ihavesomeseriousissues: easilyshaken: paleaestheticmicroblog: iknowwhodidthisbutistoleit: icantbelie
ihavesomeseriousissues: easilyshaken: paleaestheticmicroblog: iknowwhodidthisbutistoleit: icantbelievethisfuckingwebsite: imsooffendedwoahwhatsthat: oldmanyellingatacloud: icanodd: et-phoneme: waitheresmy2cents: ialwaysfeellikesomebodyswatching: ineverhadanassbutiblameitonthis: iamblindandmydogisdead: hyperventilating: fleetadmiralobvious: somerandomfuck: everythingismeasfucktobehonest: spankmewithyourdankmemes: conveniencefeemayapply: ihavesomeseriousissues: waitheresmy2cents: internetchainletter: eternalqueue: iloveshamingandmakingidlethreats: ihavesomeseriousissues: ineverreallygoanywheretbh: imsooffendedwoahwhatsthat: theysayitendtooverreact: fleetadmiralobvious: ihavenofriendsandnocomputer: iamblindandmydogisdead: walkingshitpostgenerator: thepeopleinthebackcanthearyou: whatdoyoumeanihaveangerissues: verymuchbinary: icantbelievethisfuckingwebsite: werenotstaffreally: anentirelyrandomseriesofletters: somerandomfuck: ilovetoruinpostswithpersonalshit: isurehopeitgetsbetter: ifitwasntforthatlastcomment: googleisawhat: imaddictedtoreblogging: iliterallyliveheresoiknow: lownotepostsmakemesosad: professionalnavelgazer: tagitgood: iknowwhodidthisbutistoleit: imsooffendedwoahwhatsthat: icouldreallyuseaboost: ireallyreallyreallylovewildfire: thepeopleinthebackcanthearyou: thisisthecontentisignedupfor: This Say it louder for the people in the back Spread this like wildfire Boost! Delete this! WHO DID THIS?!? Tag yourself I relate to this on a spiritual level Why doesn’t this have more notes? This is the best thing on tumblr! I can never not reblog this! It’s back on my dash! Reblogging for that last comment It got better @somerandomfuck Did you see this? This is so me ZKCQCLKZKXXXPKCDZNQMBBZMHW! I love tumblr! I hate this fucking website There are two types of people… I don’t know who you are, but I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you. Well, that escalated quickly Everything happens so quickly I don’t care if this fits your blog aesthetic…Reblog this now! Why isn’t anyone talking about this? tumblr in a nutshell everyone! Are you Satan? Did you just…? I’m so here for this I AM SCREAMING!!! Don’t you dare scroll past this!!! If I don’t reblog this assume I’m dead Reblog this in 20 seconds or they will be dead Well, that escalated quickly I am crying!!! This is gold! I am weak!!! This is me af Did you just try to one up me bitch?!? Things are heating up on the “this is me” side of tumblr I can’t breathe!!! If I had to see this so do you lmao I feel personally attacked I can fit this entire post in my thrussy This is why aliens won’t talk to us I can’t even!!! This is why we can’t have nice things I hate y'all so much!!! Yahoo spent $1.1 billion for this Good morning to everyone except the person who made this post smol cinnamon birb I am shook!!! This post makes me moist Turn your location on -- source link
Tumblr Blog : morganfreemanpointingup.tumblr.com