Here’s the whole spread together, really a nice effect I hadn’t been able to format toge
Here’s the whole spread together, really a nice effect I hadn’t been able to format together before. This is some more work I did for my favorite chapter of @itsladykits Atypical series. It was just written very powerfully and I wanted to do a tribute to something really moving to me.Orignally posted in February 2020.Last year (2019) I posted the sketches for these comics in their own formatting on tumblr as literal unprocessed pictures I took on my phone. I wasn’t going to be doing much with these past this, I thought at the time. Silly me, you’re going to spend 20+ hours fully rendering these out.I couldn’t find the sketches I put together for the first panel? lol whatev tho If anyone wanted to see them they are still on my previous blog -- source link
#undertale#underfell#atypical#itsladykit#my art#highlights