whenever people bring up mlk jr in response to all this they dont seem to know or bother to remember
whenever people bring up mlk jr in response to all this they dont seem to know or bother to remember he was the most hated man in america during his lifetime. or his frustration with white moderates. or that, after mlk was assassinated over 100 cities erupted in riots for days and a few days later the civil rights act was enacted. the same people who use him today to try to shame violent forms of protest i have no doubt would’ve hated him still if they were born the same time that he wasyou cannot prosper in a game where you are the only ones expected to play by the rules, and a game that was designed to have you loseand let me make this clear nonblack people this is not your excuse to live out your violent anarchist fantasies. especially whites. if riots are to happen and often when they have already happened they weren’t even caused by the protestors, but undercover cops or nonblack people looking for an excuse to be violent or white supremacists aiming to damage and destroy the movement etc they should be instigated and led by the group oppressed. we as a nonblack people have no right to instigate violence in the name of black lives matter because the blame falls to them. in this we must follow black leadership because this is THEIR movement. this is about THEM. we have no say in how they protest other than to use our voices and privilege to aid and elevatealsoresources on ways you can help with the black lives matter movement including educational materials on black history, structural racism, effective allyship, ways to donate without any money, and more -- source link
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