locantoner: worldwithslavery: Naked slave girls cleaning up after a party. They had spent the entire
locantoner: worldwithslavery: Naked slave girls cleaning up after a party. They had spent the entire previous day preparing their mistress’ villa for the event. Then they had served the guests all night and into the early morning. Finally around 4am the party had ended. The poor serving slaves had been going at a frantic pace for 22 hours straight by that point. There was no rest for the weary slaves tho. While mistress and her friends slept the slaves had to begin cleaning the massive mess that the partiers had made. Cranky housekeepers not happy to be working at this early hour whipped the slaves mercilessly as they worked. By noon the next day the mistress and her friend were up and about. Inspecting the work of the exhausted slave girls. These slaves are re-doing the floor under her watchful eye because the mistress wanted to make sure it was clean to her standards. By now its been 30 hours straight of work for her slaves, but that doesn’t bother the mistress. They won’t sleep until tonite after they finish their regular hours today. There’s just too much to do after a party to allow her animals any sleep. She has had slave girls of hers die from exhaustion in the past, but she didn’t care. Its easy to buy another slave girl. Its not like any of these animals toiling away at her feet are people. She buys her slaves and uses them up and replaces them as needed, that’s what she owns them for. A clean house is much more important than some slave girl Són esclaves despullades netejant després d'una festa. Tot el dia abans van estar preparant la vil·la de la seva Mestressa per a l'esdeveniment. Després van servir els convidats durant tot el vespre fins que es va acabar a les 4 de la matinada. Fins llavors, aquestes esclaves havien estat treballant a un ritme frenètic durant 22 hores seguides sense repòs. La Senyora i els seus amics se'n van anar a dormir i elles encara havien d'arreglar l'enrenou que havien deixat els convidats i netejar tota la casa. Les serventes, però, que no estaven acostumades a treballar fins en aquelles hores de la matinada, les fuetejaven sense mercè per donar-los pressa.La Senyora i el seu amic s'han llevat al migdia i inspeccionen junts la feina feta per les esclaves extenuades. La Senyora rondina i les obliga a tornar a fregar tot el terra sota la seva vigilància directa per assegurar-se que el deixin tan polit com ella vol. Les esclaves ara ja fa 30 hores seguides que treballen, però a la Senyora tant se li'n dona, no té mercè. Elles no dormiran fins a la nit, fins que no s'acabi la jornada habitual. Hi ha massa coses a fer després d'una festa com per permetre que aquestes bèsties dormin. A ella ja se li han mort esclaves per esgotament, però no li importa. És fàcil comprar-ne una altra. Amb aquests bestioles que treballen als seus peus, no és com amb les persones. Ella les compra i les utilitza i reemplaça segons li convé; per això són seves. Per a ella, una casa neta i polida és molt més important que una esclava. -- source link
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