dariiy: Help (Russian and Ukrainian immigrant) queer artists couple and cat to flee R*ssia that star
dariiy: Help (Russian and Ukrainian immigrant) queer artists couple and cat to flee R*ssia that started a horrible war and making an iron curtain! My health deteriorated a lot( I was having medical therapy for mental and physicall illneses), my income gone & we scared af. My meds and our cat’s food are hardly for sale anymore,they take random people from streets, check their stuff and phones,read chats etc,beat and lock protester,lock ppl for literallynothing,making huge penalties, We really want out WAYS TO DONATE RN:BOOSTY (all countries) http://boosty.to/dariiy KORONAPAY (Europe only,dm for my name/phone number) https://koronapay.com/transfers/euro Very upset no idea what to do becauseit seemes if I’m unemployed and poor I can’t ever get any visas for becoming refugee -- source link