Hey everyone! It’s been a long time! I’m back and I’m trying something
Hey everyone! It’s been a long time! I’m back and I’m trying something new and completely crazy. Short version: You can buy my newest sequence right now for $3.99! https://gum.co/6-Secrets-to-Looking-Younger I’ll eventually upload the entire thing for free. It’s an experiment in online distribution and self-publishing. Long version: I’ve spent a lot of time lately thinking about ways to make money from my drawings. I love drawing and there’s clearly an audience for my work (also evidenced by the fact that this account has gathered 6x the pageviews of my non-porn account in ¼ of the time). I’ve found a nice niche. And I love doing this! I wish I could draw more, I think both me and all of you guys would be happier if I created more work. However, I still need food and a house and Internet. So if I want to be able to create more art, I need to figure out a way for it to pay for all of the above. There are a couple of goals I wanted to achieve with whatever payment structure I found: -Make it reproducible. Commissions are nice, but they’re a “one-off” deal and I want to be able to make money off the work I do “for myself”. -Maintain my audience’s goodwill. Some people don’t have money to spend. Some people don’t have a credit card. Some people will never pay for porn. I understand this. Whenever someone raises a paywall people complain that “They sold out!” Creators are forced to (arbitrarily?) divide their content into “paid” and “free” which introduces a weird dichotomy (“is the free work worse?”). I want to avoid all this as much as I can. -Take piracy into account. I don’t believe I can prevent piracy. Piracy happens. Piracy is unavoidable. I, myself, pirate stuff on the internet all the time (gasp!). It’s just the way things are. -Allow people to give me money. This may sound obvious or simplistic, but I’ve come to realize that there are people out there who really appreciate what I do and would love to support me (especially if it means they’re helping me create more work). I want to give them a way to “donate” without feeling like I’m begging. So. The question is: If I don’t want to charge for exclusive access (paywall), or for my time (commissions) and if I don’t want to beg for donations, what CAN I charge for? The answer: Instant gratification. You might have noticed that I often upload my sequences slowly, one picture at a time, over a few weeks. I’m not the only artist who does this. Have you ever been browsing a sequence and thinking: “Man, I wish I could see the entire thing RIGHT NOW!!”? Well now you can. For a small price. That is what I’m offering, that is what I’m charging for: instant gratification. Everybody wins! People who want to support me and can’t wait to see my entire sequence can download it right away! People with no money, or people who weren’t going to pay will still get the sequence, eventually. I get to make money off of my work. AND I’m sort of circumventing piracy by giving the whole thing for free! That’s my thought process, anyway. That’s the plan. You can download my newest sequence 6 Secrets to Looking Young right now, right here: https://gum.co/6-Secrets-to-Looking-Younger And please, feel free to share your thoughts and ideas. Fellow artists, I’d especially love to hear from you (and I’d love to see some of your stats)! This is a crazy experiment, something I’ve never tried before and any feedback or criticism is more than welcome. I’m very excited! Thanks for reading! -- source link
#bimboification#thoughts#online distribution#self publishing#sequence#bimbo transformation