papasankofa: lauryn-pdf: africanmelanin: adventuresofageorgiapeach: africanmelanin: africanmelanin:
papasankofa: lauryn-pdf: africanmelanin: adventuresofageorgiapeach: africanmelanin: africanmelanin: whatsupwitp: africanmelanin: vega-of-lyra: golden-browncrown: sevdolo: queenevea: canarsiekid: dmc-dmc: africanmelanin: thelyonface: misunderstoodtheorist: missboston1399: africanmelanin: Integration, is one of the worst things to ever happen to Black people, and is the worst thing we continue to let happen. -Unite as a people first. -Build ourselves up first, -Build our wealth/Finances-Get rid of our unemployment rate. -Strengthen our Black Families (stop all that side bitch/hoe nonesense) -Fall in Love with our men and women and date and marry our own Black Women and Men.-Strengthen our black neighborhoods. They’ve done it themselves. And they’ll call you Racist for even thinking of doing it. The “New Black” fails to see that’s hes what’s being destroyed as he leaves his/her history behind trying to forget the past. Not knowing that we’re all, as blacks currently living in the past. They’ve convinced them that Racism is over now that its more silent. We’re many steps behind them and unequal in their, but they preach equality to get you to move on and not get what their race already has. They’re all well built families and well gathered to the point where they’re together all the time, in businesses and family wise. But they’ve got us separated to the point, that they can make us sing and come together Only when one of our people die/get shot. And when it’s over we disperse. We’re not going to get anything accomplished this way. Integration, is one of the worst things to ever happen to Black people. A race that lives in the same place as its oppressors and lives their oppressors way, and working for their oppressors, and stay unequal without building solely for their people, are a people that will be erased, slowly. They killed Malcom X for speaking these words, because they know. There is a reason Black Wall Street was Bombed and Burned down. Only reason integration was so important to them was so they could make sure our minds were filled with lies and bullshit propaganda!!! Well thought out blasphemy. If you’re not woke… Read this They want segregation again now. That’s what the SJW’s want, they want everyone to be organized, split up, and discriminated against based on race, gender, and class. Oh god, oh god please… This isn’t liberalism. This is bigotry disguised as progressiveness. They’re pullin us back decades at the least, and want us all the be neatly packed into little boxes and have all of our qualities of character and personality assumed based on two or three outward identifiers. Jesus Christ what is wrong with these people!? All jokes aside, I was about to drag you. But outa nowhere as I decided not to, I saw this Quote on my Dashboard, and it changed me a lot in just one read. Just one read, it’s crazy. “Don’t be in a hurry to condemn someone, because he doesn’t do what you do or think as you think or as fast. There was a time when you didn’t know what you know today.” It really changed me. Anyway before I reply, as I took a quick peek at your blog, I saw that you have a Dual Psychology and English degree? But that’s funny, you mistranslated Segregation.. Well, I guess College degrees don’t fix stupidity or help out Ignorance in some people. Maybe that’s why you’re out of a job now writing Anime reviews that no one reads. (Guess the quote didn’t change me that much huh… Gotta make it a goal to improve on that, I really do.)First of all, (this goes out to all the white people who stopped coming to my ask, cause a lot white people have been coming anonymously, and when I closed it off to anonymous people they magically stopped coming) Segregation - “the enforced separation of different racial groups in a country, community, or establishment. An official policy of racial segregation" What isn’t Segregation: Chinatowns What else isn’t Segregation: When An oppressed people –who are killed on a daily basis, who try and beg for it to stop, who use all their hard earned money on a (White) people that then use that same money to fund the things that again go back around and kill them, strip them of their history, uses their history for themselves as they continue to Kill your history and any chance you’d ever get any power back because time is of the essence and they know– want to bring their people up who are being murdered physically and financially by creating a well established economy for themselves, to protect said people. Interesting things we can learn from History: White people Destroy you, and when they’re not destroying you, they either “Help” you so it helps them, or “Help” you (or your country) if it helps them and gradually destroys you. Confusing? Don’t get it? Add a history degree to your fake Dual Psychology & English degree as you read this. After Africans were brutalized by White people who let their whips feast on the backs of my people, The great “ABRAHAM LINCOLN”, Freer and Hero of the Slaves, came into action and “Let My People Go!”… Oh… !…But Wait…Abraham Lincoln’s Letter to Horace Greeley where he said…. The Only reason he’s freeing the Slaves is because he only wants to…. =[]…. Save the Union =o ! That he doesn’t care for the Slaves *Gasp*. That it was just a military Tactic to destroy the opposition by freeing the slaves =[], that his goal was never to actually free them?….. Along with a few beautiful Quotes from him?: [- I have no purpose directly or indirectly to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so. - I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and black races. There is physical difference between the two which, in my judgment, will probably forever forbid their living together upon the footing of perfect equality, and inasmuch as it becomes a necessity that there must be a difference, I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position.] Black people were freed, as a military tactic, by white men. Because I think a lot of you think “They came to their senses and became good and chose good, now we’re free :)”, You thought. Because, history repeats. They made Segregation a law. What happened then? They Fucked up, that’s what. Although Segregation was established to keep our “Dirty selves” away from the “Beautiful clean white man”, and Keep us down where we belong. My people, Created their own businesses. Put money in their own pockets. Fed themselves. Created their own businesses and they flourished. Again, white people had fucked up. How could they leave Kings and Queens together like that, what is wrong with them? Don’t they know when we come together under any condition, Brilliant shit happens? White people were’t having it. So…. White people did what they do best when they see something thriving. They’ve bombed and burned down the things we built.Why did I bring it up? Because history repeats itself. What did I say before? -White people Destroy you, and when they’re not destroying you, they either “Help” you so it helps them, or “Help” you (or your country) if it helps them and gradually destroys you. History starts repeating itself again, when they can’t keep Black people the way they are, or they might fuck around and become somebody. So, of course, as we try rebuilding ourselves, as leaders are born to teach us our history and retake control of our lives and our finances. They Ban Segregation. “For our own good”. Martin Luther King starts preaching Integration, for our own Good. Malcom X says Martin Lutherking is Naive and we can’t go Integrate because it will destroy us, that we need to build ourselves because we’re already destroyed. His ways were different than Martins. He gives speeches that tells us to focus on ourselves, build ourselves up. He’s assassinated. Martin Luther king, preaches peace and integration, he lives. After we’ve integrated, he expressed regret. What Malcom had been saying. That we’ve integrated into something dangerous. Afterward, Martin fucked around and gave peace speeches on how America shouldn’t be in the war and the Vietnamese have done nothing wrong to us and America is tricking us into war. He’s assassinated. (Which by the way, it was a conspiracy theory that The government killed Martin. “No way, no waaaayyy government wouldn’t do thaatt, :((” Until it was taken to court, and the U.S Government was found guilty of Killing Martin Luther King. You Were Not Taught This In School. You Were Not Taught This In School.Here we are today, integrated. Still owning nothing. Still having nothing of our own except the things we ask White America for. Here are just 5 ways we’ve been destroyed by Integration, as your history and culture die off slowly as you type those anime reviews while not joining the movement. What we’ve learned from history- If white people are trying to help you, Theyre a)Destroying you just to destroy you because that’s what white people do.B) Help you after having had destroyed you in the past and it’s going to benefit them.C) Destroy you after they’ve helped you because you’re flourishing, and they can’t have that. So no. We do not want Segregation. We want to rebuild a destroyed people. With establishments that already exist for EVERY OTHER RACE besides SPECIFICALLY Black people. Because black people have been brainwashed to sound racist, and reply just as you did when they try to get what other races have, if THEY try it, they’re racist. Automatically. That’s the reasons you see these posts. We’re trying to get what we deserve. Maybe you should write a letter to all the Flourishing Chinatowns in the world, and call the chinese out for Segregation as well. Because by your Logic, they’re all “Racists”. and “Bringing their people bad at least decades”.We want, what was stolen from us. And we are going to get it. *begins longest clap in clap history* Best post ever created. This will hit a million notes Won’t hit a million notes - have to actually care in order to read it in a world where humans hv an attention span shorter than a goldfish I’m down for Africatown - that’s my new motto after reading this africanmelanin NEVER knew about the Tulsa race riots… ran to read the wiki… can’t believe they kept it off the books until 1996… omg… 1996. By then, those times were completely forgotten about, and brainwashed and whitewashed out of people, and everyone was completely integrated, fighting to be in white neighborhoods to aspire and fight for what white people have as black people begged white people for what black people wanted, so it was safe to put things like this in the history books for them, so they couldn’t blame white people later for not including it, because they knew the black people they’ve integrated now wouldn’t fight for it now. If they put it any earlier, they’d have risked a stronger willed people knowing their history, and fighting to get what they once had. I put it that bluntly, as I always do, because that’s what’s happening today and nothing has changed. Not sugarcoating anything. Bullets bring us together, and when they stop raining we go back to succeeding individually under white people, thinking we’re heading somewhere while everyone else is succeeding as a team, and as a team keeping us where we are. We own nothing and will own nothing except for what white people hand to us through education and their media, unless we apply the things I mentioned at the very top of this post. But I’m always looked at as too extreme and I should “calm down cause it aint that serious” while people stay comfortable, cause the majority ain’t tryna hear it without knowing what they’re losing in that process. But imma keep saying what I be saying hoping to reach enough people to ignite the same fires we had back then. And thank you to all my followers. Also, for any white person that wants to quote MLK Jr right about now (cause Lord knows y'all do love to misquote and misrepresent him), he was much more radical towards the end of his life and questioned whether integration was really the right path. He and Malcolm X reconciled towards the end of their lives and talked about this extensively. Martin began to see what integration meant for black people and saw the bigger plan. This is why they were both killed. ^ I always try to mention this. Because even our people feel like they’re disrespecting Martin Luther King when things like this are brought up. There’s a girl who reblogged this saying “This is a slap in Martin Luther King’s face”. No. Martin Luther King started out wanting to integrate, and in the beginning he and Malcom X Saw things differently, even butting heads a lot. Martin Luther King was for peace and just going with ease and not fighting back, and integration. But in the end, he himself in his speeches showed regret for integration, and became very radical on speaking about things like this and the vietnam war we were in.There’s a reason they only teach you Martin Luther King Peace Quotes and “Peace & Love” in school and your textbooks.There’s a reason they don’t show you the fighting side of Martin Luther King. Martin Luther King Regretted Integration, and there’s a reason that side of him is not shown to you, anywhere.There’s a reason Malcom and MLK’s deaths were only a mere few years apart from each other. And there’s a reason there’s a Martin Luther King Holiday celebrating peace and love on a Federal level, and there is no Malcom X Holiday. Martin Luther King, Regretted Integration, for Anyone Who Wants To Quote Him, Here is a Quote, in his last days, you can start using, for those of you who don’t know what King became. - “I’ve come upon something that disturbs me deeply… We have fought hard and long for integration, as I believe we should have, and I know that we will win. But I’ve come to believe we’re integrating into a burning house.” Martin Believed, in the end, “Peace” was of course something to fight for, and believed that the fight for integration was right, but it was wrong. Wrong time. Wrong place, and wrong in the sense that Black people have nothing, going into a house of white people who want to take everything. The fight for Integration was a fight the government promoted, and he knew we’d win this fight because the fight for integration itself was not hard, and that it’s exactly what “Intelligent” white people who knew what we’d lose in the process and the government wanted, which he realized in the end, expressing regret. His thoughts in the end, became like that of Malcom X, who had warned of what Martin Luther King currently regretted, and Martin admitted he was wrong. Follow who Martin Luther King in the end, not what they teach you in school. Martin Luther King, Regretted Integration. Integration Was One of The Worst Things To Ever Happen To Black People. When I say this I get called “too radical” but it’s simply logical to me. You’re not “too radical”, most of the people saying that are comfortable ass people, who see what you’re saying as something that would disrupt their current comfort, and couldn’t imagine a better life. They used to be called “House Negroes”.Martin Luther King, a lot of his Final words and radical speeches and quotes are being deleted online, until awhile ago a lot of his speeches that shows his change had also been censored.Martin Luther King has been paused in 1963, with his “I have a Dream Speech”, as they’ve taught you those throughout your life, and continue to. But do you remember one of his Interviews, (Out of many where he implied this through other points implying war the war isn’t good and integration isn’t the way), where he said that that speech he made, that after rethinking his old ways, seeing results, he expressed, that that dream had now become a nightmare after seeing things in new ways? They didn’t teach you. They didn’t teach you that by ‘67 Martin Luther King, Had Uttered Out His Very Mouth, That His “Dream Had Turned Into A Nightmare”. They Didn’t Teach You That By ‘68, He was starting to become an economic monster “Now the other thing we’ll have to do is this: Always anchor our external direct action with the power of economic withdrawal. Now, we are poor people. Individually, we are poor when you compare us with white society in America. We are poor. Never stop and forget that collectively – that means all of us together – collectively we are richer than all the nations in the world, with the exception of nine. Did you ever think about that? After you leave the United States, Soviet Russia, Great Britain, West Germany, France, and I could name the others, the American Negro collectively is richer than most nations of the world. We have an annual income of more than thirty billion dollars a year, which is more than all of the exports of the United States, and more than the national budget of Canada. Did you know that? That’s power right there, if we know how to pool it…. …But not only that, we’ve got to strengthen black institutions…You have six or seven black insurance companies here in the city of Memphis. Take out your insurance there. We want to have an “insurance-in.“Now these are some practical things that we can do. We begin the process of building a greater economic base. And at the same time, we are putting pressure where it really hurts….”-MLK. They were happy, to let Martin Luther King Live on preaching Integration and “Loving the White man” “Peace” “Love” But… when he changed…. …When he started stating his regrets for past things he said a lot. When He started to preach economics in an immense way. When he started opposing white people and their wars. When he started telling you to take your money from them and bring it to yourselves. When he started preaching building communities and economies. When he started Teaching you, that your money is so powerful, with the black buying power today in the trillions annually, teach you that the world cannot spin without you. A bullet put him to sleep. Right around the time Malcom X died. I say again, Integration was one of the Worst things that ever happened to Black people. I urge we not be docile. Start building a stronghold. The other races have the protection they want. Still have their countries and continents to themselves. Black people need to be held down where they are, without the securities other races have for themselves, because their history is too powerful, and if Queens and Kings such as these were to stand up right now and realize the damage they can do, and what they can take back, they’ll not only realize what was hidden from them, and what was stolen from them, they’d be able to physically take whatever else they want. We simply need to focus on, Economics, Marrying Black, Building Black Communities, Building Black Businesses, Hiring our Family, Supporting Black Businesses, Teaching Black Economics and Businesses, Supporting All Black Successes and seeing it as your own success as well. Malcom X and MLK’s Deaths were for a reason. You were taught the wrong reasons, as they’ve integrated you in a world where most of your own people think you have everything, but where you really do not have, one, single, thing. Get ours. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT POST IVE EVER READ IN MY LIFE HOLY CRAP Once in a blue a smart post appears on NY dash. Bravo my people. Now let’s make this all common knowledge to our sleeping brethren -- source link
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