ihavesomeseriousissues: sxely: ihavesomeseriousissues: sxely: verymuchbinary: theysayitendtooverreac
ihavesomeseriousissues: sxely: ihavesomeseriousissues: sxely: verymuchbinary: theysayitendtooverreact: ihavesomeseriousissues: ilovetoruinpostswithpersonalshit: iloveshamingandmakingidlethreats: ilovetoruinpostswithpersonalshit: turnonyourlocation: ilovetoruinpostswithpersonalshit: thisaintmethough: ineverreallygoanywheretbh: icantbelievethisfuckingwebsite: waitheresmy2cents: professionalnavelgazer: mood21k: choose-your-fighter: bitchyourenothing: iveonlyseenthispostinscreenshots: whatdoyoumeanihaveangerissues: like2bxcludedfromthisnarrative: fleetadmiralobvious: badspellingghost: walkingshitpostgenerator: waitheresmy2cents: iloveshamingandmakingidlethreats: walkingshitpostgenerator: iloveshamingandmakingidlethreats: walkingshitpostgenerator: iloveshamingandmakingidlethreats: walkingshitpostgenerator: badspellingghost: walkingshitpostgenerator: iloveshamingandmakingidlethreats: walkingshitpostgenerator: iloveshamingandmakingidlethreats: walkingshitpostgenerator: conveniencefeemayapply: internetchainletter: insanelycompetitive: internetchainletter: idonthaveanyissuesanymore: spankmewithyourdankmemes: ihavesomeseriousissues: thisisthecontentisignedupfor: fleetadmiralobvious: i-hate-the-word-moist: icantbelievethisfuckingwebsite: iloveshamingandmakingidlethreats: icantbelievethisfuckingwebsite: spookyproblematicblog: morganfreemanpointingup: trollsrus: waitheresmy2cents: sassyappropriator: butthats-noneofmybusiness: like2bxcludedfromthisnarrative: ilovetoruinpostswithpersonalshit: easilyshaken: thisisthecontentisignedupfor: pointingatthis: spankmewithyourdankmemes: ihavenofriendsandnocomputer: fleetadmiralobvious: i-hate-the-word-moist: fleetadmiralobvious: i-hate-the-word-moist: ihavesomeseriousissues: easilyshaken: paleaestheticmicroblog: iknowwhodidthisbutistoleit: icantbelievethisfuckingwebsite: imsooffendedwoahwhatsthat: oldmanyellingatacloud: icanodd: et-phoneme: waitheresmy2cents: ialwaysfeellikesomebodyswatching: ineverhadanassbutiblameitonthis: iamblindandmydogisdead: hyperventilating: fleetadmiralobvious: somerandomfuck: everythingismeasfucktobehonest: spankmewithyourdankmemes: conveniencefeemayapply: ihavesomeseriousissues: waitheresmy2cents: internetchainletter: eternalqueue: iloveshamingandmakingidlethreats: ihavesomeseriousissues: ineverreallygoanywheretbh: imsooffendedwoahwhatsthat: theysayitendtooverreact: fleetadmiralobvious: ihavenofriendsandnocomputer: iamblindandmydogisdead: walkingshitpostgenerator: thepeopleinthebackcanthearyou: whatdoyoumeanihaveangerissues: verymuchbinary: icantbelievethisfuckingwebsite: werenotstaffreally: anentirelyrandomseriesofletters: somerandomfuck: ilovetoruinpostswithpersonalshit: isurehopeitgetsbetter: ifitwasntforthatlastcomment: googleisawhat: imaddictedtoreblogging: iliterallyliveheresoiknow: lownotepostsmakemesosad: professionalnavelgazer: tagitgood: iknowwhodidthisbutistoleit: imsooffendedwoahwhatsthat: icouldreallyuseaboost: ireallyreallyreallylovewildfire: thepeopleinthebackcanthearyou: thisisthecontentisignedupfor: This Say it louder for the people in the back Spread this like wildfire Boost! Delete this! WHO DID THIS?!? Tag yourself I relate to this on a spiritual level Why doesn’t this have more notes? This is the best thing on tumblr! I can never not reblog this! It’s back on my dash! Reblogging for that last comment It got better @somerandomfuck Did you see this? This is so me ZKCQCLKZKXXXPKCDZNQMBBZMHW! I love tumblr! I hate this fucking website There are two types of people… I don’t know who you are, but I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you. Well, that escalated quickly Everything happens so quickly I don’t care if this fits your blog aesthetic…Reblog this now! Why isn’t anyone talking about this? tumblr in a nutshell everyone! Are you Satan? Did you just…? I’m so here for this I AM SCREAMING!!! Don’t you dare scroll past this!!! If I don’t reblog this assume I’m dead Reblog this in 20 seconds or they will be dead Well, that escalated quickly I am crying!!! This is gold! I am weak!!! This is me af Did you just try to one up me bitch?!? Things are heating up on the “this is me” side of tumblr I can’t breathe!!! If I had to see this so do you lmao I feel personally attacked I can fit this entire post in my thrussy This is why aliens won’t talk to us I can’t even!!! This is why we can’t have nice things I hate y'all so much!!! Yahoo spent $1.1 billion for this Good morning to everyone except the person who made this post smol cinnamon birb I am shook!!! This post makes me moist Turn your location on Things are heating up on the moist side of tumblr What the fuck did you just fucking say? If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. I’m here for a good time not a long time Someone please explain this post to me sorry explanation machine broke This! Did you just try to one up me bitch?!? Wow…Just Wow @like2bxcludedfromthisnarrative this is so you! I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative, one that I have never asked to be part of. *sips tea* YAAASSSSSSSSSS! Oh worm? Is this fucking post gonna go on forever? For $8000 a month I will stop For $30 per person I will heal the distress this post has caused you Seriously, who do I have to fuck to get rid of this fucking post? Right in front of my salad?!? What the fuck did you just fucking say? If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. Did you just…? Things are heating up on the “Did you just…?” side of tumblr I came out to have good time and I’m honestly feeling so attacked right now Choke me Choke machine broke This post cleared my skin, watered my crops, made my grades go up, paid my bills, maxed out my bank account and cured my depression. My ass is round, I have 20/20 vision, my friends and family are all happy, the sun is shining and my personality is blessed™. Reblog this in 20 seconds to be #blessed Reblog this in 10 seconds to max out your bank account Did you just try to one up me bitch?!? Sometimes…things that are expensive…are worse Mess with the Freckle, you get the heckle Will you please stop with these stupid fucking comments?!? Don’t make me have to throw these hands! What in tarnation?!? Bitch, I'ma give you a fuckin’ collard green, cornbread, country ass whoopin’ hoe! Then what, huh? Country girls make do u know she ded Still here bitches! Turn your location on No I just want to talk I’m sorry, I can’t come to the phone right now Why not? Oh, ‘cause she’s dead! Did you just cut me off bitch?!? n did u just try 2 one up me bitch?!? Things are heating up on the bitch side of tumblr I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative, one that I have never asked to be part of. Nobody was even fucking talking to you! I’ve only seen this post in screenshots BITCH…you’re nothing Choose your fighter Mood Hey peebrain -you teleport? Beam me up, Hal Did you just?!? Wait, let me get some popcorn… This is so me! @thisaintmethough y u always lyin’? Turn on your location, I just want to talk @turnonyourlocation y u always lyin’? Bitch, I'ma give you a fuckin’ collard green, cornbread, country ass whoopin’ hoe! Then what, huh? @ iloveshamingandmakingidlethreats y u always lyin’? Will you please stop saying that?!? Seriously! Plus that meme is dead anyway!!! Same energy This post makes me wet Did you just try to one up me bitch?!? Macaroni in a pot, that’s some wet-ass pussy! What the hell does that even mean? You’re just mad cause you don’t have a wet ass, juicy ass, fat ass, honeysuckle, moose knuckle, lip gloss, sticky icky, mac n cheese pot sounding, niagara falls, super soaker, most moist, drip drip, gorilla grip pussy -- source link
Tumblr Blog : morganfreemanpointingup.tumblr.com