astroalive:The Nodes in theSignsThe North and SouthNodes are two points on the Moon. In astrology, t
astroalive:The Nodes in theSignsThe North and SouthNodes are two points on the Moon. In astrology, these points areconsidered indicators of karma, lessons, and overall themes withinthe life.The South Node markswhat we already know. Some see this as lessons we have alreadylearned in our past lives, so we don’t need to learn them again.The sign this Node falls in reveals the energies and knowledgealready within us, but it can also reveal our weaknesses. For thosewho don’t believe in past lives, this is often seen as the lessonswe learn quickly, or in childhood.The North Node, alsoknown as the True Node, marks the lessons we need to learn in thislifetime. The sign this Node falls in reveals what challenges anddifficult positions we will be faced with in this life. This is adirector, pointing us towards our ultimate destiny or purpose.Because these Nodesare perfectly opposite, they will fall in opposing signs (ie. Ariesand Libra, Taurus and Scorpio, etc.), also known as sister signs.North Node in Ariesand South Node in LibraLesson: Grow to beindependent, love yourself, prioritize your own needs, and find yourconfidenceGifts: Diplomacy,tact, grace, and empathyWeaknesses: Dependency, unreliability,superficiality, and passive-aggressive behaviorNorth Node in Taurusand South Node in ScorpioLesson: Establishsecurity, appreciate life and simplicity, and find peace within theselfGifts: Naturalintimacy, intensity, focus, strong intuition and insightWeaknesses:Controlling behavior, relying on the money or support of others,using intimacy against others, being drawn to chaos and negativityNorth Node in Geminiand South Node in SagittariusLesson: Learn tocommunicate and listen, open yourself to new ideas, embracepartnership, and learn to accept commitmentGifts: Optimism,straightforward and honest, generosity, and witWeaknesses: Lack ofempathy, inability to commit or support others, righteousness, andinconsistencyNorth Node in Cancerand South Node in CapricornLesson: To benurturing, learn acceptance, embrace your emotions and sensitiveside, and learn to express that side of yourselfGifts: A strongsense of loyalty, unwavering determination and diligence, anddependabilityWeaknesses:Rigidity, refusal to grow or change, ruthless and cutthroat behavior,superiority complexes and elitismNorth Node in Leoand South Node in AquariusLesson: Be generous,take pride in yourself and your accomplishments, learn to lead, andembrace all aspects of yourselfGifts: Morality,unafraid to express yourself, a sense of healthy rebellion, andhumilityWeaknesses:Coldness, trying to appease others, taking rebellion too far, andlacking leadership qualitiesNorth Node in Virgoand South Node in PiscesLesson: Stand up foryourself, take care of your own health and life before caring forothers, balance service and sacrifice, and pay attention to detailsGifts: Compassion,selflessness, and intense intuitionWeaknesses:Martyrish behavior, disorganized, easily manipulated and manipulativein return, and lacking focusNorth Node in Libraand South Node in AriesLessons: Support andcooperate with others, be considerate of their needs, and learn to bediplomaticGifts: Drive,bravery, and a healthy sense of competitionWeaknesses: Highlyselfish, lacking empathy, unable to see all sides of a situation, andoverconfidenceNorth Node inScorpio and South Node in TaurusLessons: Learndiscipline, embrace change and spirituality, and understand the fullpower of the selfGifts: Patience,practicality, and strong moralsWeaknesses:Stubbornness, fear of change, hedonism, being the supporter but neversupported, and manipulative behaviorNorth Node inSagittarius and South Node in GeminiLessons: Embracehonesty, stick to your morals and values, challenge yourself, focuson the big picture, and learn to see the bright sideGifts: Easycommunication, adaptive, a strong voice, and ingenuityWeaknesses:Manipulative, deceitful, codependency, and gossipy behaviorNorth Node inCapricorn and South Node in CancerLessons: Embracelogic and reason, stay grounded, take the lead, and focus yourtalents into something practicalGifts: Empathy,nurturing, and the ability to protect the self and othersWeaknesses:Dependence, emotionally manipulative, passivity and lack of drive,and prone to being manipulatedNorth Node inAquarius and South Node in LeoLessons: Embracejustice and equality, grow to be a model for those who look up toyou, and learn to work with othersGifts: Creativity,confidence, charisma, and healthy self-expressionWeaknesses:Conceited, superficiality, dramatic, unhealthy use of power overothers, and a refusal to grow upNorth Node in Piscesand South Node in VirgoLessons: Learn toembrace the surreal and your imagination, learn to forgive yourselfand others, and accept that sometimes things cannot be fixedGifts: Detailoriented and meticulous, humility, self-aware, and strong-willedWeaknesses:Pessimism, impossible standards and goals, extremely critical andjudgmental of yourself and others -- source link
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