’t push you down, though- just stroked your hair and occasionally gripped at you a little tighter as you bobbed up and down his length. With every bob you could feel his cock pulse, and it was almost as if he was getting harder in your mouth, filling it even more. “… That… feels so amazing, honey… You’re so- ah – talented…” he managed to choke out between moans. With your mouth full of cock, it wasn’t like you could respond verbally, so you patted his thigh a couple of times as if to say oh, it’s nothing . Feeling the softness of his inner thighs made you realize that your hands weren’t busy doing anything, but could be, so you took advantage to stroke and explore his lower body as you sucked. It started with his thighs, which had significantly more meat on them than the average man’s, or at least your exes’, your fingers sinking into them with ease and leaving behind light pink marks as you dragged them away. But they paled in comparison to what you could feel of his ass, which was delightfully pillowy soft. You treated yourself to a little bit of groping on your own, using your grasp to force his cock deeper down your throat and eliciting another choked out high pitched moan as a reward. “Jesus…” he rasped out in a daze, half lidded eyes looking nowhere in particular. “I- … Honey, I can’t… anymore…” You took this as your cue to increase the pace and strength of your sucking, now concentrating your efforts solely around the spongy flesh of his glans, and his moans crescendo’d in kind, increasingly unevenly. You felt his grip on the back of your head tighten, and this time he did push you down further onto his cock, which you expected. “I’m gonna- Oh, fuck , [ Name ], I’m gonna cum–”You made sure to keep your eyes trained ahead fixed on Karamatsu’s face as he came, savoring the look of ecstasy and how he was barely able to look back at you with how narrowed his eyes were. You felt the first spurt of hot semen paint the back of your throat accompanied by a desperate moan, then another, and another. You swirled the fluid with your tongue a bit, but kept your lips locked around the base of his shaft, which ended up being the right move, because a moment later a little more cum dribbled out to join the pool. Finally, painstakingly slowly, you drew your lips upwards and off his shaft, making sure to clean up any stray drops in one final suck, coming off his head with a wet pop. You looked at him sprawled on your futon, his low cut shirt still rolled up on his chest which was heaving with each pant, a few stray hairs stuck to his face from the light sheen of sweat, and his cock, still half hard, resting on his thigh, and tried to burn the sight into your brain. You would treasure this view for the rest of your life, and inevitably draw upon it in countless future fap sessions. You realized that your mouth was still full of the cum he had just unloaded, so you crawled forward and sat gently on his stomach to get his attention. He opened his eyes to look at you, and this time it was his turn to drink in the sight of your body. You could feel his eyes practically fondling you with how lecherously he stared, and it was only a moment later he decided to act it out physically with his hands running down your sides, firmly grabbing onto your hips and then your pantied ass again. But you had something to show him first, before you continued, so you leaned in towards him and tapped him on the shoulder to get him to look you in the eyes, after which you promptly audibly swallowed his load. His eyes widened. “Did you just… swallow…?” You said nothing, only grinning knowingly as you wiggled your eyebrows smugly. “God… You’re so unbelievably hot, darling…” he groaned, groping your ass a little more roughly. You leaned down to kiss him a little sloppily for a bit, which he happily returned the favor for. You let your hands explore his chest as you kissed, finally getting a handful of his pecs, which weren’t quite as plush as his ass but still lovely to dig your fingers into. It was about time to pay heed to those nipples which were practically begging for attention, perky and erect after being exposed to the cool air for so long, so you rolled one between your index finger and thumb and squeezed. Karamatsu almost yelped a delightful moan in response. He felt like putty in your hands, the way his body jumped towards your touch.“That’s- ah - I’m sensitive there…” You paused. “Does it hurt? Do you want me to stop?”“N- No, keep going…” Wordlessly, you obliged, your other hand joining in the festivities, causing a new wave of higher pitched moans to cascade into your ears. You continued to kiss and play with his nipples, relishing each breathy moan often accompanied by him stroking, grabbing at, and occasionally lightly spanking your ass some more. You felt him tug the band of your panties down, finally making contact with the bare skin of your ass, his fingers moving ever closer to making contact with your nether regions. He spread your ass, you gasped softly at the sensation of the cool air hitting you down there, and he finally drew his fingers up between the lips of your slit. He brought his hand up to his face and pulled away from your kiss, a string of saliva connecting your lips again. Neither of you bothered to wipe it away this time though, and you watched enraptured as he licked your juices off his drenched fingers. He finished off by sucking them entirely, then pulled them out of his mouth with a wet pop. “You taste so good… I need more.” He slid your panties off at last, your wetness putting up a valiant fight but failing to stay connected to them, and tossed them into the pile of clothing. “Please, honey… Allow this sinful man to serve you directly.”You took this as Karamatsu-speak for “please sit on my face”, and didn’t need to be asked twice, taking your cue to sit up and sit back down to plant your pussy on his panting, waiting open mouth, his tongue hanging out. He started desperately lapping up the mess of your juices, his breathing ragged and uneven. Once most of it had been dutifully licked up, he began to focus on your clit, alternating between sucking on it and flicking it with his tongue. His overall technique was impressive, especially for a virgin- it might have been sloppy, but he more than made up for it with sheer enthusiasm. Looking down at him, you watched his eyes roll back in his head as he inhaled deeply through his nose and shuddered, groaning. It was cute. With nothing better to do with your hands, it was your turn to run your hands through his hair and stroke his head encouragingly. His eyes were unfocused, but you could just about make out the corners of his smile as he continued to eat you out. You continued like this for a bit, enjoying how his tongue occasionally darted away from your clit to push at the entrance of your pussy, then you realized you were starting to feel his body twitch irregularly between your thighs and the moaning returning once more, despite his mouth being quite occupied. You peeked over your shoulder to see his hand slowly working his hard-again cock. It was about time. You lifted your hips, revealing Karamatsu’s face completely drenched in a mix of his saliva and your juices, and he sighed with a dazed smile. He quickly licked his lips, wiped his face with the back of his hand, then licked that clean too. “Ready to finally graduate?” you teased, as you moved your hips to back up, nestling his dick between your the cheeks of your ass, the shaft finally making contact resting against your soaked pussy. You reached around your back to unclasp your bra, finally freeing your breasts, which he stared at brazenly, unabashed, eyes wide. You felt his cock twitch. “You’re…” He swallowed audibly. “You’re so beautiful, my Karamatsu girl… I can’t believe we’re really going to do this… I can’t believe I get to make love to someone as breathtakingly gorgeous as you.” You had the grace to blush at this, tearing your gaze away from his lovestruck eyes staring up at you in awe. For a split second, you peeked at his face again out of the corner of your eye. His mouth was hanging open just a little in an almost giddy smile, smitten with the spell called love. It was enough to fill your own heart with warmth until it runneth over, and you found yourself leaning down so your face was close to his, close enough to feel each exhalation of air through his nose on your skin. Your eyes closed of their own volition as you began to kiss him slowly, gently again, with one hand reached behind you to guide the head of his cock to align with your entrance, holding it in place as you slowly lowered your hips down. There was a very slight pressure pushing back at first- you hadn’t gotten laid in quite some time, so you had to get used to the sensation all over again, but- you felt the head of his cock pop inside, and both of your moans crescendo’d in unison as you let the weight of your body succumb to gravity and the rest of him slide inside with no resistance at all. “F-… Fuck… Oh, my god…” Karamatsu was trembling, speaking between breaths, his moans into your kisses halting and irregular, and when you cracked one eye open to look at him you saw his eyes screwed tightly shut. “You’re so warm…” You took your time to savor the feeling of him filling you up inside, but it wasn’t long before your vulva was pressed against the skin of his crotch. You pulled away from the kiss breathing heavily, looking down at him with your hands planted on each side of his head for balance, hoping to gather your bearings before you got down to business. Unfortunately for you, Karamatsu, still smiling and smitten, reached one hand up to your face and stroked it gently, then tucked a loose lock of your hair behind your ear, and it was like a critical hit to the heart. He chuckled, then reached around to wrap his arms around your back and pull you close. “If I could just stay like this with you, forever…” he mumbled into your ear breathily. You felt his cock pulse, then felt the sensation of his lips on your neck. It started with kisses. You decided it was finally time to get the show on the road and began to lift your hips back up, tantalizingly slowly, causing another shuddering moan. You could feel the head of his cock just barely slip out of you, only the very tip still inside spreading you apart, and in one fell swoop, slid back down until your thighs were pressed flat against his hips again. In response, he groaned a delightful “ ffffffffuck ,” almost gutteral. As if punishing you for the delicious torture of pleasure, you felt his lips nip the skin of your neck lightly, but you didn’t let it deter you. You began to gradually gain speed as you rode his shaft until you hit a steady but still fairly slow pace, enjoying the sounds he made in time to your rhythm and letting out quiet moans of your own every time you came back down. “Darling-” he choked out. “It feels so good, I-… You’re amazing…” His hands had ceased their movement earlier the moment he finally slid inside you like it was all he could do just to sit there still and survive the experience of his cherry finally being popped, but as you both settled into the rhythm, his hips sometimes bucking upwards to meet yours, they came back to life to grab handfuls of your ass again. His fingers dug into the meat of your ass- not roughly, and it certainly didn’t hurt, but his grasp was firm and almost commanded a sense of authority. Like you were his. “You’re mine , my love,” he whispered hoarsely into your ear right on cue, punctuated with another grasp of your ass. “And I can’t believe I’m so lucky to call you mine…” As if to assert that authority, his hands grabbed hold of your hips and maneuvered you so you were sitting upright again. He licked his lips, savoring the sight of your slightly disheveled hair, the light sheen of sweat beginning to form on your skin, and your own perky tits, sensitive to the cold air. Then, with no warning, he started bucking upwards of his own volition, using his grasp on your body to pull you down so you met each thrust with even more force than your own weight onto his length. The combined impact felt like it was hitting the deepest parts of your insides, and every time it did you felt your mind go blank, your head practically swimming in the raw pleasure. Despite your current state, though, you noticed his rhythmic groans starting to become irregular, and his grasp on your hips so tight you could feel his hands shaking. “I’m… I’m getting close, darling…” This caught your attention. Immediately, you slowed, resisting his hands trying to pull you towards him again almost automatically, and before he could say any more, you leaned down yourself. Your tummy lay flat on his, your breasts pressed against his chest, and your lips locked with his, kissing him thoroughly. The painstaking, teasing slow pace drew out the neediest, most desperate moan you had heard all night into your kiss, almost a whine. When you pulled away from the kiss, a string of saliva connecting your lips as you both panted, Karamatsu was almost delirious, his eyes unfocused again as he bit his lip in agony. “H- honey… No… Please don’t stop… I–… I need you.” You leaned even further down, your head in the crook of his neck, your pussy sliding back down his length, your bodies pressed as close together as they could possibly be, and he inhaled deeply with a breathy moan, taking in the scent of your conditioner. “You smell so, so good… it’d drive any sane man mad with lust… I don’t know how I managed to hold back this long…” You were about to respond, retort with something sassy like “me either, considering how hard you cockblocked me when I tried to make it happen”, but before you could even open your mouth he grabbed you by the hips and pulled you upwards with a confident strength you were surprised he had. He laid you beside him onto your back as he moved to take your place above you and pulled your blanket around him covering your legs, his shoulders heaving as he panted with lust. “I might have to punish you for teasing me like that, honey…” He stroked the back of his fingers down your own flushed and slightly sweaty cheek. “Don’t you know how cruel it is to toy with a man like that?” His voice was almost raspy. “I’ll make you mine.” This time, it was his turn to lean in and kiss you, sucking on your bottom lip before exploring your mouth with his tongue again, and you felt his cock slip into you with ease once again. This time though, with him on top of you, it was different- as he pulled away from the kiss to catch his breath you got a full, proper look at his face, and it was now you made eye contact for the first time since you had officially popped his cherry. The moment was fleeting, but it stirred a strange feeling in your heart, and you blushed. Karamatsu blushed too, blinking like he was caught off guard. You felt his cock swell a little inside you, causing you to close your eyes briefly as you let out an involuntary soft moan of your own. When your eyes opened again, you were met with his looking like they were on the verge of tears. “K- Kara– ?!”He cut you off to wrap his arms around you and hugged you tightly, burying his full length inside you to the hilt. “You’re so incredibly cute, my Karamatsu girl…” he sighed lovingly with a small smile. He started to pump his hips, settling into a rhythm of his own, and his breathing became ragged again. You noticed how he took care to roll his hips in such a way that it wouldn’t be sudden, that sex with him- no, making love to him- gave you pleasure in waves rather than spikes. Even now, he was ever the gentleman- even with how you had teased him a moment ago and he had the upper hand over you now (literally), he was still putting your comfort first. Maybe you were just getting caught up in the heat of the moment, but you could feel your heart fill with something like it did when he first slipped inside you. It had to be that . L-“I-… I love you, honey… I… fuck, ah … I love you, [Name].” He moaned it into your ear, his head resting on your shoulder. It was like he read your mind. “I love you too, Karamatsu…” you managed to whimper between gasps. You felt him tighten the grip of his arms hugging your torso even further and him almost nuzzling your neck, so you returned the favor and wrapped your arms around his back to pull him closer. You heard him make a soft happy hum in response. “I’m so glad I get to be so close to you like this…” he breathed into your ear. “And you just feel so amazing…”The two of you continued that way for a little while, the slow roll of his hips and both of you holding tightly onto each other, him alternating between letting the breaths from his soft moans tickle your ear and kissing you in intervals. You couldn’t tell if time was passing slowly or quickly in this almost dreamlike state of togetherness you were in, but the smell of Kara- his soap mixed with his cologne mixed with a little sweat- and the essence of Kara- his hard cock working its way in and out of you, his entire body pressed against yours- made your head swim with pleasure so much, it didn’t matter. You noticed that the rhythm of his hip movement had begun to take on a slight erratic quality to it, as well as an uptick in speed. His soft moans in your ear had also become ragged and rougher once again. “Close?” you whispered. You heard him swallow and catch his breath. “Mm… I want to keep going, my love. Until you get close, this time.” He reached one hand down and sandwiched it between your pelvises, using his thumb to start stroking your clit. The sensation was almost electric, adding jolts of pleasure in addition to the rolling waves already emanating from your pussy. You felt your eyes rolling back in bliss. Somehow, it felt so much better than when you did it yourself in your own Fappymatsu sessions, probably because here you were leaving the amount of pressure, the direction, the rhythm of the stimulation up to him. You were like putty in his hands, in his control, and yet you trusted him to be gentle with you more than you had trusted anyone with anything in your life. You closed your eyes.“D-… Does that feel… ah, fff- … Does that feel good?” he breathed out between moans. It was all you could do to nod your head as his thumb started working circles in the other direction on your clit. “Okay, good…” The pace of his thrusting began to pick up again, and this time both of you were starting to pant shuddering breaths, your chest heaving. He leaned in for another kiss, this one just a little rougher and more forceful, like his composure was breaking- and yet it was still tender. You responded in kind, pressing your lips firmly back on his soft ones. His thumb on your clit slipped upwards, and the sudden movement jolted your eyes open, your moan spiking in pitch, and your entire body jerking with it, all without breaking your kiss. Your fingers started to dig into Kara’s back. You saw his face so clouded with lust, eyes half-lidded, mouth hanging a little open, sweat rolling down his cheek, yet his eyes remained focused on you. An expression you wanted to sear into your memory bank for future fap sessions, too, because even though all you could see was his face, somehow it was one of the hottest things you had ever seen. “K-… Kara…”He pulled away from the kiss with a shaky breath. “Are you… close, honey…?” You nodded. You had to commend him for his ability to remain concentrated on you, eye contact and all, because you were starting to get lightheaded from the stimulation and your own vision was beginning to go out of focus. You could feel the pleasure beginning to take that telltale spike towards fever pitch and it was all you could do to hold back from cumming right there. “M- me too…” A seemingly involuntary soft moan interrupted him. “…Together, okay?” You were both silent for a few seconds more save for both of your shaky breaths and the sound of your sex, which had taken on a decidedly messier, wetter sound at this point. “Honey–” His other arm moved so that his palm was pressing upwards on your back, pulling you two even closer together and he leaned forward to rest his head next to yours again, so close to your ear on the pillow that his pants tickled your ear. “Honey, I’m going to- I’m gonna cum– I– love you–” Both of your breaths became uneven, ragged, and as your body convulsed with the waves of orgasm making your mind go blank, you felt him thrust extra forcefully inside you once, his cock pulsing as he came inside you, warmth flooding your insides. He stayed still for a couple seconds, then thrust again, and then a third time, and then a fourth and final time, finally going limp on top of you with a huge, shaky sigh of relief like he had been holding his breath the entire time. As the waves of your own orgasm finally began to reside, your body went limp too, and you dimly registered that his cock was still inside you, though not quite as hard as it was a few seconds ago. You hugged him weakly, and he hugged you back in silence. You noticed your pants were now in sync with his as you both lay there catching your breath. “I love you, [Name].” He whispered it into your ear. In that moment, it felt like you were the only two people in the world. “I love you so much.”You told him you loved him too. More than anything or anyone you ever had. You couldn’t see his face, but you heard a muffled sniffle in your ear. Karamatsu moved his other hand from between your legs to join the other behind your back, squeezing you even tighter, then you felt a weight come off your whole body and his soft cock slide out of you as he rolled off from being on top of you to lying next to you on his back pulling the blanket to cover your bodies in the process, staring at the dimmed light of your ceiling lamp. You felt his hand shift under the covers until it touched yours, and his fingers quickly interlocked tightly with your own. As you both lay there, the pace of your breathing and pulse slowly returning to normal, you turned your head to look at him. He turned to look back at you. He wasn’t crying again, but his eyes did look a little watery.“That was… amazing.” He gave you a soft peck on the lips. “ You’re amazing. And just… so beautiful.” You were both silent for a few moments, just looking into each other’s eyes, this time with no hesitation, shame, fear- just uninterrupted, unadulterated eye contact. A smile slowly began to etch its way onto his lips, and it was somewhat infectious, though you were confused as to why. “What’s up?” you asked. “I don’t know, I’m just…” and his eyes creased at the corners naturally as his smile became bigger, even more genuine, like a little ray of sunshine in this cool dark night. “I’m so happy. I’m so happy I fell in love with you, [Name], and… and…” He opened his eyes again to look at you again. “… that you fell in love… w-with me?” The uptick in his voice, making it a question rather than a statement, had a not-so-subtle hint of needy anxiety, pleading for reassurance. You took both his hands in your own and brought them close to your face, then kissed it gently. You nodded. In one fell swoop, he pulled you into his embrace so you were pressed up against him with your head in the crook of his neck. He inhaled deeply, his nose pressed against the top of your head. The two of you stayed like that for some time, holding each other in a companionable silence. You listened to his heartbeat and steady breathing for an indeterminate amount of time. Time didn’t really matter, at this point- all that mattered was that you were bathed in the warmth of Karamatsu’s embrace, and you felt safe. Genuinely at peace, for the first time in a long time in your adulthood. The constant worries, anxieties, insecurities always at the back of your mind quieted, for once.You felt your eyelids getting heavy, the physical exertion of your lovemaking finally catching up to you and taking its toll. Not to mention his hug was just too cozy, too comfy, for you not to start getting sleepy. But just as you were about to drift off, you heard him mumble your name into your hair. You made a questioning sound, though it was thick with the fogginess of sleep.“I know I’ve asked so many times even just tonight alone, but I really am still in disbelief that you chose me , honey- despite how much I kept screwing up tonight. God, I probably looked so uncool in front of you, huh.” You felt him shift as he moved to bury his face in his hands. “I actually really liked seeing that side of you, Kara. All of it.” You wriggled upwards a little so you could look at each other eye to eye, resting your head sideways on the pillow. “You don’t have to be Exclusivematsu, at least when you’re with me. I just want you. Karamatsu, as you are. That’s who I fell in love with, after all.”“Ahh…” He made a cute embarrassed sound, his face still buried in his hands, but you saw him part his fingers slightly to shyly peek back at you. “I love you too…” “I’m just…scared, I guess.” He sighed, muffled through his fingers. “That I’ll shatter the image you have of me.” He dragged his palms away from his eyes so they were on his cheeks, squishing them together the slightest bit. “All I want is to make you happy, my Karamatsu Girl. And going above and beyond to be the perfect man for you is the only way I know how. I can’t fail you- I just can’t. Ever.” “Well, let me tell you, nothing made me happier than seeing all of these imperfect sides of you. Those expressions and faces and sounds from you I’ve never seen before, they were so delicious.” You had to shake yourself out of drifting off as your mind’s eye flooded with the mental screenshots you had taken throughout the night. “It’s okay to make mistakes, you know- even if I don’t think any of what happened today was a mistake in any shape or form.”He was silent for a bit, mulling over your words. Then he spoke again, but his voice was small. “… But if I’m not perfect for you, I’d hurt you, wouldn’t I?” You looked at him quizzically, your eyebrows furrowing. “No? I’m not a fragile little flower, I don’t need you to be perfect.” You saw him visibly flinch at that, so you took his hands in yours again and squeezed gently. “Heck, I don’t want you to be perfect. I just want the real you.”“No, you don’t- the real me is stupid, and anxious, and insecure, and sometimes thinks mean things, and has secret selfish desires, but he’s a coward who will do anything and everything so everyone can be happy and maybe just appreciate him even a little bit, and-” He cut himself off as the words started to tumble out of him increasingly quickly, growing in pitch, and for some reason, his chest was heaving, his eyes were screwed tightly shut, and he could feel them getting wet at the corners again. “Yeah, I do. That’s the Karamatsu that I fell in love with.” You kissed him softly on the lips, closing your eyes too. No tongue, no sound- just your lips pressing softly on his. Then you gave one more on the tip of his nose, for good measure. “You don’t need to walk on eggshells around me, Kara. I’m not going to die if you’re not the absolute most perfect coolest guy ever 24/7. I’m not even gonna die if you disagree with me, or if you’re angry, or if you have your own thoughts and opinions that might not match up with mine. Your thoughts and feelings are just as valid and worth listening to as mine, and I want to hear them too. That’s how relationships work.” You looked him in the eyes and smiled. “It’s okay to be you. It’s okay. I love you.”He pulled you close again, wordlessly, and you felt a hug squeeze the air out of you for a moment. “You… really mean that?” he whispered.“I promise.” “I-… I’m sorry I keep asking you these things of you, honey. It’s not that I don’t believe you, I just… Nobody has ever said these things to me before.” You could hear him stifling sniffles again. It made your heart ache. “You don’t have to apologize for wanting to hear that. That’s normal. And I’m more than happy to tell you, as many times as you need.”The grip of his hug tightened again and he leaned into you even more. You felt something wet on your shoulder, but you decided not to mention it, opting instead to wrap your arm around Karamatsu’s back and gently stroke his head, running your fingers through his hair. You could feel yourself finally starting to succumb to sleep, warm, cozy, and safe as you felt in this moment in his arms, and you hoped you were able to impart some of that comfort to him too, patting his head. Everything’s going to be okay now , you tried to somehow beam into his brain from headpats alone. I love you so much . You just hoped you were reaching him, somehow. Your eyelids finally began to droop again, and this time you let them close, so that the only thing you focused on was the sound of his breathing. Yours started to sync with his, and you could feel the tiny movement of the rise and fall of your chests in unison. Just as you were about to fall asleep, you could just about make out his words in a low voice, colored so vividly with emotions- relief, gratitude, and above all else, love.“… Thank you, truly, for everything, my Karamatsu Girl.” -- source link
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