maggiepollitts: ~ in other words what the fuck are 2000 peo
maggiepollitts: ~ in other words what the fuck are 2000 people doing following my blog ~ ok so I’ve reached 2000 followers & therefore it’s time for another follow forever ! thanks for putting up w my shitposting etc i really appreciate it :) also if i forget anyone i APOLOGISE, i follow so many people so obviously it’s hard to put everyone on here amazing people whom i love talking and interacting with even if not all that often (and your blogs are fab) - you guys rock and ily you all, keep on sinning w me tbh astairical vivienleighed tonysperkins carygrantslover abbeysbartlet jeanharlowed hepburny top-hat-white-tie-and-tails thebarsofhisplight blogs i love & admire from afar!! it’s great seeing your posts on my dashboard! bertrampotts catherinedeneuves thebarsofhisplight henryfonda normajeaned normajeanebaker normajeanieinabottle gatabella secondhandroses fuckindiva rareaudreyhepburn alwaysmarilynmonroe audreyandmarilyn meganmonroes obamaspubes laurabacall bettybacallbeauty babybacalling avasgal paddyfitz estcebonheur elizabitchtaylor eternalmarilynmonroe dosesofgrace ramonnovarro ruthelizabeths ruthgordon perfectlymarilynmonroe beau–brummell beauvelvet davisbettes missingaudrey laurasaxby famouslovess fanaticaelizabethtaylor its-dean-martin glamourofthegods laurensbacall laurenbaecalls theroning msgretagarbo msmildred audreehepburn annachristies caravaggibro osnes noorbriliant finchersdavids hennyproud williamholdens natashathelostchild nataliewud catherinedeneuves verajaynes maudlinandmagnificent le-scandale ohrobbybaby miss-flapper jeannecrains jeansharlow joancrawfords joancranberry thelittlefreakazoidthatcould mattybing1025 katharinehxpburn olivethomas longtallsallyd therichandmighty alain-de-loin rcmyschneider rcmanholiday queennymeria gregorypecks grantcary alaindelons sangfroidwoolf juliettebrioche normadesmxnd babeimgonnaleaveu claudiascaswell marinahulce nicolebonnet the-marriage-of-heaven-and-hell royallymonroe wonderfleurlife queencharlottes desireearmfeldt vivianleighs marypickfords maryastors katharinehepburning phoebe-tonkin danakatherinescullys tallubankhead joanfontaine genecurrankelly vivien-mary-leigh hollywoodlady melinaleigh03 julia-loves-bette-davis patricianeal eccentricks lilimarlenes lanaturners peterslawford eldredpeck bettyjoanperskes bustorkeaton vintagemeltingpot gregxrypeck viviens-leighs myfairgolightly vivienleighseyebrow gtierney humphreybogartt desireearmfeldt deforest straightinthepicturepose gabytellur ritaahayworths -- source link
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