bts-trans:220605 Big Hit’s Tweet[#2022BTSFESTA]605BTS SELFIE COLLECTION 21/22(weverse.
bts-trans:220605 Big Hit’s Tweet[#2022BTSFESTA]605BTS SELFIE COLLECTION 21/22( #BTS9thAnniversary#어서와단체셀피모음집은처음이지#단체셀카에서도야채튀김소년단 #옹기종기소년단 #셀카소년단 [#2022BTSFESTA]605BTS SELFIE COLLECTION 21/22( #BTS9thAnniversary#WelcomeItsYourFirstTimeSeeingAGroupSelfieCollectionIsntIt* #VegetableFritterBoyScoutsEvenInGroupSelfies** #AllHuddledUpBoyScouts #SelfieBoyScouts(T/N: *Reference to the starting line of ‘Dope’.**BTS are often compared to vegetable fritters, literally ‘야채튀김/fried vegetables’ in Korean, because of how the members like to stick together in one giant happy clump.)Trans cr; Faith @ bts-trans© TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS -- source link
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