acrossthewavesoftime: benjhawkins: From the “Life of Captain Jeremiah O’Brien, Machias,
acrossthewavesoftime: benjhawkins: From the “Life of Captain Jeremiah O’Brien, Machias, Maine: Commander of the First American Naval Flying Squadron of the War of the Revolution” (1902) I am late joining the Battle of Machias commemorations, but here are two favourite sources from the Naval Documents of the American Revolution relating to that battle:Samuel Graves’ orders to his nephew John, who is being tasked, among other things, to hunt Jeremiah O'Brien: Whereas his majesty’s armed Schooner Margueritta was on the 11th of last month attacked and taken by rebels in a sloop & schooner from Mechias, after an obstinate engagement in which the commander of the said schooner Margueritta & one Marine were Killed and four wounded, and the rest being made Prisoners were carried by the Rebels into the Country; and whereas I have undoubted Information that these pirate Vessels and several others are now cruizing about Mechias in the Bay of Fundy, and to the Southward as far as Sheepscut River, with intent to take and destroy all Vessels and People employed in bringing Supplies to the Kings Army and Fleet at Boston, You are hereby required and directed to take Lieut [George] Dawson in his Majesty’s Schooner Hope under your Command, and proceed together in search of these Pyrates or any others you can [get] Intelligence of, whom you are to do your utmost to take, sink, burn or destroy by all means in your power, wherever you find them, and all persons who shall be actually aiding and assisting them. You are to take the two Transports named in the Margin under your Convoy and see them safe into Annapolis Royal, and then proceed to Windsor where there are six or more Vessels laden with Cattle, Sheep and other Provisions for the use of the Kings Forces at Boston, which Vessels cannot sail without Convoy: You are either to bring these Vessels away directly, or acquaint their Masters when you will return and convoy them to Boston. Having determined this as you shall see best for the Kings Service you are jointly to proceed in quest of the Pyrates that infest the Coast as aforementioned, giving all possible assistance to known friends, and encouraging and protecting all persons who are willing or inclined to bring Supplies or Fuel to Boston, and seizing every Vessel you find offending against the restraining Acts or otherwise acting contrary to Law. And whereas I am informed the Enemy depend chiefly for Success upon Boarding, and to that end carry an extraordinary number of hands; you are to be very careful that you are not surprized. You are to inform yourself when the Brigs will be ready to Sail, and bring them with you to Boston, where you are to come in company with the Hope or not as the Service will admit.Given under my Hand on board his Majs Ship Preston at Boston the 18July 1 7 75Sam Graves(NDAR 1, p. 913-14)Knowing that Samuel Graves was exceptionally close with his nephews, this last highlighted passage warning John to be careful seems particularly poignant in the wake of the death of Midshipman James Moore. And secondly, an epitaph published on James Moore in a local newspaper:(NDAR 1, p. 971) -- source link
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