rimshaartilicious: celestialspiritqueen: celestial-fire-writer: rizzy09: ff-darkshininglight: justyo
rimshaartilicious: celestialspiritqueen: celestial-fire-writer: rizzy09: ff-darkshininglight: justyouraveragefangiri: knarf2043: tomatocookie: im-jacks-nerd-bich: markiplier-imagines: lissachan504: rocknrolllover26: noislyteenagwerewolf: mcloughlin-af: dackeleinhorn: snarfplier: velocinaptors: snarkipliers-septiceye: helpiliketoomanythings: @haleykinz @itsskylerblue @ultraphilion @singingwithsherlock @phandabear1987 @snarkipliers-septiceye @jacksepticeyegifs @washedupvictory @septiishuplier-writer @man-talu @psychoticsimba @fluffyblueidiot @snarfplier 00111100 00110011 00110011 00110011 @septicbaby @ekothepoet @wayward-gerard-way @foreverplier @iwatobiplier @mcloughlin-af nuuuu i am not cute at all @erica-plier @rocknrolllover26 @htoonzo OMG! I don’t know what to say but thank you so much dearie! (Sorry for the late reply) These lovely people I think should deserve this award too, even though I love all my followers! <3 <3 <3 <3 :) @comatosekilljoy, @nenalata, @lissachan504, @bosslikeohno, @otterbug, @rocky-the-rainbow-strat, @onlylennon and @weshalleat!! :) <3 @rocknrolllover26 (mwah) @chaosreaper74 @fandomqueen18 @markiplier-imagines @kijilinn @darkwingcrobat @bristlee1 @lemonsouda @kijilinn @mitsuko-chan @katfox89 @starmuse15 @draennerys @voracious-ashley @lissachan504 thank you honey @im-jacks-nerd-bich @poshwish123 @martziplier98 Wat oml thank you and I say it right back to everyone who follows me I’m not just sucking your cock this time no you’re actually really really fucking adorable like don’t listen to that asshole in the back of your class or the part of you that doesn’t believe me. There’s someone who sees you everytime you’re out and about and is just like god damn you’re beautiful hun even if they sunny day it to you I swear I don’t care if you think you have the ugliest of faces no you’re god damn gorgeous boo just believe me this one time don’t be so insecure Specially those who I can remember off of the top of my head, although it applies to all of you lovelies @xjackaboyxmarkimoox @girly-boi-writes @ananonymousanon @aviidan @ilove-jacksepticeye @markiplier-imagines @ed-shurance @rebecca-who-95 @markimoola12 @plastertheskelly @destiplier @fandomqueen18 @zoseaplier @neximoo and many more you I have a shit memory @beammeupmoony @danny-trash @angelgirl9000 @booger206 @creativecreepie @fangirl323 @justyouraveragefangiri @spatziline @marionette-j2x @kingoffantasy516 @ocean-b0y @multifandomstar @mudkipful @redheads-and-freckles @ace-and-ready-to-race @flappy007 @better-call-peppermint @themarleymango @theleatherdragon @gravityfallsfangirl @peachpluff axI have over 20 notifications about this post and it slightly scared me. And I’m HIGHLY OFFENDED that I wasn’t the first person you tagged bcuz I’m the cutest of them all (besides you, knarf-senpai) @knarf2043 @ghostmallows @floredoodler @spatziline @littleblackchat @philsterman01 (PhiLBC is otp btw) @peachpluff @saveshootingstar @razzleberry21 @bookalchemist @ff-darkshininglight @booksgames799 @axnsi-girlwithlottafandom @joshspicer @multifandoms-desu @catnoirism @kingoffantasy516 @kihori @mudkipful And like, all of my followers and anyone I follow. You’re all adorable little sinners. Thank you for tagging me @justyouraveragefangiri. I’m tagging you right back along with other people! :) @justyouraveragefangiri @not-just-any-fangirl @stephicool @nalufever @sullivantwissarcana @kmikiss @unashamed-shipper @bookalchemist @absent-angel @obsessedwithnalu @heyitsmogan @dabrothergoose @phoenixx305 @phantompierce-okamoto @fairymarie @ibook-keeper @lightvermillion @missyplatina @rizzy09 @smile-lifegoeson @teamedwardjace2 @whydoesthisevenhappen @xforeverdreamer12x @copdog1234 @femkehofman @anime4lufe @heir-of-dragons @annkneeka @chaossilver777 @awkwardyunyoo22 @kawaii-loves-fairytail and all my other friends and followers :) Thanks for the tag! I’m tagging my adorable friends back and people who are just as cute! Online friends, people I follow and my besties! @nalufever @ff-darkshininglight @not-just-any-fangirl @all-things-boring @damselove @candyapple7717 @storybooksandfairytails @stephicool @magerain @celestial-fire-writer @sleepless-cloud Thank you for the tag, @rizzy09! I tag @itschildofthefairies @stars-on-fire7 @fairytamashii @unashamed-shipper @the-archangel-of-zeref @jerzafangirl @celestialspiritqueen Aww thanks! @ayumichi-me @likubears @lucielhyung @theweiszguy @luacridcy @loveandlucky @shandisworld @anush-arts @aikawaiichan @bludy-chu @breadgenie @cutelittleyoongi @emilydragneel12 @fuckinglovenalu @ineedacalicocat @magnolia726 @miikakamiya @neverenoughnalu @naby-chan @o-lucy-hearfilia-o @phoenix-before-the-flame @rboz @teumitay @uzumaki2810 @wrongnote @winryofresembool @edxwin-elric @yaraftwizard @zippi44 Did I miss anyone? I’m incredibly sorry! I love you guys Thanks for the tag @rimshaartilicious@lucyfifilia @lefzendi @ksanname @alicren @itsgrailsword @yattymoriarty @njblogart @xdarknex -- source link
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